Author Topic: a blender question  (Read 2221 times)


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a blender question
« on: 23 November 2007, 02:04:45 »
ok im trying to do the tutorials so i can get good enoughf at blender to make glest teams and such but cant seem to get it. on the snowman sean one i cant get the body to change color to white it keeps doing the eye and i cant figure out how to select the body and other parts to change there color ive tried several things (most of witch made me have to redo the whole thing :( ) but still cant  get it could someone help me?
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by verarticus »


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« Reply #1 on: 23 November 2007, 10:37:50 »
I had similar problems when I started in Blender. This tool is really not easy to learn! Just some hints of the day:

Importent keys:
Ctrl-z  UNDO

right mousebutton - select things
shift+right mousbutton -select additional things
b+left mouse - box select things

g - start moving selected things
g followed by x - start moving things along x-axis
g followed by y - start moving things along y-axis
g followed by z - start moving things along z-axis

s -start streching selected things
s followed by x - start streching things along x-axis
s followed by y - start streching things along y-axis
s followed by z - start streching things along z-axis

a - select/deselect all

w -> subdivide  subdivide the selected things  
x -> ...   delete selected things

hold middle mouse button to move the view
numblock 7 - view from the front
numblock 1 - view from bottom
numblock 3 - view from right side

ctrl +numblock 7 - view from the back
ctrl +numblock 1 - view from top
ctrl +numblock 3 - view from left side

( hint if the view looks "strange" press numblock 5 )

there are different modes to edit:
most important in the beginning: edit-mode
this one lets you change the model.

So thats the lesson for today, good luck.....
« Last Edit: 23 November 2007, 15:42:37 by titi »
Try Megaglest! Improved Engine / New factions / New tilesets / New maps / New scenarios


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« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by weedkiller »


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« Reply #3 on: 23 November 2007, 15:56:02 »
right mousebutton - select things
shift+right mousbutton -select additional things
b+left mouse - box select things

do you have to click a sertain spot? cause i cant get the body to select.  :confused:
it just staying selected on the eyes (i know because i made a blue color instead of white and the eye turned blue.....)
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by verarticus »


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« Reply #4 on: 23 November 2007, 16:22:02 »
In edit-mode only the current object is editable. If the eye is an own object edit-mode means your in editmode for this eye. If you want to change something else, you have to change to object-mode, select the object you want to change(head / body for example). Then you change back to editmode to edit the object ( head or body)

you have to click on the things you want to select(with right mouse button).
when box-selecting you'll have to drag the mouse after pressing b
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by titi »
Try Megaglest! Improved Engine / New factions / New tilesets / New maps / New scenarios