Author Topic: Re: Ultimate Goal of the MegaGlest project  (Read 1681 times)


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Re: Ultimate Goal of the MegaGlest project
« on: 23 April 2019, 07:21:47 »
Ahoy there!

I saw a lots of awesome features of GAE. and i also saw, that its abandoned now :/ i dont know a lot about how this works, but why GAE isnt merged into MG or something ? at least thoese simple things like "generate" and fields: any_water and a few more stuff. thoese are awesome features, and i want them in MG! :D
in my opinion theese changes, could cause mayor changes in gameplay in a better way! the old style will stay, but with a lot of extras like boats that carry people, or markets (market is still possible, but its quite odd) and a lot more that dephends on imagination! the game may become ewen more popular. i would realy like to help in this, but im a wery starter at programming.

i hope we will find a solution!

Hello again, Elvas. It was fun playing with you a few days ago. Hope to see you in the lobby again soon.

Basically the MG policy to suggest and discuss feature requests is to use the forum section at

In IRC I once asked about requiring resources to repair buildings (right now it costs nothing). I was told that the point of MG is just to be a fun little RTS game. That basically means the intent is not to have a full-featured, full-blown RTS game with every feature imaginable.

Probably it would helpful for MG users and enthusiasts if there was an official statement posted regarding the "ultimate" goal of the MG project. It's essentially irrelevant to compare MG to other RTS games, because although MG is an RTS, from what I understand, it's primary mission is not to indefinitely expand with new features that other RTS games already have, or plan to implement.

We don't really know what features will still be implemented in the future, but as you might expect after a game is worked on by a core team of devs for over 10 years that development has slowed down. It's a sad fact of non-corporate sponsored software. But it's still a fun game to play with some hardcore fans and enthusiasts as you can see.

As for feature requests, please review ones that have been posted, leave some additional comments to express your support, and still feel free to post some new suggestions if you don't already see one listed.

As I'm not on core MG dev team, don't take what I say to be hard truth about the project; my opinions and predictions are subject to correction by certain folks such as titi, tomreyn, softcoder, or filux (I think that's everyone xD).


  • Draco Rider
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Re: Ultimate Goal of the MegaGlest project
« Reply #1 on: 23 April 2019, 13:30:11 »
I think new features (new particles, water units,walls) would be welcome as long as they don't structurally change the game and are approved by the dev team. My understanding is that devs are against implementing new features which AI can't use. For example water-only units would be very cool and I think titi would like to see them as well, however before that, works has to be done to improve AI so that it can use them, and then implement them. I think nobody would object to have wall or water units if AI could use them properly. Of course I could be wrong but those were my 2 cents :)
I translated Megaglest in italian and i keep the translation updated.

