Found a problem!
It was the UV-mapping. Remove your material from the ghost and the export is OK and glexemel will work!
The way you assigned the textures to the ghost seems not to be glest-compatible
By this the ghost(only the ghost!!) gets glest-compatible, but it's still lying on the ground. Select the ghost in objectmode and export it. this will produce a lying ghost.
more problems:
- the plane with the shot has an unvalid tga-file attached. In glest only black/white or rgb-tgas are allowed
Some other hints:
In object mode select the objects then press ctrl+a to apply changes.
A little bit special is the positioning of the object:
When this is wrong ( the object is in the ground or is not visible or something else ) here is the way how I fix it:
In object-mode select the object and do object->transform->ObjectDataToCenter.
Then move the object-center-point (dont't know the correct blender name)
to the center of the grid. (x=0 y=0 z=0)
Then change to editmode and move all of this objcet in the correct place ( relative to the center ).
Then change to object mode and apply changes (ctrl-a).
thats it, the obbject should be in the right position in the game.
Maybe there is an easier way, but .....
For your ghost it doesn't fix the situation.I still don't know why.