I built a PowerPC port based on Jac's Mac OS port. The port addresses byte-order issues when loading the little endian binary files (sound, graphics, models) on big endian architectures (like PowerPC). This is the first time I have done such a thing, so this might not be the most elegant way to do it. Search the sourcecode for "BIG_ENDIAN" if you want to find the changes (the BIG_ENDIAN flag is automatically defined on Mac/PowerPC, so no additions to config_macosx.h needed at the moment). Of course it preserves full compatibility with other platforms, especially Windows.
The port is located at
http://www.pg511.de.vu/ in the downloads section (not a free hoster to keep you sane
I'm in the same project group as Nostromo (
http://www.glest.org/glest_board/viewtopic.php?t=3034 ). We now begin trying to enhance Glest's AI. If we succeed, you will surely hear from us in about 3-4 months.
BTW: The line height (in-game, resolution 1024x768) with the Mac fonts is a bit high. The text lies partly below the command-icons. Is there a way to fix this?