I just had an idea. You could make a sort of "height map" and "size limit map" for units so that archers could get on walls instead of just having them going on it when you garrison them. (and actually, that word doesn't work for it, anyway.
) It could work like the cell maps, except the height map would have a number for the height of the cell, and on the size limit map, it would have a number of the size of the unit allowed to move around in the cell. Basically it would be to prevent horses and stuff from going up stairs that are too steep.
<heightmap value="true">
<levelHeightmap value="1">
<row value="0000"/>
<row value="0000"/>
<row value="0000"/>
<row value="0000"/>
<levelHeightmap value="2">
<row value="4443"/>
<row value="4443"/>
<row value="4442"/>
<row value="3322"/>
<sizeLimitMap value="true">
<limitMap level="1">
<row value="0100"/>
<row value="1111"/>
<row value="0100"/>
<row value="0100"/>
<limitMap level="2">
<row value="0001"/>
<row value="0101"/>
<row value="0001"/>
<row value="0111"/>
I thought about having it have multiple levels and that you would have to right-click on a part that's on that level to get them to go up there. For repairing, what it could do is if you right-click on a secondary level, the worker will go to that level to work on repairing it, instead of not going where you want him to, and just repairing. And maybe to tell Glest which parts you have to right-click on to go to the next level, it could have some sort of level map.
<levelMap value="true">
<levelCellmap level="1">
<row value="1011"/>
<row value="0000"/>
<row value="1011"/>
<row value="1011"/>
</levelCellmap level="2">
<row value="1110"/>
<row value="1010"/>
<row value="1110"/>
<row value="1000"/>
Since the level cell maps would probably be the same as the normal cell maps would with levels, they could be used for both unit walkability limits along with telling where to put the units. The thing to tell the computer where to move the unit could be invisible planes above the cells you want the units to move to, conformed to the heightmap. Basically cells of ground in the air, eh?
I'm not saying that garrisoning shouldn't be integrated, though.
Btw, I used the barracks as an example.
Not that it was really worth it to put that spot on the very top for units to stand.
Edit: Er, Daniel, I forgot my password on the Bugzilla, so I can't put up a "bug" report on it, so could you send my password to zaggy1024 at gmail.com?
*looks somewhat annoyed at self*