I don´t think the community is fragmented. Actually it has spread out of this forum, which is very nice. We don´t aim to control any "branch", less favour one over the rest.
You're right in this point, right now there is just this forum. I don't know if there are any other places where discussions are held... But I guess in the long run glevolution needs its own place, where they can announce news and such. So there will be two places for everyone to check
To be honest... i like the name glest over glevolution 0:-)
I still didn't get it why you don't let other continue
glest - meaning giving them, forum, the name glest, url and the neat! website
[and what if they are still developing the game, but you cant see that? anyway, they are paying for the site, it would be not to best, to give it to anyone, and still pay for it - @kukac@]