Note: All rules apply to the board in entirety, INCLUDING signatures, display name, personal text, website link, email address, etc; Remember to USE COMMON SENSE. You do not get around the rules by exploiting technicalities or by merely being an ass. Use common sense.FORUM RULES:-Do not make titles in foreign languages. English is dominant here, as almost everyone can speak it. If you can speak it at least fairly well (well enough to read this) then please post in english.
-Do not use all CAPS.
-Do not post offensive or racist information.
-All off-topic posts/topics should be posted in the Off Topic board.
-If something goes wrong, post the EXACT error messages, or better yet, post a picture. Pictures should be done using some sort of screen capture software. Windows comes preinstalled with the 'snipping tool'. If you need one, google it.
-Post all messages in the proper board. If it does not have to do with mods, don't put it there! When in doubt, use the Off-Topic board. However, be sure NOT to post error messages there, as we have a separate board for that.
-Avoid requesting that your post be stickied. Such as if you make a mod, you don't NEED it to be stickied. Moderators and administers will sticky threads that are believed to be important at THEIR DISCRETION.
-Do not request moderator privileges. That is for the Administers to decide, and while we have some amazing members of the community that are not (yet) mods, this is because we have more than enough mods for the board at the moment.
-Just because someone is a mod doesn't necessarily make them "better". There isn't any real ranks on this board. Everyone is equal. Positions such as moderator or administer are simply given for the ability to perform extra tasks, such as to remove an offensive post. It can be thought of as more work, and is a responsibility.
-Don't attack other users. Feel free to attack opinions, ideas, or thoughts, but not the person! Personal attacks are a one way street to a ban.
-Don't abuse private messaging, as that can lead to banning, or even the disabling of private messaging.
-Be sure all posts are in the correct boards. Don't talk about a map you made on the general discussion boards, or talk about a crash in the Mods board.
-If you have no coding experience and suggest something might be 'easy' to implement, expect a LOT of backlash. Things aren't as easy as they seem. Go take a look at the source if you don't believe me!
-Avoid posting more than one thread on similar or the same topics. The others will be either merged or just flatly deleted if they become annoying, because this is SPAM.
-DO NOT POST IN TOPICS MORE THAN A YEAR OLD! People around here don't usually react kindly to people resurrecting topics that are too old to make a difference. If you want to talk about that subject, consider posting a new thread rather than resurrecting an old topic.
-Avoid hijacking others topics. Don't take someone's topic about their mod and start comparing it to your mod. This is off-topic and diverts the original topic into something entirely (or even only slightly) different. Instead, post your own thread.
-Post your topic names as descriptive as possible, and at least a few words. DO NOT MAKE A TOPIC CALLED 'HELP'!!!
-Don't use very small, bad colored, or otherwise hard to read text in your posts. If in doubt, preview!
-Don't continuously bump your post (post a meaningless reply to put it at the top of the list). If you must bump, then bump ONCE. If nobody is replying, then there is no reason anyone will after continuous bumping!
-Don't overuse slang (earn some 'dough'), acronyms (WYSIWYG), or 'internet talk' (G2G) on the boards. While okay in moderation, used too much they make a post unreadable. Also, avoid uncommon acronyms or web talk, because nobody likes it more than to have no clue what your saying!
-Keep everything legal. Of course, this does bring to question: 'legal by what country?'. The Glest boards are hosted on a US server, so we'll just go by US law. Easiest.
-If you really want to flame someone, don't do it here. Go do it on some forums that allows it (believe it or not, some forums have a board dedicated JUST for that).
-As interesting as you may think it is, we really don't need to see your porn.
Rough image guidelines:-Use of one or two large images is fine. After that, links for more images is recommended.
-The Spoiler Tag does NOT stop the image from loading!! You'll still make the person load large images. Please do NOT use the spoiler tag for that purpose. It can be used for a single large image to better format the post, but to conserve, please instead post links to the images.
-Please avoid posting images larger than 1024x768. If they must be large and absolutely cannot be resized, please post a thumb or a link.
-It's recommended to use a trusted site for hosting images.
Imageshack is a good one, as is
-Animated GIFs are NOT recommended to place multiple times. If it doesn't serve any real purpose by being animated, a still image will do. In fact, animated images should generally be limited to profile pictures and the smilies.
-Images are recommended in JPG or PNG. GIF can be used if you don't mind the bad color restrictions. JPG is optimal for most images because it can be compressed very well. PNG is recommended if alpha (transparency) is needed.
-Some sites allow you to create "photo albums", which are simply a set of images stored on one page. This is created by default when you upload multiple files to
Imageshack, and is an effective way of showing off multiple images without cluttering up the board or having dozens of links the viewer must click. You could also use your own site to have a "gallery" of images in one location for those who purposely wish to view more images.
Glest FAQ:What is Glest?Glest is a free 3D RTS game, available for several platforms that can be customized using XML and a set of tools.
What does the name Glest mean?It comes from OpenGL and ESTrategia (Spanish for "strategy").
Who made Glest?Glest is made by a bunch of friends, most of them from Spain:
Martiño: Programmer
Jose (enveloop): Sound and music
Tucho: 3D art and animation
Jose Zanni (josepzin): 2D art
Felix: Animation
Matze: SDL and OpenAL port
I'm new to Glest, where can I find documentation or help?The game includes a readme file with all the basic instructions, you can also post any questions in this board.
What kind of license does Glest have?Glest source code is GPL, as for the data you can do whatever you want with it as long as you credit us.
I want to include Glest in a cover DVD for a magazine, Linux distribution or any other media, can I do it?Yes. Please send us an email so we know about it.
Can I save the game?Not in original Glest, but you can in GAE.
What platforms does the game support?The official Glest Team takes care of making Glest work in x86 architectures using Windows and Linux. However other ports exist for Mac, BSD and other platforms.
Who is responsible for the ports?Martiño takes care of the Windows version and Matze maintains the Linux port.
What about big endian machines?Glest doesn't run in big endian machines.
Isn't that policy a bit restrictive?Maybe, but the time we invest in the project is very limited and we can not spend it in this kind of stuff, feel free to start your own Glest port and modify it in any way you want, we will provide you with all the help you need.
I've made a translation, map, patch, or mod for Glest and I want to share it with the community, what should I do?Compress the entire folder using 7zip ( and upload it to
Mediafire or
Filefront. Please make sure your mod is actually fairly good, so to avoid wasting player's time, and its best if you have at least some new models in it!
Who designed the magitech factions?Magitech is the default techtree designed by the Glest Team. You can use its models and media in your own mods, though you should credit the Glest Team for them, as well as should avoid overusing the media.
How do I learn XMLs/modeling/animation/texturing/modding/lua/scenarios/map making/etc?Go to the
Glest Guide to learn more about modding and more.
How to disable Fog of War?Open the glest.ini and set fogofwar to 0.
Where's the Glest Directory?In windows, it is usually "C:/Program Files/Glest_*" (* is version number).
Where can I find a list of mods to download?There are two locations where one can find a list of mods to download. One is the
Glest Guide Mod Download Center and the other is the
Wiki's Mod List.
How do I edit my signature on the Glest Board?Look at the top for the link that says Profile. On your profile page, you'll find a page to input a signature. Signatures can use BBCode, but have a character limit. An image limit has also been recently implemented, though it is STRONGLY urged not to use images in your signature.
How do I change my picture (avatar) on the Glest board?In the profile page, (see above question) there's a page for your avatar. Note that you need to give the glest board a link to your image, which should be uploaded to a hosting site like
Image Shack or
How to play multiplayer?To host, just start a new game with an empty network slot open (or more) and give the other players your IP address. To join, the host must have given you their IP, and you will enter that in the join game screen. GAE and MG also let you find other games, and MG has a master server for hosting games.
I can't find anyone to play with!The IRC is a very good place to start. Please see the multiplayer section of the forums for more information.
What's GAE?Glest Advanced Engine, better known as GAE is a boosted up Glest, with extra features. Features include auto return, auto repair, rotating buildings, emanations, effects, sub factions, new particle projectiles, more Lua code, and more. It has it's own section on the Glest Board.
What's Mega Glest?Mega Glest (also known as MG) is another glest branch, which focuses on multiplayer. It boasts a few extra features that normal Glest lacks, such as a master server and more particles, but it also lacks GAE's features. Like GAE, it has it's own section on the Glest board.
Why are there two different development branches? Will MegaGlest and GAE ever merge?The idea of merging MG and GAE together has been discussed before, and it has been determined that the developers of each branch have different visions of what kind of game to create. The two teams cooperate when there is a feature present in one engine that the other team wants in their own, but they will continue to be separate games with different features.
I don't want to learn XML, can I still make a scenario?You can try Omega's Scenario Creator on the
Glest Guide.
What about mods?You'll have to learn many things for that, including XMLs, Modeling, Texturing, Animation, among others. See the
Glest Guide or the
Wiki for more information on creating a glest mod.
I made some code to improve the game, what can I do?Glest itself is in a final version, and will not be updated, but the GAE and MegaGlest projects are separate branches that are still active. Visit them on their prospective boards if you wish to submit code. Current project leaders include Hailstone and Silnarm for GAE, and Titi and Softcoder for MegaGlest.
My game runs so choppy...Update you graphics drivers(if not already up to date), and if that doesn't work, then try disabling 3D textures. If it still lags, then try lowering the shadow resolution or disabling shadows all together as well as making sure the filter is bilinear.
The game doesn't work/crashes/works funny...There is a number of errors that have been seen, too many to list here. There is a separate board for that (bug report) found
My screenshots aren't saved properly on windows vista/7!This is because screens (and everything else) will end up being saved to vista/7's appdata. It is recommended you allow glest to have the proper security rights so that it won't need to use the appdata (which is a way to store information about programs when security settings don't allow that). Right click the glest directory, choose properties. Go to the security tab. Click the edit button. Choose all the user accounts that will play Glest (may need to add them by name with the 'add' button) and give them 'full control' (tick the box below). Note that setting the security to the large number of files in glest may take a few minutes.
Things to Never Discuss on the Board:-Hitler (Easily taken as an insult regardless of the matter or presentation)
-Religion (forum cannot handle this type of topic, tends to lead to flamewars and gets out of hand)
-Abortion (forum cannot handle this type of topic, tends to lead to flamewars and gets out of hand)
-Biased Politics (biased and just starts an unproductive conversation)
-"Best" governments/ideologies (biased and just starts an unproductive conversation)
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