Author Topic: Unexpected Crash  (Read 2875 times)


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Unexpected Crash
« on: 10 July 2006, 07:14:53 »
- Unexpected Crash: Application crashed, giving non useful information:
Version: v2.0-rc5
Time: Mon Jul 10 01:45:02 2006
Description: Access violation (Reading address 0xbdf9f76c)
Address: 0043731A


I think this is a combination of my XML stuff, the RC5, and the implicit situation. I cannot reproduce the crash at this time.

Before crash, i was testing my new undead-pigs Laughing. Units that move very faster. Seconds before to the crash, i was trying to move a undead-pig, but it don't want to move. Nothing was blocking its path...
I've no idea.

If i reproduce the crash more times, I'l try to report this bug better. ;

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« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by deavidsedice »


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« Reply #1 on: 11 July 2006, 13:10:27 »
Yesterday the game crashed, as before.

I will try to explain it in spanish:

El programa cae al parecer siempre que llega al mismo punto: Una unidad que no puede moverse, pero deberi-a poder hacerlo.
En este caso, una unidad normal (worker) acabo ponie-ndose en el MISMO lugar que otra unidad (pig) que es mucho ma-s ra-pida. Al ponerse encima, la unidad pig no puede moverse, lo que parece causar algu-n problema con la memoria al cabo de unos segundos.

Es probable que esto so-lo me pase a mi-, dado que soy el u-nico que tendra- una unidad pequen-a muy ra-pida (pig) y otra ma-s grande y lenta.
Debe haber algu-n bug en el sistema que getiona los movimientos de las unidades, que sea provocado u-nicamente por e-stas.

PD: Como es probable que sea tema de velocidad/taman-o, voy a intentar exagerarlo ma-s, para ver si ocurre ma-s a menudo.

Above text, in english by Altavista Babel fish translation:

The program falls apparently whenever it arrives at the same point: A unit that cannot move, but would have to be able to do it. In this case, a normal unit (to worker) I end up putting itself in the SAME place that another unit (pig) that is much more fast. When putting itself it raises, the unit pig cannot move, which seems to cause some problem with the memory after seconds. It is probable that this to only happens me to me, since I am only who will have a very fast small unit (pig) and greater and slow other. Bug in the system must have some that manages the movements of the units, that are caused solely by these.

PS: As it is probable that it is subject of speed/size, I am going to try to exaggerate it more, to see if it more often happens.
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by deavidsedice »