mmmmm..... multiplay.... *slurp*
How do you plan on doing the multiplay? For my MMOFPS, your computer sends the data of the load zone you're in to a MySQL table that keeps track of all the crap, like bullet x, y, z, speed, direction, type, explosion, and lots of other feces of that sort.
However, I developed this method of online play myself, so I'm sure there are many ways to accomplish the same things with less work and better effiency. I didn't even read a book on online game servers. (well, I read "PHP and MySQL for Dummies" :p)
So here's my underling advice to Martino (my character map isn't working, sorry): Don't do what I do.
I'm sure that those with the slightest common sense in the cyber world will take that for granted, but just in case that all of a sudden a meteor makes its way through the atmosphere in Uzbekistan, I promise not to eat steak for one week.