Sorry, but I don't want all the selection circles on the ground. And I won't be making a small map, probably 128x128. Doesn't the game support huge map, 1024x1024? And of course this is a space mod, so I want the player to be able to ambush the enemy, anywhere.
That where the utility worker ships come in... I give the player 2 choices, fast & weak or slow & strong. The fast one can be killed easily, but not the slow one. Not only different hp values, but different armor as well.
So far 5 different armor types, along with 5 weapon types. So it's pretty interesting already, I didn't plan it that way, lol. I did this since units stand still while they shoot. It isn't exactly realistic, so I made different armor types to simulate different battle tactics. The giga cannon is very powerful, yet can't kill a scout, y? Basically to simulate a scout barely dodging the attack. The way I have it set-up, you can surround the destroyer with gnat fighters, but will take forever to take it down.
Tons of balancing to do, but I don't want all the ships to die in like 3 seconds. Enough time to show a victory, but not enough for constant streaming of back-up ships.