At this time there hasn't been any discussion about changing Magic in MegaPack.
One reason is there's debate on what are "improvements".
The ZetaPack version we sometimes play is version A1. I haven't asked titi to put it in the mod center yet because there are some things I noticed need changing. But we still play it sometimes and it can be downloaded from Jammy's google drive at've set up repos for future changes, one of them is at so if you have any ideas for changes, feel free to use the GitHub issue tracker.
Docs aren't all in place yet. That repo uses 2 submodules. To pull and update them:
git submodule update --recursive --remote
while in the zetapack-testing repo directory.
If you're not a git person, I'll post updates when there's a release.
The reason submodules are used is to hopefully make testing and integrating changes from other factions easier in the future.