Author Topic: Glest Advanced Engine  (Read 146859 times)


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« Reply #50 on: 11 March 2008, 10:48:10 »
Quote from: Dr.Dixie
Wow. That's thoroughly bad. A bug...


Glest Advanced Engine v0.1.4 & Four Path Magitech v0.1.3
Code: [Select]
[url=]GAE v0.1.4 win32 binaries[/url][/li]
Code: [Select]
[url=]GAE v0.1.4 sources[/url][/li]
Code: [Select]
[url=]FPM v0.1.3 tech tree[/url][/li]
Code: [Select]
[url=]GAE v0.1.4 win32 binaries w/ FPM v0.1.3 tech tree[/url]
For other archive formats, visit
Code: [Select]

I only made very minor changes to the FPM tech tree.  I was doing some tweaking a few days ago and I made Liches suck just a tiny bit more. :)  The problem is that they have been pretty powerful since the auto-attack would use their soul steal to keep them alive.

BUG NOTICE: The Lich won't attack to location by pressing A or when in a selection with other unit types until you research energy extraction and get the soul steal attack.  You can still attack, you just have to click the button and you can't do it while selecting Liches with other unit types (sorry).

I used jrepan's code, but I had to make a lot of modifications just to get it to work with GAE because the underlying data structures (for units and such) changed so drastically.  Also, I decided to implement it as xml instead.  It does units, their commands (including queued commands), but it doesn't do fog of war and I haven't tested it much yet.

Also, you have to have a "savegame" directory or it crashes (cute huh?).  If you are downloading the sources and compiling on Linux, you also need two files out of the source tree under data/glest_game/core/menu, or you can just download the windows package which has those two files in it (or jrepan's files, they have them too).
« Last Edit: 7 April 2016, 17:13:21 by filux »


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« Reply #51 on: 11 March 2008, 11:15:18 »
just a follow up notice, saved games aren't very stable in this build, it is the 1st release with saved games after all.  They like to crash.
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by daniel.santos »


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« Reply #52 on: 11 March 2008, 11:24:31 »
Wow. That's thoroughly bad. A bug...


There's no need to be sarcastic. I was just playing a game with the indian faction the other day and noticed the error. No one had reported it, so I thought I would.
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by orion »


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« Reply #53 on: 11 March 2008, 11:36:15 »
Well thanks for reporting it.  I didn't think he was being sarcastic, but I figured I would pick up on the drama. :) This is actually just the kind if thing that I need though is to try it out with other mods and see how they behave.  I tweaked the AI to help them advance better in FPM, but it needs a lot more lovin.
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by daniel.santos »


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« Reply #54 on: 11 March 2008, 17:37:56 »
Another bug: If you press load game, and there aren't any saves in the savegames folder, it crashes.

And another: When you have a building still building, and you save it, it loads the building as a full hit-pointed building that's still building, so you can't finish it. And another wierd thing about it is that if you attack it, and then repair it, it finishes building, and then you can't make anything in it, and you can't set the gather point. And, if you tell it to make a unit, instead of making it, it stops it's builder's commands. :? It didn't give an English error, it just put out this:

Version: Advanced Engine v0.1.4
Time: Sat Mar 17 23:33:35 2007
Description: Access violation (Reading address 0x34)
Address: 0052CDF9

« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by ZaggyDad »


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« Reply #55 on: 12 March 2008, 03:13:42 »
Bug report:
1.You fixed the firt bug i reported in SaveGame post.
2.Wrong attack place still not fixed, perhaps this is like @ZaggyDad@ tell.
Quote from: ZaggyDad
And yet ANOTHER: I had two catapults, and they were firing at an enemy unit and they were firing like double their range. I'm not sure whether it's because of the savegame (I loaded the savegame a lot earlier than when I attacked.), but it never happened before.
Here the screnshot:


3.Sometimes, worker don't build in the right place. after loading.


4.If there a queue in Baracks, castle, etc, after i load the game, and the they come out from queue.

in here i clicked working, but swordman moving, not the worker.
and if this happen on archer, when i clicked archer, there one worker is moving, not the archer  and if i click guard button, it will crash.

and this bug:
Quote from: ZaggyDad
Another bug: If you press load game, and there aren't any saves in the savegames folder, it crashes.
Not happening to me.

Game Info:
OS: Mandriva Free 2007.1
GAE v0.1.4 ( i compiled from source tbz )
Game data from Glest-data-3.1.2 ( i'am not using FPM yet )
I played Scenario.
i can send you my savefile, if you want it.

ps: i'am sory for my bad english  and thanks before
« Last Edit: 7 April 2016, 17:14:16 by filux »


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« Reply #56 on: 12 March 2008, 04:02:13 »
@ZaggyDad@, thanks for all of that info!
  • I knew it crashed if there wasn't a savegames folder, but I didn't know about this one
  • I didn't know about the full hp building problem, but I found the cause of that and fixed it.
  • not sure about the ultra catapults yet
  • I saw wierd stuff with units pointing the wrong way before.  I fixed a few things related to that, so I want to see if it reappears.
  • the units not attacking sounds possibly related to corrupted memory.  I had some things that weren't happening correctly that could have caused this (and that are fixed) so we'll have to see.
  • Map resource consumption isn't in yet and I had forgotten about it recently, so thanks for the reminder (that and fog of war)
  • The last crash bug (when telling your units to attack eachother) is probably fixed
In addition, there was this stupid bug that caused a crash if you save when there was a dead unit, that dead unit later is removed and you step on where he used to be, that's fixed now.  There was also a problem that caused a crash if you tried to produce a unit after loading, although it might take a bit for you to get to the actual crash (I found it early in debug mode with a failed assertion).

Glest Advanced Engine v0.1.5
Code: [Select]
[url=]GAE v0.1.5 win32 binaries[/url][/li]
Code: [Select]
[url=]GAE v0.1.5 sources[/url][/li]
Code: [Select]
[url=]GAE v0.1.5 win32 binaries w/ FPM v0.1.3 tech tree[/url]
« Last Edit: 7 April 2016, 17:15:18 by filux »


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« Reply #57 on: 12 March 2008, 04:18:37 »
Quote from: tux-gamer
Bug report:
1.You fixed the firt bug i reported in SaveGame post.
Hurray! :)  Ok, really now, I'll try to figure this out because that's a pretty serious problem.
Quote from: tux-gamer
3.Sometimes, worker don't build in the right place. after loading.

I think this is related to the thing where attackers aren't always facing the right way after you load, but will look into it.  Also, you can see one worker is too far from the building to actually work on it.  This is a problem that GAE.  The worker is sad and doesn't want to go to work, so he's trying to telecommute (just a joke).
Quote from: tux-gamer
4.If there a queue in Baracks, castle, etc, after i load the game, and the they come out from queue.

in here i clicked working, but swordman moving, not the worker.
and if this happen on archer, when i clicked archer, there one worker is moving, not the archer  and if i click guard button, it will crash.
I'm 95% sure that this is fixed.  This is part of the problem when a crash when you try to produce any units after loading a game.
Quote from: tux-gamer
and this bug ... Not happening to me.
That's because on Linux, you just get an error message in the console, but on Windoze you crash. :P  However, if I double click the load button when there are no saved games it crashes.

Thanks so much!
« Last Edit: 7 April 2016, 17:16:01 by filux »


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« Reply #58 on: 12 March 2008, 04:49:41 »
We should start making bug reports like Tux-gamer did
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by orion »


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« Reply #59 on: 12 March 2008, 10:54:06 »
Quote from: "daniel.santos"
HEHE! This is just funny, you're trying to mine gold and your poor workers are getting shot at from across the map.  Ok, really now, I'll try to figure this out because that's a pretty serious problem.
No, you are wrong.
actually, the enemy is attacking one of my swordman in their base, my swordman already dead when i take the screenshot.
i'am sory , iam to late to take the screenshot.
somehow my swordman can saw enemy, look like my swordman got double sight capabilty, then my swodman saw the enemy and go there to their base.
But instead shooting/attack pointing to my swordman, they attack is pointing to my poor worker.
but my worker not damaged, only my swordman damaged and then my swordman dead, after that, they not attacking anymore.

Quote from: "daniel.santos"
The worker is sad and doesn't want to go to work, so he's trying to telecommute (just a joke).
wakaka =))

Quote from: "daniel.santos"
I'm 95% sure that this is fixed. This is part of the problem when a crash when you try to produce any units after loading a game.

Quote from: "daniel.santos"
That's because on Linux, you just get an error message in the console, but on Windoze you crash.  However, if I double click the load button when there are no saved games it crashes.

You are right, i only get this message:
Couldn't process event: No files found in: savegames/*.sav

One more thing, if i clicked load game, and delete save file one by one, the last one will give error.

Thanks before, now i'am downloading GAE version 0.1.5
ps: i'am sory for my bad english.
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by tux-gamer »


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« Reply #60 on: 12 March 2008, 16:36:40 »
I have try GAE version 0.1.5, a lot of bug fixes have made.
1.long range attack or wrong pointing attack that i have mentioned in nomber 2 is gone now, at leat i don't get this bug when playing , with alot save and loading.

2.bug number 3 is fixed now.

3.bug number 4 is fixed now.

Now i get new bug.
1.Fire animation in wrong place (minor bug)
this screenshot before saving:


this screenshot after loading:


2.Meeting Point not saved.
this screenshot before saving:


this screenshot after loading:


Thanks before and ''am sory for my bad english.
« Last Edit: 7 April 2016, 17:18:12 by filux »


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« Reply #61 on: 12 March 2008, 17:28:06 »
You should also make it save the screen position.

« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by ZaggyDad »


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« Reply #62 on: 12 March 2008, 18:42:35 »
@tux-gamer@ I LOVE YOU!!! :)

@ZaggyDad@, good idea.
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by daniel.santos »


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« Reply #63 on: 12 March 2008, 19:55:13 »
Daniel, you totally need to be added to the in-game and online dev team lists. *g*

*edit* Um. Daniel, I was wondering why you put @s around the names of everyone you address...?

« Last Edit: 12 March 2008, 20:50:45 by Dr.Dixie »


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« Reply #64 on: 12 March 2008, 20:23:59 »
Ahem. He's not an official developer yet (:cry:).

« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by ZaggyDad »


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« Reply #65 on: 12 March 2008, 21:16:52 »
It would be nice if you could have a path type indicator thing, just like the current one (which only indicates ONE point in a series of many), for it to show the whole path, instead of just one part of it.

« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by Dr.Dixie »


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« Reply #66 on: 12 March 2008, 21:35:53 »
Btw, how long (approximately)does it take to build Glest?

Also, you should put in-game diplomacy controls, too (so that you can turn enemies with your ally :O ).

« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by ZaggyDad »


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« Reply #67 on: 13 March 2008, 05:47:23 »
hehe, well !Dr.Dixie!, if I have a long post, I usually do it so the person's name sticks out.  Sometimes we don't feel like reading everything that's posted so it helps to have your name highlighted (I noticed some other people doing it)

I'm not ready to start delving into diplomacy personally because I don't see much need for it at this point since you can't negotiate with CPU enemies.  Then again, I could see that being handy for multiplayer.  So I take it all back :([/li]
[li]Middle mouse click (wheel click) and drag changes view angle.  This behaves funny right now because it's supposed to rotate in a sphere around the center of your point of view, but it tends to move up and down in ways that it's not supposed to.[/li]
[li]Middle mouse click & drag with the control key down scrolls the view around.[/li]
[li]Middle mouse click & drag with the control and shift down scrolls the view around very quickly.[/li]
[li]You can set how fast the mouse scroll goes in the ini file now (this is when your mouse is at the edge of the screen)[/li]
[li]You can also set how high and low your camera can go, but I don't recommend it as of yet.  You may notice that with the current settings, when you scroll out you'll see some map tiles that don't render (are black or darker shaded).[/li]
[li]If you get your view screwed up, you can hit F twice at any point to restore it (this just switches in and out of "free look" mode).[/li][/list]

EDIT: It looks like the misplaced fire problem is fixed.
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by daniel.santos »


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« Reply #68 on: 13 March 2008, 10:28:42 »
Quote from: daniel.santos
@tux-gamer@ I LOVE YOU!!! :)
Thanks, but you are rocks, solving a lot of bug in few hour, that amazing
Code: [Select]
[img][/img]now i'am downloading GAE version 0.1.6

btw, can you make the game paused when saving the game or when pressing the Save button.

thanks before.

ps: i'am sory for my bad english.
« Last Edit: 7 April 2016, 17:09:12 by filux »


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« Reply #69 on: 13 March 2008, 21:28:25 »
Concerning the Website

What are some features that you would like to see on the GAE website? I was thinking of:

1) Some sort of Bug Report System

2) Some sort of Request System or Forum System

3) A Content Management System for administrators

4) what else?
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by orion »


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« Reply #70 on: 13 March 2008, 23:01:47 »
If you haven't noticed already, the cancel button is sometimes invisible when you select a unit or building.

« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by ZaggyDad »


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« Reply #71 on: 14 March 2008, 14:02:32 »
Quote from: daniel.santos
Mouse wheel zooms in and out. When I tested this on my windows machine, it was really jumpy
in my mandriva linux , scrolling is not smooth, litle bit jumpy too.

Quote from: daniel.santos
Middle mouse click (wheel click) and drag changes view angle. This behaves funny right now because it's supposed to rotate in a sphere around the center of your point of view, but it tends to move up and down in ways that it's not supposed to.
but, i like this new feature, even if this not working like suppoesed to.

Quote from: daniel.santos
You can set how fast the mouse scroll goes in the ini file now (this is when your mouse is at the edge of the screen)
It seems you forget to put ScrollSpeed
Because , i get this error message:
Code: [Select]
[tux-gamer@localhost Glest-3.1.2]$ ./glestadv                                      ALSA lib confmisc.c:769:(parse_card) cannot find card ''                        ALSA lib conf.c:3500:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_card_driver returned error: No such device
ALSA lib confmisc.c:392:(snd_func_concat) error evaluating strings
ALSA lib conf.c:3500:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_concat returned error: No such device
ALSA lib confmisc.c:1247:(snd_func_refer) error evaluating name
ALSA lib conf.c:3500:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer returned error: No such device
ALSA lib conf.c:3972:(snd_config_expand) Evaluate error: No such device
ALSA lib pcm.c:2145:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM default
Exception: Error accessing value: ScrollSpeed in: glestadv.ini
Value not found in propertyMap: ScrollSpeed, loaded from: glestadv.ini
After i put ScrollSpeed=5.00, GAE can running.

ps: FYI,the line before Exception is because i use OSS Sound driver.(just little info for those, who doesn't know it)

Quote from: daniel.santos
EDIT: It looks like the misplaced fire problem is fixed.
Yes it's fixed, thanks.

Quote from: ZaggyDad
If you haven't noticed already, the cancel button is sometimes invisible when you select a unit or building.

wow, i don't notice it, and you're right sometimes invisible when making unit, nad goes visible when you not making any unit.
Here the screenshot when i make worker :

big size

And here the screenshot when i finished making the last unit and no unit in queue:

big size

oh yeah, one minor bug, i have segfault when loading the game, just happening one time, because i try playing the game again, about 4 times and loading the same savefile, and don't crush again

another request, can you make Load menu in the Game, so i don't exit the game and go to Main menu, just for loading the Game.

Thanks before and i'am sory for my bad english.
« Last Edit: 7 April 2016, 17:10:41 by filux »


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« Reply #72 on: 14 March 2008, 14:30:48 »
There is a minor bug in the HP for the units. Sometimes, the units' HP suddenly jump from 900/900 hp to 1200/900 hp. I noticed this with the guard unit. Next time it happens, I'll provide a screenshot like tux-gamer does. :)
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by orion »


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« Reply #73 on: 14 March 2008, 16:21:37 »
OK, after this, I promise I will try to fix more bugs than I make!  I anticipate this to be a fairly unstable release, mostly when actually trying to use the new features, although the camera is much better now.

Glest Advanced Engine v0.1.7
Code: [Select]
[url=]GAE v0.1.7 win32 binaries[/url][/li]
Code: [Select]
[url=]GAE v0.1.7 sources[/url][/li]
Code: [Select]
    GAE v0.1.7 win32 binaries w/ FPM v0.1.3 tech tree[/url][/li]
Glest Advanced Engine v0.1.7 Changes
  • fixed crash problems when there are no saved games.
  • fixed crash problems when you don't have a savegames directory (this is created automatically now)
  • fixed crash problems when you delete the last saved game.
  • made the load saved game window pretty with a nice little summary of the game info
  • you can now save your game from a network game and resume later -- HOWEVER, this is shaky right now and if your saved game file is too big it doesn't work.  Will have to fix this later (was fighting with the damn zlib library and it won :( )
  • added a rudimentary file transfer mechanism to the game (I'm using it for multiplayer saved/restored games) for a future "load add-ons" feature.  The idea here is to packages tilesets, tech trees, maps, scenarios and eventually campaigns into "add ons" that can be downloaded from within the game.
  • cussed a lot about the zlib library

Also, you need zlib to compile GAE now.  You probably already have this if you are running linux, but if you are running windows, it's a bit trickier.  I'll post a new tarball with the combined win32 deps later this week.
« Last Edit: 7 April 2016, 17:12:12 by filux »


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« Reply #74 on: 14 March 2008, 18:59:52 »
In spring if two players occupy the same team they share a commander and can control all the units between them
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by AF »