Author Topic: Where is the XML Documentation?  (Read 3106 times)


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Where is the XML Documentation?
« on: 8 July 2006, 15:39:26 »
Hi to all. :roll:

Thank you in advance ;)
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by deavidsedice »


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Re: Where is the XML Documentation?
« Reply #1 on: 8 July 2006, 21:37:13 »
- Attacking Units that can't be seen by enemy, except they attack or are near to the enemy.
Not possible without coding.

- Multiple Particle in attacks. For example, if i create an upgrade for archers that gives to they fire-arrows, i wanna an attack that haver one particle (arrow) and other that would be the fire.
I've no idea :P

- Dinamic skills. That skills are faster if the unit have EP. If they don't,  will be slower.
Not possible without coding.

- Skills that produce resources.

I think it's not possible (without coding).

Code: [Select]
- Attacking units with configurable levels of agresivity or performance.
Copy the unit for every 'level' and let them change between them (like upgrades).
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by RainCT »


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Re: Where is the XML Documentation?
« Reply #2 on: 8 July 2006, 22:17:16 »
Quote from: "RainCT"
Code: [Select]
- Attacking units with configurable levels of agresivity or performance.Copy the unit for every 'level' and let them change between them (like upgrades).

This is a good idea :D

But, it seems that you've no XML documentation ;)

I were testing more things, and I've find more that I can't know how to.
It is possible that they will be imposible to make without coding, but I belive that this is interesting for Glest Developers.

- Poison: Attacks that reduce hp of the objetcive for T seconds.

- Magic Enchant: Sorcery that modifies skills on objetive. For example, making them faster or slower for T seconds.

- Accurracy: Projectiles have tolerancy error. Major distances are major errors. Some units should have more accurracy than others.

- Strategic Attack: Units that attack only if enemy is too close, units that only attack to defend him/herself, units that if damaged run as cows.

One change that I made and it is interesting:

 - Limited Ammo.

I've modified Archers to give them EP, for a max of 30 EP. But they don't have regeneration for EP, they recharge 1 EP each 2 seconds while are stopped.
When they shoot an arroy, they lost 1 EP.
This means that archers can't shoot permanently, they must stop some time and recharge "arrows".

 - Pseudo-accurracy.

Before add one attack longer to Archers, I've modified them to add posibility of error.
In this case, is done by setting more "var" than "strenght" to attack.

Attack: -100 Var: 100  = 0% acc -100-0
Attack: -50 Var: 100 = 50% acc -50-50
Attack: 0 Var: 100 = 100% acc 0-100

« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by deavidsedice »


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« Reply #3 on: 9 July 2006, 02:08:34 »
But, i didn't find anywhere a reference manual.

There is no such thing, we don't have the time to write it (sorry about that). Most of the options in the XML are self explained and you can ask any stuff in the board.

- Multiple Particle in attacks. For example, if i create an upgrade for archers that gives to they fire-arrows, i wanna an attack that haver one particle (arrow) and other that would be the fire.

You can do this by creating two attack commands, the one with the fire arrow can have the upgrade as a requirement.

Dinamic skills. That skills are faster if the unit have EP. If they don't, will be slower.

This possible in a way, if you make the skill have EP cost, when the unit runs out of EP it will wait until the EP regenerates to perform the skill again, so it will do it slower. The battlemage attack works like that.

Skills that produce resources.

I'm not really sure of this, but I think that morphing skills can have negative costs, so you could make a unit morph to itself with a negative cost.

Accurracy: Projectiles have tolerancy error. Major distances are major errors. Some units should have more accurracy than others.

This happens already in a weird way: when an unit is shooting another unit that is moving, depending on the speed of the projectile and the speed of the moving unit the attacker will miss sometimes.

The other stuff can not be done without modifying the code, as RainCT said.


« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by martiño »


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« Reply #4 on: 9 July 2006, 09:26:31 »
There is no such thing, we don't have the time to write it (sorry about that). Most of the options in the XML are self explained and you can ask any stuff in the board.

Okay. Thank you.
- Multiple Particle in attacks. For example, if i create an upgrade for archers that gives to they fire-arrows, i wanna an attack that haver one particle (arrow) and other that would be the fire.

You can do this by creating two attack commands, the one with the fire arrow can have the upgrade as a requirement.
But... it seems that this will create two atack types, with one particle for each one.
I don't know if it is posible to assign more than one skill to one command, or assign two particles to the same attack.

Don't worry. If there's no way, we can try to simulate all with one particle.

Dinamic skills. That skills are faster if the unit have EP. If they don't, will be slower.

This possible in a way, if you make the skill have EP cost, when the unit runs out of EP it will wait until the EP regenerates to perform the skill again, so it will do it slower. The battlemage attack works like that.

Yes, this idea started with this. But i've find two exceptions:

 - Attack Stopped: If the unit wants to attack, but haven't EP, they cancel the command. Do not wait.
 - Harvest: When no EP, they don't wait. They stop.

Skills that produce resources.

I'm not really sure of this, but I think that morphing skills can have negative costs, so you could make a unit morph to itself with a negative cost.

Accurracy: Projectiles have tolerancy error. Major distances are major errors. Some units should have more accurracy than others.

This happens already in a weird way: when an unit is shooting another unit that is moving, depending on the speed of the projectile and the speed of the moving unit the attacker will miss sometimes.

The other stuff can not be done without modifying the code, as RainCT said.

I know this ;)
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by deavidsedice »


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« Reply #5 on: 9 July 2006, 22:50:58 »
But... it seems that this will create two atack types, with one particle for each one.
I don't know if it is posible to assign more than one skill to one command, or assign two particles to the same attack.

Don't worry. If there's no way, we can try to simulate all with one particle.

No there is no way of using two skills per command. Another thing is that the AI will always use the first attack that does the job (that can attack the target unit) so if you want the AI to use your fire arrow remember to put it before the normal arrow.

Yes, this idea started with this. But i've find two exceptions:

- Attack Stopped: If the unit wants to attack, but haven't EP, they cancel the command. Do not wait.
- Harvest: When no EP, they don't wait. They stop.

Yes this is right, I only implemented this feature for the attack command.

This means no way to write a "magic projectile" attack. A "magic projectile" should impact always to one objective, changing its direction if necessary.

You are right again, I admit that this is a bit my fault, I should have implemented more behaviours for projectiles, the current ones are quite basic.
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by martiño »


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« Reply #6 on: 10 July 2006, 00:17:53 »
Quote from: "martinho"
No there is no way of using two skills per command. Another thing is that the AI will always use the first attack that does the job (that can attack the target unit) so if you want the AI to use your fire arrow remember to put it before the normal arrow.

Ahh.... yes. That's why the AI are ofuscated attacking using the same attack :)

A suggestion for coding: Imagine a unit that have Sword and Bow (arrows) attacks. A good idea for coding is that the AI use sword for face-to-face and Bow for distant attacks.

Quote from: "martinho"
Yes this is right, I only implemented this feature for the attack command.

Oka, you probably know (it's logic :mrgreen:)
As you see, today i've tested the game a lot :roll:)

- Unexpected Crash: Application crashed, giving non useful information:
Version: v2.0-rc5
Time: Mon Jul 10 01:45:02 2006
Description: Access violation (Reading address 0xbdf9f76c)
Address: 0043731A

:lol:. Units that move very faster. Seconds before to the crash, i was trying to move a undead-pig, but it don't want to move. Nothing was blocking its path...
I've no idea.

If i reproduce the crash more times, I'l try to report this bug better. :)
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by deavidsedice »