Author Topic: Four Path Magitech  (Read 92718 times)


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« Reply #50 on: 4 March 2008, 21:55:49 »
I would just like for the command interface to be a little bit more friendly. For example, when the computer has a stable base, it will send out about 3 or 4 scouts that each explore an area. Players, who only have 1 mouse and 1 keyboard, can only manage about 1 scout and therefore is at a big disadvantage to the comp. If you want a good example, play a game of glest with a computer team mate. The computer will eventually send out about 3 or 4 scouts.
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by orion »


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« Reply #51 on: 4 March 2008, 22:37:58 »
@daniel.santos - ok - emailed it to you

here's a media fire link too (as recomended by orion), just in case it doesn't get through:
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« Last Edit: 13 April 2016, 20:46:05 by filux »


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« Reply #52 on: 4 March 2008, 23:57:25 »
Thanks Vahron the abbey looks much more 'Glesty' now! The stained glass windows are cool as well. Would it be OK for you to take a look at the necro tower texture as well?  It also needs to be reworked.

Daniel, I've just played a game with the latest build (DL'ed from the SVN) and spotted a couple of interesting things.

When you build golems they just sit there in the 'building' state and don't move or attack :?

The auto-repair function for workers is really useful :shock:

if you have alot of undead units in one place they start doing a funny 'dance' after a battle because they necro's try to heal the minions so they move around then the minions follow them so the necro's move and so on  :O
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by wciow »
Check out my new Goblin faction -


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« Reply #53 on: 5 March 2008, 00:03:14 »
if you have alot of undead units in one place they start doing a funny 'dance' after a battle because they necro's try to heal the minions so they move around then the minions follow them so the necro's move and so on

Hahahaha.  I have to see that.

For the FPM logo, I'm thinking of having one unit from each of the 4 paths in the logo. Could you guys possibly send me some images of your favorite unit in glest? It needs to be a close-up of that particular unit and the entire body must be showing. Thanks
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by orion »


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« Reply #54 on: 5 March 2008, 00:14:32 »
Um, I noticed a bug in the GAE. I find the auto repair feature for the workers very useful, but when the workers go to build something, they start to pile up on one another; some of the workers start building behind another worker. The result is the worker in the back looks like he's knocking the crap out of the worker in front of him with a stone. If this isn't clear enough for you, I'll take a screen shot and show you.
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by orion »


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« Reply #55 on: 5 March 2008, 02:17:44 »
Quote from: "wciow"
if you have alot of undead units in one place they start doing a funny 'dance' after a battle because they necro's try to heal the minions so they move around then the minions follow them so the necro's move and so on  :) as a defense.  This has to be a slow morph to make it less of an option as a way to attack (you would have to first build the golem near the enemy base and then morph it).  This would just leave the need for enlightenment to get some type of base defense upgrade.

@orion@, yea the load of workers ganging up is desired behavior because they build faster.  If you don't want your workers doing that, then you have to put them to work somewhere else.  This is also why I considered having some mechanism to turn auto-repair on and off.  However, the issue with them building from further away than they should I'm aware of.  I think it's just sloppy code, I didn't carefully scrutinize how I was calculating distance in one function, so I'll get back to that sometime soon.  It could also be the result of semi-sloppy code plus compiling using -ffast-math (faster floating point calculations, crappy precision, like the old pentiums)

Any advice on how to manage auto-repair is welcome.  Also, I think what I released broke the "run away" code for workers & monks (but not cows & pigs).  I think I have it fixed now, but I need to test it.  Also, the monk now wont run away if there's a friendly military unit roughly between him and the bad guy he's scared of.  But if he's all alone and sights an enemy, he still runs like he's supposed to.  I'm going to play it once though just to make sure I don't give you guys some stupid bug! :)
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by daniel.santos »


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« Reply #56 on: 5 March 2008, 02:33:16 »
thanks @vahron@!! I uploaded it here:
Code: [Select]
[url=][/url] and since wciow likes it, I'm going to check it into the tree.
« Last Edit: 13 April 2016, 20:46:42 by filux »


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« Reply #57 on: 5 March 2008, 04:05:30 »
ok guys.  I just wanted to say to everybody contributing to this project, even those just giving feedback and advice and testing,  GREAT JOB!  This is really fun!

While enlightenment is less than half finished, I think I see some items that can be tweaked on the corruption side.  Skeletons are pretty powerful minions now and they also crowd things up a bit.  I think we should reduce the limit to two skeletons and up the price to 75g, but keep the summon speed abut the same.  I don't want to touch their stats personally, I'm just getting them to where they can actually survive long enough to make "calcified"!  A newborn skelly with full upgrades near his owner now looks like this:

Fully Upgraded Skeleton
  • HP: 813 (7 regen)
  • Armor 5+25 (bone)
  • Sight: 4+7
  • Attack Damage: 50...110+20 (Slashing) -- and that's 70 to 130 damage.
  • Health Stolen: 8% (damage from each hit "stolen" and used to heal the skeleton: 6 to 10 points)
  • Attack Speed: 100
  • Walk Speed: 200+25
I think zombies are too powerful -- not offensively, but defensively.  I'm going to make them run faster (240-250-ish) and have less HPs and armor (but not much less armor).  As they are, they obsolete the behemoths and I don't like that.  I was hoping for them to be a very mean offensive unit (and that they are), but a weaker defense should be a cost.  That was also Justcallmeike's original basis (the guy that posted the original ideas and then disappeared!!! LMAO!)  This is what zombies look like now, newborn with full upgrades and near their owner:

Fully Upgraded Zombie
  • HP: 1688 (Regen: 9)
  • Armor: 30+25 (Metal)
  • Sight: 6+7
  • Attack Damage: 115...265+48 (Slashing) -- that's 163 to 313
  • Health Stolen: 8% (13 to 25 points per hit)
  • Attack Speed: 100
  • Attack Effect: Festering Wound (not shown in game) - 25 damage per tick and -25 armor for 10 ticks (about a second per tick).  There is a 20% chance with each attack that this will occur.
  • Walk Speed: 190+25
Also, the "dance of the dead" thing is because necromancers are trying to heal the pets of other necromancers.  I'm thinking that the easiest solution is to make them only heal their own pets.  But it was funny as hell!!

I'm making the EPs used to summon skeletons & zombies the same, but I need to test it.  If it uses more than they are regenerating, you can get most of the way through summoning and run out of mana, it pissed me off quite a bit.  Also, since necromancers can auto-heal their own pets, I think I should back down the regeneration from their emanation a bit although this fast regeneration is supposed to be part of the power of working with animated forms.
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by daniel.santos »


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« Reply #58 on: 5 March 2008, 10:35:40 »

OK, I ran into found the bug you are talking about with the building golums.  This happens only when you are building them and get interrupted and they are finished with the repair skill.  It's on my list to fix now.

I discovered some of the AI problems and fixed one of them.  The way it was set up, it was possible for the AI to build a building that it already had when there were upgrades that weren't upgraded.  It would eventually get to it, once it built up it's forces enough, but in the mean time, it wasted resources on buildings it didn't really need.  I added the beginnings of some statistics tracking into the AI so it can better figure out what it really needs -- this is especially the case when you are using a tech tree other than the original magitech.  However, buildings and upgrades are still second to an appropriate level of workers & fighters.  At some point in the future, I would like to be able to tweak this further so it can behave more aggressively when it "wants" to,  more so on the ultra setting, or possibly a new difficulty level.

This may have also been running into a problem with subfactions.  I hadn't added subfaction checks into Faction.reqsOk(), so it may have added upgrade tasks for upgrades that weren't available!  This would cause it to fail when the upgrade task finally made it's way to the top of the queue.

I also discovered a problem with the AI initiating repairs (this includes healing).  It's actually possible to get two damaged initiates (who don't regenerate and that nobody can heal) and the AI will never repair anything, including buildings that it started building but got interrupted!  I'm in the middle of fixing this, but I want to tweak it out so that the AI will make more important repairs 1st.
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by daniel.santos »


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« Reply #59 on: 5 March 2008, 12:17:31 »
Quote from: "daniel.santos"
I think zombies are too powerful -- not offensively, but defensively.  I'm going to make them run faster (240-250-ish) and have less HPs and armor (but not much less armor).  As they are, they obsolete the behemoths and I don't like that.

That was one of the reasons why i wanted to introduce for example holy damage and stuff. In this case, you wouldn't call the zombie but rather another skeleton and instead call a behemoth.

And I think, the Dance of the Dead is just too funny to remove, isn't it? (;
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by Duke »


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« Reply #60 on: 5 March 2008, 12:27:01 »
Wooohooo. I found a decent hosting service that provides a lot of space and scripting services.

the url is:

I will then provide a link back to daniel.santos' server website where all the files are located

« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by orion »


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« Reply #61 on: 5 March 2008, 12:52:36 »
Quote from: daniel.santos
@tux-gamer@ I'm sorry, I forgot about you!
Code: [Select]
Wow, Thanks a lot :D
« Last Edit: 13 April 2016, 20:47:08 by filux »


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« Reply #62 on: 5 March 2008, 14:38:35 »
Still downloading it at the moment, but you might want to add some extra resource types. The most obvious being weapons. This creates a special tactic: if you are invading the other's camp, and you see a pile of weapons there, destroy them. So your enemy won't be able to create new weapons. And this will also force people to invest in defenses, instead of only rushing.

And you could create more of such resources, for each race, and sub-race one.

Just a suggestion btw, I'm testing such system out myself at the moment. combined with dropping the central building, and giving every single building some storage.
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by erandur »


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« Reply #63 on: 5 March 2008, 15:53:35 »
And, to keep the game from being really short would be to add units to counter the attacks of other ones (for example, I made a spearmen for the tech faction, and it takes out ranged units out nicely (along with horsemen)and having that in it made the game take a LOT longer. ;) )

« Last Edit: 13 March 2008, 15:11:12 by ZaggyDad »


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« Reply #64 on: 5 March 2008, 18:03:20 »
OK, I finally started mucking with the AI.  It turns out that the AI was always trying to advance, but it kept tripping over it's own feet because it added the AI tasks last and by the time it got to them, it was out of resources (after cramming queues full to build initiates, summoners and such).  This AI should progress better and should also be more challenging (especially on the ultra).  The ultra can occasionally get a bit aggressive on development, but that's ok. (i.e., new buildings and upgrades when a strong contingent of military units aren't in place).  AI also does a *much* better job of healing its units.  There was a bug before (in the original Glest) that could prevent the AI from ever repairing at all.

I made some other changes that I don't have time to list right now too, but I will later.  The new engine and tech tree also fixes a number of bugs & quirks (the dance of the dead is over, sorry guys :) ).  Monks work a lot better in combat situations (will flee if alone, but will stay and try to heal if there are friendly military units roughly between the monk and the enemies).  Monk also gets pretty effects when healing (and heals from a distance).  I removed the gold storage from the necromancer tower (but left it in the abbey).  The reason for this is the shroud of trepidation upgrade.  I had it screwed up before and it wasn't getting applied to their harvesting speed.  It may actually need to be toned down just a little bit because after you get this, gold comes rushing in.  Thusly, I had to remove the gold storage from the necromancer's tower, although I'm sure they love it as much as anybody.

Glest Advanced Engine & Four Path Magitech r45
Code: [Select]
[list][li][url=]glestadv-win32-r45.rar[/url] - r45 Windows binaries[/li]
[li][url=]glestadv-src-r45.tbz2[/url] - r45 sources [/li]
[li][url=]four_path_magitech-r45.tbz2[/url] - r45 Four Path Magitech[/li][/list]
« Last Edit: 13 April 2016, 20:47:50 by filux »


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« Reply #65 on: 5 March 2008, 20:37:09 »
I need a favor. Would you guys go onto:

Code: [Select]
And tell me if the website is working. All you should see is text that says "This is a test".
« Last Edit: 13 April 2016, 20:48:17 by filux »


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« Reply #66 on: 5 March 2008, 20:48:38 »
it works mate =]
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by vahron »


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« Reply #67 on: 5 March 2008, 21:12:50 »
How do you get the fourpath magitech for windows?
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by orion »


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« Reply #68 on: 5 March 2008, 21:58:27 »
Ah yeah, it would be good to use an archive that windows can open more easyly (;
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by Duke »


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« Reply #69 on: 6 March 2008, 07:39:57 »
Quote from: "orion"
How do you get the fourpath magitech for windows?

OK, I guess it's time to work out a better way of packaging this.  I renamed the .ini file gae uses to glestadv.ini so I can package this and not worry about overwriting the glest.ini since you need settings in glestadv.ini that aren't in glest.ini.  The main idea is that you just extract the files into your Glest installation.  But I'm going to set this up so that the only file it will overwrite is english.lng.  As it is, the executables are named glestadv-i686.exe and glestadv-sse2.exe, one for older processors and the other for newer ones.  Since I don't have a pre-SSE2 machine, I presume the way you tell is that the sse2 version crashes with an invalid opcode or something :)
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by daniel.santos »


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« Reply #70 on: 6 March 2008, 11:56:42 »
OK, I fixed the bug and made some other optimizations (mostly internal stuff).  This also has some updates to the enlightenment subfaction, but paladins (formerly white horseman) still don't heal themselves
Code: [Select]
.[list][li][url=]GAE r51 win32 binaries[/url][/li]
[li][url=]GAE r51 sources[/url][/li]
[li][url=]GAE r51 win32 binaries w/ FPM tech tree[/url] (just extract into your Glest directory)[/li][/list]
« Last Edit: 13 April 2016, 20:48:38 by filux »


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« Reply #71 on: 6 March 2008, 12:39:53 »
I just want to ask, why , when i'am selecting some archer and right clik to building ( ie Baracks) , The Archers don't go to the inside of building ?
I want put some archer to protecting Baracs, Blacksmith, etc
I can do it ini Glest official, so why i can do it in GAE ?

thanks before and i'am sory if my english is bad.
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by tux-gamer »


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« Reply #72 on: 6 March 2008, 19:31:26 »
Just letting you guys know, I'll be submitting the first drafts of the logo on to this topic later today
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by orion »


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« Reply #73 on: 6 March 2008, 20:08:16 »
@tux-gamer@, thank you!  I didn't realize this, but I was starting to wonder if I had done the right thing or not.  I changed it so when you have one of your own units selected and you right click on a friendly unit, it tells them to "follow" instead of "go to".  Well, when it follows, it will stay a certain distance away.  I can see now that this isn't a good thing, so I'm going to change it back.  If you want to follow, you can use the guard command, or I can add a separate button to instruct a unit to follow another one.
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by daniel.santos »


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« Reply #74 on: 6 March 2008, 23:42:34 »
THIS IS A VERY EARLY UNFINISHED LOGO DRAFT! As you could see from looking at this picture, it is very empty. I have a number of other logos, but they are all business-like. Anyway, what I want is advice; how would you guys want me to design this logo? 

« Last Edit: 13 April 2016, 20:49:09 by filux »