Author Topic: Demonionic mod thread  (Read 4465 times)


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Demonionic mod thread
« on: 23 August 2007, 04:55:41 »
That is the concept name.  The basic outline of the new game is as follows, but is completely open for input.  That is the idea with open source anyways.

The game works like this.  It is RTS just like Glest but offers a full campaign with little twist and turns to catch you off balance. Here is a basic outline.

First level you start as French or British (these are the currently functional armies) .  You begin with just peaons that you can turn into militia and work your way up to  regular infantry fighting against the French or British depending on you preference.

This is where things get sticky.  Just as soon as you are winning against you enemy a new enemy appears.  These guys are different.. actually here is a sketch..

Code: [Select]
The new army are actually from a captian Nemo like madman that is trying to take over the world.  They have new technologies and you will have to develop new technologies to defeat him..  These guys will have some cool new weapons and there will be a combination of black powder weapons and steam and wood.  Early 1800's style.[/color]

Right now the only problems I have with the existing glest code is that I need a way to have a skill that cans say if this character or object is nearby, the do this command.  That way a character can switch weapons if something is near and fight hand to hand, and also so that I can detach the horse from the cannon for firing and then reattach the horse to move it more like a real cannon.. etc.

Of course Parralax mapping would be nice  :D
« Last Edit: 8 October 2016, 00:03:56 by filux »


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« Reply #1 on: 23 August 2007, 07:56:16 »
I did some really fast sketches of some other things, a repeating rifle and a powered cannon ... heh..
Code: [Select]
« Last Edit: 8 October 2016, 00:04:16 by filux »


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« Reply #2 on: 23 August 2007, 20:20:41 »
Wow, your models are really good!
Are there only models now, or did you create a whole new faction?
Are there any(where) downloads available yet?
If you don't have any webspace, ask rainct from glevolution( ) or I can help you, ( )

By the way:
As we can see, the blender exportscript seems to work now ;).
Are there still very annoying problems with the exportscript?
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by titi »
Try Megaglest! Improved Engine / New factions / New tilesets / New maps / New scenarios


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Re: Demonionic mod thread
« Reply #3 on: 23 August 2007, 21:06:13 »
Quote from: "deathguppie"
a captian Nemo like madman

as in from 2000 leages under the sea?
old classic, yet you had to pitty the captain, and the awe at his climactic end.........
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by firedeathbot »
Back to glest after a few years inactivity.


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« Reply #4 on: 24 August 2007, 01:12:42 »

The blender export script is working flawlessly.  Thanks for the offer to help host, I think my brother has some space I am just embarrassed about how sloppy my XML is and want a chance to clean it up, but the faction is there.  Albeit incomplete but there, and working.  I may ask my brother if he has time to go through it because I have a lot of modeling to do to get this finished.


Ya, kinda like "2000 leagues under the sea" but more evil intent.  

I was thinking about how in quantum theory all events occur simultaneously until the event has been measured.  So what if all thing that could have happened did.. well this would be one of those alternative universes.  I want to get some more models done and the do a quick trailer..  ya, that would be cool.. :)
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by deathguppie »


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« Reply #5 on: 24 August 2007, 02:26:54 »
It's kinda cool how lots of ppl are on the modding band wagon. Soon there are gonna be too many mods to keep track of. Real good, since the MP component will arrive soon enough.

Concept is coming along nicely, I like. But ehem, the whole 2 fighting factions then a 3rd comes along idea, has been way overdone. Games ike C&C3 and Hegemonia, but I can't wait to see the look of your game. Good Luck, I hope you finish it.
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by rabid_psyduck »

