Author Topic: Megaglest-themed song  (Read 1446 times)


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Megaglest-themed song
« on: 28 January 2019, 15:54:47 »
Hey there,
I'm Typhon and I started playing Glest and Megaglest in 2013. I played for a lot of years under the nick "kratos", so some of the oldest players could remember that name, because I played very often in that period. This game was very important to me in the past years, because it reflected my passion for Medieval atmospheres and I found it very interesting and stimulating.
After some years, thanks to the same passion for that kind of atmospheres, I got in touch with metal music, particularly Black metal music. And as a musician myself, I started writing some stuff.
Now, more than an year ago I released my first demo, and one song on this album takes his name from a MegaGlest scenario, the hardest of 'em all, Siege of Despair.
The song has nothing really in common with the whole MegaGlest thing, but it's kinda about medieval battles, so this was my little tribute to an underground game that's been very important in my life and that in some way helped me growing up as the person I am today.
This is not a promotion in any way, I just wanted to share this with the ones still digging this game; anyone interested can listen the song here:
