I have the same sound problem on gutsy.
The temporary solution is use the w32 binary on wine.
Isn't better but work well.
- download glest_2.0.1.exe
- wine glest_2.0.1.exe
- download msvcirt.dll form
http://www.dll-files.com/dllindex/dll-f ... ml?msvcirt and save it in ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Glest_2.0.1/
- cd ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Glest_2.0.1/
- wine glest.exe
I have tried it on my laptop and I found only one problem.
The resolution after exit glest is 1024x768.
The fix is 'System->Admin->Screen e Graphics' set good resolution and press ok.
On my desktop all ok.