Hello, [skip what you dont like]
[some dreams]
don't call me stupid, but i want to try compiling glest. well, my aim is to change some code of glest (something i could be able for: multi-attackanis, some advanced hero-support, not just levels). also i will try to understand the working of ai, in order to optimize the techtrees in our mods and of course, as a shadow on the horizont(?) ...
multiplayer[my skills at the moment]
ok, i must mention that i am not close to c++, i have good understanding for pascal (but delphi, so memoryhandling and stuff like this has not been my work...), i also have made a chat-program (lan) and a basic openGL program (you could run and rotate by the mouse, the only "physik" was: the camera and modell was placed on the ground, the 3d-landscape was kind of 2d (no "tunnels" in it). so i already was contacted with some network-code (simple socket-communication) and api (of course i used a template for the windows-stuff)
i read many c++-tutorials in the last days and i have now a basic understanding of c++ (syntax, some pointer-operations etc.), but of course i am not able to understand the glest-sourcecode since i did't get behind the many files. this is also a problem whitch remains, when i want to compile it:
[compiling problems]
i tried to use the intructions for glest1.0 (see
https://docs.megaglest.org) for glest2.0 sourcecode, but it was also for another programm (visual VC, not Dev++4). so i could only guess what the corresponding properties are in my program.
I started with the "sharedlibrary". what should i use as projekt-template? i have to use one, or is there a "main-file" in the glest-code that i only have to compile(with all its included"childrenfiles")?
well, as there was talked about "static library" i chose a *.DLL, but this is "dynamic link library". can it be the same?
since dev++ doesnot copy files into the project-path but just opens and uses the given files, i simply copied the "sharedlibrarysource" into two subdirectionaries called "header files" and "source files". than i decided some special folders to be used: (is it right to choose, or must all be used?)
in graphics:
- subfolder "GL" , not "GL2" or "D9D"
in platform:
- subfolder "win32", not "SDL" (3. one?)
in sounds:
- "openal" , not "ds8"
well, could it work with this? can you give some explanations?
i have also problems with linking: the compiler says that for example in "texture_manager.cpp" the file "texture_manager.h" is not found, and it wants a "texture_manager.o" file whitch should be a binary compiled version of "texture_manager.cpp". but all these files (exept *.o) is included in the project and even listet in it. must i set more include-path, or what is this? and, why does it search *.o, shouldnot it create the binaries itself out of the *.cpp ?
hmm, and last, i am not sure which librarys (SDL, xerxes, ogg) to use.
i used most of the ones mentioned in the wiki, but i could not get the mentioned version of SDL and xerxes. the last one should be working i think, but what about SDL? when there are false names ("stinct.h" as "SDL_stinct.h") should i better rename in glest-source than in the SDL-package?
and, last but not least; i couldnot find the lib-path for the project. i found an include-path and set many of them (like in the tutorial) but the only lib-path-settings appear under "compiler configuration". can this be compatible?
well, i cannot expect someone to have an answer for this all, and i still won't be able to make good modifications to the code even if i could compile it
, but hope dies last...