well if you arnt interested in global winds and only want the magician effect all you really need is one set of animations in 8 directions, any tree within range plays animation pointing away from the origo (mage).
When it comes to effects, turn down the bright lights and fire effects and up smoke, dust, pieces of flying earth and chaking or even disintegrating trees... its ALOT cooler...
nah i dont have time for classes, and itll take something like half a year before any starts better to just get with it. i got two books and im learning it now. got a friend whos a really good programmer ill bug him
starting to plan:
An rts game on a grand 4X scale (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate).
Each player plays a ruler(magician?). Objective of game to fulfill one of the games goals.
Goals: Exterminate enemy, most points at end of time, Victory locations, Diplomatic victory.
Factions: Men(several?), Elves, Dwarves, Orks and whatever…
Starts with a castle, built by? Noble?
Castles are the center of the town, here you build all the parts of the city and its resource area.
Castlebuildings are upgrades for the castle, they are actually never visible(not atm anyways).
Castlebuildings are:
Mages tower
City, is the area surrounding the castle. City buildings are built in castle menu but placed on the map inside the castles Cityradius. Citybuildings look like whole blocks of buildings, to make the cities large.
Citybuildings are:
Housing(increases population limit)
Market(more income)
Guild(Upgrades, higher production)
Resource area, is a limited area outside the city radius, here the player can build resource buildings.
Resource buildings are:
Village, depicted as just a small village of farms. (food production)
Mine, placed on mineral resources. (Gold or Iron production)
Quarry, placed on stone resources. (Stone production)
Sawmill, placed close to woods.(Wood production)
Units: Basic rock scissor paper with one basic jack of all trades unit. Units are built in squads, each containing several members, creating large armors.
Human units, revolve around the pikeman/halberdier(?), Swordsmen and archers are good against this unit. Cavalry is good against archers and swordsmen. Swordsmen are good against archers.
Step 1. Basic units and buildings.
Planning basic human tech tree
Units: Spearman, Swordsman, Archer, Pikeman, Cavalry
Buildings: Castle, Housing,
Step 2. Basic set up of game.
New mod.
Factions.(Two identical human)
XML for buildings.
XML for units.
Step 3.
Some resources only effect the city they are in, these are called city resources, some are added to the treasury and can be spent anywhere, called treasury resources.
City resources
Population: Created from food. More food = faster population increase. Population effects the time that castle produce and build.
Food: Created by farms connected to castle. Increases population. FAMINE?
Treasury resources
Gold: Created in cities from trade improvements and population. More population and higher upgrades = more gold per second. Used in unit production and upgrades, and some buildings.
Wood: Produced by sawmill in woods. Used in building and some unit production.
Stone: Produced by quarries at stone resource. Used in building.
Mana: magic (to be specified later).
Pikeman: Good vs Cavalry, lightly armoured, weak attack vs infantry.
Swordsman: Good vs Pikemen, at par with archers, medium armor, medium attack. Resilience vs shooting.
Archer: Good vs Pikemen, no armor.
Horseman: Good vs archers on par with swordsman. Medium armor.
City buildings
Here is where you build all other buildings.
Internal buildings are upgrades.
All units are built here.
Resource buildings