Author Topic: Four Path Magitech  (Read 93874 times)


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Re: Four Path Magitech
« Reply #250 on: 29 December 2008, 07:11:44 »
I just noticed if you open it in wordpad first then change something (as simple as changing a 1 to a 0 and back to 1) and save it it will open right in notepad.


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Re: Four Path Magitech
« Reply #251 on: 29 December 2008, 10:59:48 »
as far as the CR/LF, I should modify the release script to convert the CR to CR/LF for the windows bundle and that will solve the problem (if you download the windows FPM/GAE bundle).  Also, if you check it out from the svn repository, all .xml files should have svn:eol-style=native, so it will fix the problem that way as well.

But note please, Notepad != Notepadd++ (the != means "not equal").  They are two entirely different programs.  Notepad is the worlds suckiest text editor and it's included in windows to try to get you to buy office (IMO).

verarticus, I'll be shrinking the crypt in FPM 0.2, and it will have a restriction that it can only be built in or near a graveyard.  However, the graveyard will stay the same size.  Consider the obnoxious size to be part of the "cost" of building it and it's required in order to build the crypt, so you can research Lingering Spirits and make Liches and Ghost Armor, so it's important because of that.  And yea, as modman said, it's still in the "development" stages.  Thanks for the feedback!!


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Re: Four Path Magitech
« Reply #252 on: 30 December 2008, 02:56:58 »
I got another Idea for a unit for the nature path of magic how about a Giant ice gryphon?

[attachment deleted by admin]


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Re: Four Path Magitech
« Reply #253 on: 30 December 2008, 13:49:39 »
Avatar, the master of the 4 elements ;)


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Re: Four Path Magitech
« Reply #254 on: 30 December 2008, 17:35:40 »
Quote from: "mictes"
Avatar, the master of the 4 elements ;)

unless you mean for a unit then no. heres a hint though he's a master of seven seas ; )


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Re: Four Path Magitech
« Reply #255 on: 30 December 2008, 18:04:48 »
No, that is the title of the show the screenshot comes from ;)


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Re: Four Path Magitech
« Reply #256 on: 30 December 2008, 19:22:32 »
Quote from: "mictes"
No, that is the title of the show the screenshot comes from ;)

like I said no. (but if you realy wan't to know it's from Sinbad Legend of the seven seas.)


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Re: Four Path Magitech
« Reply #257 on: 30 December 2008, 20:06:02 »
Uhh it's so small (the picture). I'm going deleting all my posts (before daniel sees all my spam ^^)


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Re: Four Path Magitech
« Reply #258 on: 30 December 2008, 22:47:20 »
I think this mod needs more help in the Tech-side department.  I knew Tech would be harder to think of things for, so that's why I chose to do Dark Magic and am postponing Tech 2.

Tech 2 will now be a repository for ideas concerning new ideas for late-game Tech.


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Re: Four Path Magitech
« Reply #259 on: 14 January 2009, 03:00:25 »
Yea, and I'm even leaning towards renaming "tech" to something else, since we're having that turn into a religion vs. science thing.  The theme that holds is that they don't do "magic" beyond what their deity(ies) proffer, on the religion side at least.  I do like continuing the concept of them doing things the old fashion way -- by hand, whereas the magic side uses magic for almost everything (or summons something else to do their dirty work).  I don't know what to rename it to, however.  Either way, I've been busy on the engine and haven't gotten to come back and play with FPM in a little while.  Once we get 0.3.0 out, that's when I'm planning on digging back into FPM again (I need the features planned in 0.3)


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Re: Four Path Magitech
« Reply #260 on: 12 March 2009, 22:18:01 »
ok 1) what program can u edit glest witi mean the exe
and 2) on theman glest ive added heros to tech and magic that are power ful and do rank


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Re: Four Path Magitech
« Reply #261 on: 16 March 2009, 12:19:12 »
Hello world,

I'm rather interested in this "Four path magitech" mod.  Are there any particularly deep ideas regarding Path of Reason, aside from the sketch in ?

Since Path of Enlightenment is based (at least thematically) on the Priestess, I suggest an "equivalent" thematic unit on the Path of Reason: the Philosopher.

The Philosopher is trained at the University, and does not attack (in opposition to the Priestess that has rather nasty attacks of her own).  Instead, all Reason-specific researches are performed by Philosopher units.  The University does no actual research; Philosophers do them.  For example:

Art of War - allows construction of War Counsel, which allows upgrading of guard -> sergeant -> lieutenant -> general (at least, if the "hierarchy of command" is still planned for Path of Reason).  We don't actually need a War Counsel building; this research may be enough...
Wealth of Nations - allows construction of Mobile Storage Unit and Trading Post (this proposed structure is a drop-off point, and also generates a trickle of resources).
Magna Carta - allows workers to be upgraded into swordsman.
Germ Theory - reduces damage from disease damage type.
Theologico-Political Treatise - increases damage to divine armor (I believe that a "holy" damage type was also proposed; possibly we can reduce that damage too, or instead).

More would be necessary - obviously there also has to be something that's anti-Path of Nature to join with Germ Theory and Theologico-Political Treatise (Origin of Species? Descent of Man?).  And I can't think of a good work or theory to be the research target for the Armored Siege Unit thing.

Also, in my opinion, balance is not so only a property of the factions in the game, but also of units within each faction.  This means that no unit should ever be practically unusable.  Current Glest, for example, has "practically unusable" units like Tech Air Ballistae, Magic Tower of Souls, and Magic Drake Riders (i.e. no one who wants to win the game will want to actually build those units, ever).

Since Philosophers only do research, they would be practically useless when massed, and would be "unusable" once they've researched all the useful bits.  I propose that not only do Philosophers do research, they also provide a "control" resource, which is needed to support the sergeant->lieutenant->general command hierarchy.

It seems that the command-hierarchy can be made an "emanation", with sergeants affecting swordsmen/guards/air ballistae, lieutenant affecting sergeants, and generals affecting lieutenants, but I haven't studied emanation very well yet.  For one thing, the lieutenants would have to affect the sergeant's emanations, not the sergeant's static modifiers.
« Last Edit: 18 June 2016, 17:22:42 by filux »


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Re: Four Path Magitech
« Reply #262 on: 20 March 2009, 01:20:14 »
This is fantastic.  I like your point about the unusable units in each faction; I in fact noticed this and tried to limit the unusable units in Dark Magic to only a couple.  All other units definately have a use.  This is a double whammy because now you will build more units in the faction in order to achieve victory.  Fantastic ideas! ;)


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Re: Four Path Magitech
« Reply #263 on: 21 March 2009, 05:43:36 »
A basic gimmick I think would be nice for Path of Reason would be that the Philosophers research ways of winning against particular paths.  As I proposed, for example, Germ Theory would make the Reason faction tougher against Disease-type damage, which would give them an edge against Corruption.  I'm thinking of having maybe three levels of research that would make it successively harder for (e.g.) Corruption to defeat Reason (with similar research paths for Enlightenment and Nature).  We'll have to make it successively harder/more expensive/more time-consuming for Reason to research for each level, and of course the first level must be easy and relatively benign (i.e. not badly game-changing).

Of course, either adding actual bonuses against a path or enabling a particular unit that is optimized against a particular path would work; the latter would require new models and graphics, but might make a better playing experience.

Basically, instead of depending on sheer firepower, Reason depends on actual research and thought.  This somewhat diverges from the proposed story, but somehow it seems that Reason would do better to use, well, Reason.

What do you all think?
« Last Edit: 21 March 2009, 15:50:58 by almkglor »


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Re: Four Path Magitech
« Reply #264 on: 22 March 2009, 19:16:33 »
I'm not sure how the reasoning (thinking) would help militarily...


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Re: Four Path Magitech
« Reply #265 on: 22 March 2009, 20:15:05 »
If you're going to war, hasn't the reasoning approach kind of broken down already? :P


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Re: Four Path Magitech
« Reply #266 on: 25 March 2009, 02:41:16 »
As I said: research.  Find what your opponents weaknesses are and focus on them.  Find their strengths and undermine them.  Philosophize with a hammer?


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Re: Four Path Magitech
« Reply #267 on: 12 April 2009, 09:58:08 »
Holy crap almkglor, I love this!  I haven't been working on Four Path Magitech in some time because I have been working on the engine.  There are a lot of features I want to see in FPM that the engine doesn't support yet, but I got off re-working the engine's networking layer, which I think is finally coming within descent range of completion.

The ideas you presented for the Path of Reason are exactly the types of things I had in mind -- that their power wouldn't be so much in how much firepower they would amass, but that it would come through upgrades, and gaining resistance to disease as you proposed is a perfect example of that. :)
I do hope you stick around to contribute further to this.


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Re: Four Path Magitech
« Reply #268 on: 21 August 2009, 21:32:38 »
btw, Daniel?, did you have a growskill implemented?, since i want a building that morphs into a other building destroying the builder in the process, aka the Builder BECOMES the building. so when i place a building the worker goes to the spot, and then begins morphing useing the be_built skill command/skill cant remember is this possible?
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Re: Four Path Magitech
« Reply #269 on: 1 January 2010, 00:22:29 »
The download link is now broken, please do not download it!

Thanks!  ;)
« Last Edit: 1 January 2010, 11:56:00 by Carl the Great »
Thanks!  ;)