The hint with the animationpanel is good, haven't seen this so far.
I do the frameskip with repeating animations like walking or idle, too. I used 10 frames per animation till now, Glest has sometimes 7 or 12 frames, so 10 should be fine.
In order not to edit all start- and endingframe for every single Export i made several Actions for the different animations (Idle,Attack,Walk etc.)
You can switch the different animation of the active Armature(Skeleton) in the ActionWindow. Just choose the right named animation from the field "AC: Attack(?)".
You let the Archer breath for all animations only not when the archer attacks himself? I Seperated this also in two actions for his Armature: Archer_Attack_Arrow and Archer_Standart.
Ok, i already started making a new texture for the tower. Do you have a preferred bamboo-texture or something to put on it? Couldnot find something really good till now.
Shell i hang shield on the sides? There we could add Teamcolor. Together with the "carpet" (?word) it should look obvious to which faction the unit belongs.