nice pic
PS: Zaggy, i'll try that animation
EDIT:You forgot the indian.xml, but i luckly had it from the last version.
Since i couldnt upload the actual file, here is the code, for those who also dont have it... Just go to your glest folder, then \techs\magitech\factions\indian and create a .xml and paste this in:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<resource name="gold" amount="500"/>
<resource name="wood" amount="500"/>
<resource name="stone" amount="500"/>
<resource name="housing" amount="9"/>
<unit name="mainteepee" amount="1"/>
<unit name="tent" amount="0"/>
<unit name="bigtent" amount="0"/>
<unit name="worker" amount="3"/>
<unit name="axe_thrower" amount="1"/>
<unit name="roundtent" amount="0"/>
<unit name="axe_indian" amount="0"/>
<unit name="shaman" amount="0"/>
<unit name="stickfighter" amount="2"/>
<unit name="archer" amount="1"/>
<unit name="spearman" amount="0"/>
<unit name="fire_archer" amount="0"/>
<unit name="bull" amount="0"/>
<unit name="horseman" amount="0"/>
<unit name="thunderbird" amount="0"/>
<unit name="firegolem" amount="0"/>
<unit name="reed" amount="0"/>
<unit name="campfire" amount="0"/>
<unit name="beehive" amount="0"/>
<unit name="totem" amount="0"/>
<music value="true" path="music/music_indian.ogg"/>