Author Topic: Powered Up Magic Faction  (Read 8556 times)


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Powered Up Magic Faction
« on: 11 August 2006, 13:03:31 »
Hi guys!
It seems that most of you are working on the tech faction so I spend some time (I hope) improving the magic faction. I can't do any modelling and my experience with graphic programms are limited, so I basically used existing files to create the following:

"drake rider" can promote to "king drake" which has better stats, but moves slower

"magic armor" can promote to "undead" which is kind of a zombie unit with negative regeneration of HP, very expensive but hell of a fighter

"golem" can promote to "stone defender" or "stone soldier"
which have increased defense and offense stats, respectively.

new unit "magician" is a initiate that can't build or attack, but heal other units.

"magic barrier" is a battlemage statue that can block a path or, I guess, draw enemy attacks on itself as a dummy unit. Cant attack or move though.    

"daemon giant" kicks ass now with a giant magic swing that hurts itself and everything, little more expensive now

Ok, and I stole fireborns "ghost" unit.

For the "magic barrier" and those "stone" units you need to research "ancient sanctuary" on your starting "mage tower"

Alright thats it.
I guess I will send it to RainCT to be uploaded on that page.

I hope some of you guys take a look at it and have some suggestions.
I might have to balance it out a little.

« Last Edit: 11 August 2006, 17:41:18 by HomerJ »


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« Reply #1 on: 11 August 2006, 17:40:44 »
Ok, it looks like I can't upload my zips to my email account.
Does anybody know a place where I can upload my stuff for free?

RainCT can I reach you via ICQ?
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by HomerJ »


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« Reply #2 on: 11 August 2006, 18:44:42 »

No, I've ICQ (206309016) but current I can't connect (i've changed to Linux and because internet problems I can't connect with GAIM :P).
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by RainCT »


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« Reply #3 on: 11 August 2006, 20:54:30 »
Ok, I'll try to catch you online on msn messenger... :D
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by HomerJ »


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« Reply #4 on: 12 August 2006, 21:51:22 »
OK, convert it to easyExtension (you can use this tool) and I upload it ;)
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by RainCT »


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« Reply #5 on: 12 August 2006, 23:51:39 »
Done and... done!
Here's the link: ... 1002999E17

By the way, I left the daemon giant update out of the extension...maybe next time... ^___^

« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by HomerJ »


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« Reply #6 on: 13 August 2006, 09:33:10 »
DOWNLOAD HERE (Magic Promotions)

I couldn't test it because Glest doesn't work - sound problem (strange, three days ago it was working :S)
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by RainCT »


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« Reply #7 on: 13 August 2006, 18:12:27 »
Quote from: "RainCT"
I couldn't test it because Glest doesn't work - sound problem (strange, three days ago it was working :S)

Its not my fault!  ;)

Perhaps if somebody tests it, that person can reply here if it works or not...

« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by HomerJ »


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« Reply #8 on: 14 August 2006, 11:31:22 »
Code: [Select]
Couldn't process event: Error loading Faction Types: techs/magitech
Error loading units: techs/magitech/factions/magic
Error loading UnitType: techs/magitech/factions/magic/units/mage_tower/mage_tower.xml
No skill named "upgrade_skill"
Fatal signal: Segmentation Fault (SDL Parachute Deployed)
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by RainCT »


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« Reply #9 on: 14 August 2006, 17:51:38 »
Thats why I wanted it to be tested!

I fixed that problem and wait for the next one! ... F46F47B461

« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by HomerJ »


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« Reply #10 on: 14 August 2006, 20:45:11 »
Do you have a Unit called "Ghost" ? It is the only probelm I found..


<unit name="ghost"/>

.. in the magician.xml
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by klinki »


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« Reply #11 on: 14 August 2006, 20:52:14 »
Oh yeah, does that give an error message?
Thats fireborns ghost unit, an altered daemon with regeneration, better sight, more costly.
...  :(  I just tested it, it doesn't work without the ghost unit....
I'll fix that tomorrow...either including the ghost unit or deleting it out of that magician xml.

Thanks klinki.

Greetz HomerJ
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by HomerJ »


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« Reply #12 on: 14 August 2006, 21:05:24 »
I've fixed it for you (commented that line and added instructions in the .html for those who use the ghost) ;).

« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by RainCT »


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« Reply #13 on: 14 August 2006, 21:11:50 »
Whooohooo you're a genius!

Thanks RainCT I appreciate it.
By the way, how do you (and klinki) like my artwork... I mean my coloring... zoom in on that undead, take a look at his sword you`ll see the blood stains from battles before he was reanimated...  ;)

« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by HomerJ »


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« Reply #14 on: 19 August 2006, 20:44:15 »
A little addition to the magic faction again.
I powered up my favourite unit, the dragon. It's got a promotion now, the dark dragon with increased sight, hp, attack, speed and armor.
I used the texture fireborn created for his magic mod for the death dragon, I hope this doesn't get me arrested or something.  ;)

Fireborn, if you read this it looks just great and I couldn't have done it better.

Oh yeah, there's also the new upgrade for the archmage tower that is necessary for the promotion and also boost's the usual dragons stats.

Ok, so here's the link. ... D451118A6F

Enjoy and let me know what you think of it.

« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by HomerJ »


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« Reply #15 on: 20 August 2006, 07:36:08 »

Are the dark_dragon .gd3 and .tga the same as the from the dragon or have they been modified?
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by RainCT »


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« Reply #16 on: 20 August 2006, 09:44:29 »
The tga file has been modified, the g3d stayed the same. But in my experience if you link to the g3d file of a different unit, glest ignores that tga file and uses the one from the other unit too.
Did anybody understand that?

« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by HomerJ »


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« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by RainCT »


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« Reply #18 on: 30 August 2006, 18:27:30 »
Just a couple of problems I found.

The King Drake's attack images pointed to images in the Drake's folder, when there weren't any.

The Fire Breath attack should point to the Arch Mage's attack (like the drake one does), and the other one should point to the summoner's attack (sorry if this isn't too clear but I don't have the files open as I fixed them last night).

Other than that, it seems fine (and nice, to have so many more characters :D)
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by whiteheadj »


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« Reply #19 on: 31 August 2006, 14:45:35 »
Are you 100% sure about that? Because I don`t remember changing the drake rider unit, other than add the promotion to the king... Maybe a problem of different versions of glest? I used the latest version... maybe you upgraded from a ealier release?

But thanks anyway, every kind of comment is appreciated!

« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by HomerJ »

