Overview.From version 3, Glest supports LAN/Internet multiplayer, up to 4 players.
Starting a multiplayer game.1) The server creates a game by in the "new game" menu, and opens some network slots.
2) Clients have to go to "join game", type the IP of the server and click "connect". This is only for the first time, after that, the game will remember the server name and you can select it from the previous server list.
3) Server launches the game.
IRC channel.Our irc channel (irc://irc.freenode.net/glest), is a good way of finding people to play multiplayer games or to discuss the game in general.
If you are new, just click here:
newbie_wants_to_play and choose a nickname.
In the chat ask for a game and wait for a reply ! this can take up to 30 minutes! )
3rd party software.There are 3rd party programs that will ease arranging Glest multiplayer games, by providing lobbies.
XFire - Xfire is a free gaming tool that automatically keeps track of when and where gamers are playing PC games online and lets their friends join them easily. Xfire now supports Glest (see
AFLobby - AFLobby now supports Glest too.
Firewalls and Routers.Glest uses TCP port 61357, so if you are under a router or firewall you will have to open/redirect this port to your computer if you want to host games (in the same way as you do for any other multiplayer games).