Author Topic: New Weapons and Additions For The Tech (Science) Faction  (Read 4757 times)


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It has been a long time, and I have forgotten about Glest. I then picked it up, and began fixing the Science faction, and then I checked the site.

Another update? Gah. It takes far too long for me to download Glest again...and all the works I did in one verison gets lost. Arrgh. Oh well.

So, I decide to just post my creation and how I did them. Post here if you want to know.

I can only code in XML, I cannot actually make any models. So some of the inventions may look contrivited...So I'll post the XML code here so that you may enjoy with it.
1. Mine.

Not the mine where you find goal. The mine that you lay down and let explode.

Can be built by Workers and Techincans.

What you do is that after you built it, you press a button called "Explode". It is a spell that has 0 MP and some range. You click on where you want it to explode. Since the Mine is an immobile object, and the spell has splash damage (which will hit the Mine as well)...the Mine will die in the ensuring explosion. Useful for defensive manuveres, or prehaps blowing up an enemy's castle.

The Mine looks like an Energy Source from the Magic Faction.

I'll find some way to upload the and the Explosives is the new technolgy you need to research before you build Mines. It also helps out Catapults as well.

Once you upload the two items into your directory, edit the Worker.xml or Techincan.xml to allow them to build the Mine.

This idea came out of a previous idea to have Scientists build "converted" Initiantes. These Initiates would go into an area, and cast a spell that will kill themselves for the sake of science, destroying everything else as well. That is a good idea, and the idea of self-destruction was carried over to the Mine. The "Converted Initiates" idea was dumped in the end, in favor of the Mine, which seems more realistic. Both seem cool however.
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by Silent »


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Re: New Weapons and Additions For The Tech (Science) Faction
« Reply #1 on: 9 July 2006, 16:06:22 »
Could you send me an link where i can download it? I like the idea.
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by DvdGiessen »


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Re: New Weapons and Additions For The Tech (Science) Factio
« Reply #2 on: 9 August 2006, 00:20:37 »
emailing the attachments to the team will get the files uploaded to the contribution section.
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by RV-007 »


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« Reply #3 on: 15 January 2007, 14:12:10 »
Where can we dowload that?
Please e-mail me a link or the files!
« Last Edit: 15 April 2016, 19:33:32 by filux »


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Post subject: Re: New Weapons and Additions For The Tech (S
« Reply #4 on: 5 March 2007, 02:55:48 »
:cry: ] would be devasting for a trap setter)

*I was thinking more of a land mine where they explode on impact with its button. It be very useful as a field for storming troops.
Mines will definitely give the Tech faction an edge
Looking forward for your email attachment sent to the Glest team

contact_game'at'glest'dot'org or maybe ''

You might have to remind the team to submit it in the download section after emailing it. It's possible that the team might put a patch for the game. Don't know if it would be implemented. On the bright side, the team might be willing to help out with the modding.
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by RV-007 »


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« Reply #5 on: 5 March 2007, 16:01:22 »
yea, but I dont know anything about how can the mines be done.

firstly, these are static units (well, like the anti air tech turret. it can be copypasted), but i really do not know how can i make units explode (or maybe: if unit attack then unit die, or something like that command).

also, it can be a great advantage against the magic faction (what is, as i feel, has less strength, and less popular in modding).
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by @kukac@ »


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Re: New Weapons and Additions For The Tech (S
« Reply #6 on: 5 March 2007, 17:12:17 »
I don't know about copy pasting, but I know that any unit requires some frame of animation.

The explosion part is where I have an idea to be implemented.

When the mine goes off, it becomes quickly transparent and soon dies off as the explosion completely engulfs the mine to the point that its radius will affect any unit near by.

In the triggering department, the mine can be either visible and provokative of making enemy units attack it so it will perform its outright duty. Another idea is if an enemy unit comes too close to the mine (refering to the other numbers that didn't make that mine [obivious that requires coding]) will trigger its explosion.

Since a mine is a great defensive asset, I think it should be at the cost of 150 to 200 gold along with the # wood and 100 stone (stone is hardly used in the Tech faction so I thought the mine would be an better excuse to mine stone than a new mining post). In this case, the stone could be precieved as having some sort of flammable and metal-like materials.

I hate to criticize this idea; however, it is for its progress.

I don't really see an XML code for the mine, just an concept idea.

I was thinking a XML code like this:

Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>


<!-- *** parameters *** -->

<size value="1"/>
<height value="3"/>
<max-hp value="700" regeneration="0"/>
<max-ep value="0"/>
<armor value="20"/>
<armor-type value="leather"/>
<sight value="15"/>
<time value="60"/>
<multi-selection value="true"/>
<cellmap value="false"/>
<level name="elite" kills="5"/>
<field value="land"/>
<field value="air"/>
<light enabled="false"/>
<unit name="barracks"/>
<resource name="wood" amount="50"/>
<resource name="gold" amount="100"/>
<resource name="food" amount="1"/>
<image path="images/archer.bmp"/>
<image-cancel path="images/tech_cancel.bmp"/>
<meeting-point value="false"/>
<selection-sounds enabled="true">
<sound path="sounds/archer_select1.wav"/>
<sound path="sounds/archer_select2.wav"/>
<sound path="sounds/archer_select3.wav"/>
<sound path="sounds/archer_select4.wav"/>
<sound path="sounds/archer_select5.wav"/>
<sound path="sounds/archer_select6.wav"/>
<sound path="sounds/archer_select7.wav"/>
<sound path="sounds/archer_select8.wav"/>
<sound path="sounds/archer_select9.wav"/>
<sound path="sounds/archer_select10.wav"/>
<sound path="sounds/archer_select11.wav"/>

<command-sounds enabled="true">
<sound path="sounds/archer_ack1.wav"/>
<sound path="sounds/archer_ack2.wav"/>
<sound path="sounds/archer_ack3.wav"/>
<sound path="sounds/archer_ack4.wav"/>
<sound path="sounds/archer_ack5.wav"/>
<sound path="sounds/archer_ack6.wav"/>
<sound path="sounds/archer_ack7.wav"/>
<sound path="sounds/archer_ack8.wav"/>
<sound path="sounds/archer_ack9.wav"/>
<sound path="sounds/archer_ack10.wav"/>
<sound path="sounds/archer_ack11.wav"/>
<sound path="sounds/archer_ack12.wav"/>
<sound path="sounds/archer_ack13.wav"/>
<sound path="sounds/archer_ack14.wav"/>
<sound path="sounds/archer_ack15.wav"/>

<!-- *** skills *** -->


<type value="stop"/>
<name value="stop_skill"/>
<ep-cost value="0"/>
<speed value="1000"/>
<anim-speed value="45"/>
<animation path="models/archer_standing.g3d"/>
<sound enabled="false"/>

<type value="move"/>
<name value="move_skill"/>
<ep-cost value="0"/>
<speed value="220"/>
<anim-speed value="125"/>
<animation path="models/archer_walking.g3d"/>
<sound enabled="false"/>

<type value="attack"/>
<name value="attack_skill"/>
<ep-cost value="0"/>
<speed value="50"/>
<anim-speed value="50"/>
<animation path="models/archer_attacking.g3d"/>
<sound enabled="true" start-time="0.5">
<sound-file path="/sounds/archer_attack1.wav"/>
<sound-file path="/sounds/archer_attack2.wav"/>
<sound-file path="/sounds/archer_attack3.wav"/>
<sound-file path="/sounds/archer_attack4.wav"/>
<attack-strenght value="100"/>
<attack-var value="50"/>
<attack-range value="10"/>
<attack-type value="arrow"/>
<attack-start-time value="0.5"/>
<field value="land"/>
<field value="air"/>
<projectile value="true">
<particle value="true" path="particle_proj.xml"/>
<sound enabled="true">
<sound-file path="/sounds/arrow_hit1.wav"/>
<sound-file path="/sounds/arrow_hit2.wav"/>
<sound-file path="/sounds/arrow_hit3.wav"/>
<sound-file path="/sounds/arrow_hit4.wav"/>
<sound-file path="/sounds/arrow_hit5.wav"/>
<splash value="false"/>

<type value="[size=29px]die[/size]"/>
<name value="die_skill"/>
<ep-cost value="0"/>
<speed value="60"/>
<anim-speed value="60"/>
<animation path="models/archer_dying.g3d"/>
<sound enabled="true" start-time="0">
<sound-file path="sounds/archer_die1.wav"/>
<sound-file path="sounds/archer_die2.wav"/>
<sound-file path="sounds/archer_die3.wav"/>
<sound-file path="sounds/archer_die4.wav"/>
<fade value="false"/>


<!-- *** commands *** -->


<type value= "stop"/>
<name value="stop"/>
<image path="images/tech_stop.bmp"/>
<stop-skill value="stop_skill"/>

<type value="move"/>
<name value="move"/>
<image path="images/tech_move.bmp"/>
<move-skill value="move_skill"/>

<type value="attack"/>
<name value="attack"/>
<image path="images/archer_attack.bmp"/>
<move-skill value="move_skill"/>
<attack-skill value="attack_skill"/>

<type value="attack_stopped"/>
<name value="hold_position"/>
<image path="images/tech_hold.bmp"/>
<upgrade name="training_field"/>
<stop-skill value="stop_skill"/>
<attack-skill value="attack_skill"/>


or this (for the battle machine's ranged splash explosion):

Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
    <texture value="true" path="../catapult/images/catapult_particle_splash.bmp" luminance="true"/>
    <model value="false"/>
<primitive value="quad"/>
<offset x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
<color red="1.0" green="0.5" blue="0.0" alpha="0.5" />
<color-no-energy red="0.0" green="0.0" blue="0.0" alpha="0.0" />
    <size value="0.9" />
    <size-no-energy value="0.5" />
    <speed value="5.0" />
<gravity value="-0.2"/>
    <emission-rate value="35" />
    <energy-max value="20" />
    <energy-var value="2" />

<emission-rate-fade value="3"/>
<vertical-spread a="1" b="1"/>
<horizontal-spread a="1" b="0.5"/>

I didn't include the range projection because I figure that the mine wouldn't need that and the mine won't have any kill improvement so the cost would have to be a slight bigger because of its valued potential.

If it's low in damage, then yes, the cost be lower.
« Last Edit: 24 April 2016, 06:18:43 by filux »

