Author Topic: Multi-click unit upgrade  (Read 1747 times)


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Multi-click unit upgrade
« on: 3 August 2006, 01:40:10 »
Using a swordsman/warrior unit as an example, how do I create an upgrade that can be used multiple times for such actions as 'increase speed' which would drain the unit of the EP necessary for the upgrade and increase the speed by a factor of 1?  It appears that overall, the EP system is very lacking and could explode with possibilities that could result in a non-resource havesting game-play.  I was experimenting with a mod when I came across the muli-click unit upgrade issue that was going to be used in a morph-upgrade-only environment where units were pretty much free (minus the EP to generate them) and could only upgrade thier abilities using EP and morph to other units using EP.

Thanks in advance.
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by SynReaper »