Well I have already gathered a very small team over at
http://darkcolony.freeforum.ca/ and our goal is to recreate the video game Dark Colony by Modding Glest.
I'm looking for just about everything at this point. By modding this game it will speed up the process of recreating Dark Colony.
The game can't be bought in stores anymore, and is hard to find on Ebay. So this is why we're doing this. We don't plan to recreate the single player, or all the maps. Our goal is to recreate the game so we can play Multiplayer. If it's through IP or a server, it don't matter.
We also want to add things and change things so it makes the multiplayer experience much more enjoyable than the first one.
Thanks for your time,
Dan R.
E-mail: danrhodenizer-^-hotmail.com