It is difficult to include any errors because I didn’t have it yet. I’m having difficulties do compiler it, to find the necessary lib for Dev-C++. I had been in Devpaks (One can also use Tools/Package Manager) and find this “DirectX SDK 9.0c”, “oggvorbis-win32sdk-1.0.1”, “OpenAL-0.099-mingw”, “SDL 1.2.8” and “xerces-c_2_5_0”. And then I tried to compiler the shared_lib from glest_source_2.0.1. I include all files into a project file (but only shared_lib\sources\platform\win32) and try to compiler it.
In font_d3d9.cpp I got two invalid conversion from `HFONT__*' to `INT' and from `ID3DXFont**' to `UINT' in the function D3DXCreateFont. And a too few arguments to function `HRESULT D3DXCreateFontA(IDirect3DDevice9*, INT, UINT, UINT, UINT, BOOL, DWORD, DWORD, DWORD, DWORD, const CHAR*, ID3DXFont**)'
I have similar errors in model_renderer_d3d9.cpp text_renderer_d3d9.cpp. Looks like I have a problem with “DirectX SDK 9.0c” lib.
I also have a problem to find the OpenGL. This should include the files gl.h glu.h and glprocs.h.
The last one is XercesC. I’m sure what is the problem.