Author Topic: Unofficial packages for Debian Unstable (Sid)  (Read 6869 times)


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Unofficial packages for Debian Unstable (Sid)
« on: 10 May 2006, 20:05:26 »

I did .deb for Debian unstable. I used the files of gborzi (

I had a patch who change the font of the glest.ini. Because Debian haven't the font Utopia (licence problem). So I change for Helvetica.
Without this change Glest crash with this message : "Exception: Font not found."

For the binary add this line in /etc/apt/sources.list :

Code: [Select]
deb unstable/
For the sources add this line :

Code: [Select]
deb-src unstable/
If you want to add the Release gpg signature :
On root :
Code: [Select]
gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 8BC2FD8B321CC621
gpg --armor --export 8BC2FD8B321CC621 | apt-key add -
Or if you have sudo :
Code: [Select]
gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 8BC2FD8B321CC621
gpg --armor --export 8BC2FD8B321CC621 | sudo apt-key add -

This packages are unofficial and without guarantee.

Thanks gborzi for the debianzation and thanks the Glest team for this game.

« Last Edit: 3 December 2007, 23:36:06 by jschneider »


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« Reply #1 on: 10 May 2006, 20:37:56 »
! It's incompatiible with ubuntu dapper!
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by roidelapluie »


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« Reply #2 on: 10 May 2006, 20:41:50 »
jux@jux:~/epiphany-download$ sudo apt-get install glest glest-data
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des de-pendances... Fait
Certains paquets ne peuvent être installe-s. Ceci peut signifier
que vous avez demande- l'impossible, ou bien, si vous utilisez
la distribution unstable, que certains paquets n'ont pas encore
e-te- cre-e-s ou ne sont pas sortis d'Incoming.
L'information suivante devrait vous aider a-- re-soudre la situation :

Les paquets suivants contiennent des de-pendances non satisfaites :
  glest: De-pend: libc6 (>= 2.3.6-6) mais 2.3.6-0ubuntu17 devra être installe-
         De-pend: libgcc1 (>= 1:4.1.0) mais 1:4.0.3-1ubuntu5 devra être installe-
         De-pend: libstdc++6 (>= 4.1.0) mais 4.0.3-1ubuntu5 devra être installe-
E: Paquets de-fectueux
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by roidelapluie »


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« Reply #3 on: 10 May 2006, 21:23:12 »
Hello Roidelapluie,
I think you need to recompile the packages yourself in dapper, using the howto in masguadalinex, or use those made by Akurashy. The openal development package is still named libopenal-dev in dapper, so the control file doesn't need to be changed.
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by gborzi »


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« Reply #4 on: 19 September 2006, 18:31:17 »
Quote from: "jschneider"

I did .deb for Debian unstable. I used the files of gborzi (

I had a patch who change the font of the glest.ini. Because Debian haven't the font Utopia (licence problem). So I change for Helvetica.
Without this change Glest crash with this message : "Exception: Font not found."

I have taken the source package and improved it. gborzi knows about this.

The font issue needs to be treaded more smoothly not just assume some font is present in the system.

The todo list is Debian Games Team' SVN repo: ... rev=0&sc=0
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by eddyp »


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gpg signature of package list
« Reply #5 on: 8 March 2007, 14:08:58 »
I have some problem with your signature:
Code: [Select]
# apt-get update
W: GPG error: unstable/ Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 8BC2FD8B321CC621 JĂÅ rĂ´me Schneider <>
W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by pichi »