Author Topic: Newbie with ideas  (Read 3045 times)


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Newbie with ideas
« on: 18 August 2007, 02:41:08 »
Hello all.

I'm a former MUD (that's "text based MMORPG" for all you youngin's) developer. In truth, I was sucked in by the source code. It's well maintained, relatively clean, easy to read, and documented well enough to get into.

The only things I really would like to help add are:

1. Walls.- I have read the discussion on this one, and am confident it could be done well with minimal effort.

These two would add features required for other gaming styles:

2. Unit's eye view camera.- This would place the camera at the head height (First or third person views) as the selected unit.
2.a. Direct control over said unit.
(Okay, so I was a HUGE fan of the 'Posession' spell in Dungeon Keeper 2)

3. Inventory system for units.- This would be the most difficult to implement, as a large portion of code would have to be changed and added. It would allow for WC3 style heroes, and add another layer of game play.
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by StormRunner »


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« Reply #1 on: 18 August 2007, 07:51:23 »
maybe the third is already done. just check the skills in the units XML.
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by @kukac@ »


  • Draco Rider
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« Reply #2 on: 18 August 2007, 08:25:04 »
I would love to see this improvements, sounds rather cool.
But till now i could'not recompile the glest source with free compilers.
If you can do this, please tell me how you did it.
I must also submit that i have only programmed in delphi so far(pascal) and wantet to learn c++ just for this purpose.
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by weedkiller »


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« Reply #3 on: 18 August 2007, 10:01:17 »
about 3)
After re-looking over the code, I do believe @kukac@ is right.
Most of what's needed is already implemented in the upgrade, skills, and resources code. All that's left is to create an item class, add an inventory list to units, and add get/drop commands.
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by StormRunner »