Author Topic: Various things concerning the Glest file format for models  (Read 1852 times)

Wolf Dreamer

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From what I've read, the standard file formats are not designed to be the most efficient when used in a game.  That is why most games, including Glest, convert them to their own format, making for faster loading.

Apparently to use any models in Glest, you must own 3DMax, using that tool to convert files into the proper format.  :'(

Would creating something to convert any of the standard file formats to the Glest format be difficult?  There are free conversion programs aplenty out there, so no matter if the fild is .x .md2 .3ds .obj or whatever, you can convert it from one major standard to another with ease.  So if you only did .x files, I could turn the rest into that format, and then convert from there to Glest format.
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by Wolf Dreamer »


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« Reply #1 on: 10 June 2006, 16:21:25 »
you can also use blender for export your models:

Or download a free trial of 3ds max ... id=5972446
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by tucho »

Wolf Dreamer

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« Reply #2 on: 10 June 2006, 21:42:23 »
The free trial only last 30 days.

Download the Autodesk® 3ds Max®8 trial Now.

To receive a free* 30-day trial download, fill out and submit the online form.

And Blender is difficult to get running, it requiring following a long series of complex instructions made to be as vague as possible.

You must install Python.  No, not the most recent version.  It doesn't work with that.  You have to find an old version.  Now, you have to build some stuff.  We won't tell you how to do that, you'll just have to figure it out yourself.  Now, to set up Blender, go through these complicated steps.  You will get one error after another, and have to join the thousands of others that post on the Blender forum asking how to get it to work, just so some long time forumers there can give you the same vague instructions or link you to an old post with a few thousand pages of information to sort through.  Yes, they are the most sadistic people on Earth, obviously, who get their thrills causing you endless frustration.

Thats my experience anyway.  Tried to get the scripts working to load .obj files properly, and got nothing but stress.
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by Wolf Dreamer »