Author Topic: Epic (working name)  (Read 22663 times)


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« Reply #50 on: 28 April 2008, 13:54:23 »
n this engine Building and Units are exactly the same, only that buildings miss a walking command. So you can let a castle build buildings. you just have to set a range at which it can operate which matches your other request.
Only drawback, you can only build one building at a time.
Workaround would be to let the catle just set the building ground which could be build realy fast and then let these ground morph slowly into the actual building.


This quote is from earlier in this thread, anyone have an idea how to solve this?
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by Botjer »


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« Reply #51 on: 28 April 2008, 13:56:42 »
You could also use a Worker, that morphs into buildings... I don't have any ideas...
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by @kukac@ »


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« Reply #52 on: 28 April 2008, 14:07:18 »
thing is. if i have workers, people will be able to run amok all over the map. i will not let them do that :P
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by Botjer »


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« Reply #53 on: 28 April 2008, 14:21:08 »
Then use the golem's "walking for mana", but do not let them to regenerate their mana (so they won't get far away).
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by @kukac@ »


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« Reply #54 on: 28 April 2008, 14:32:10 »
thats an interesting toy, ill keep it in mind... wait they got their own mana resource that they regenerate themselves???
i didnt think that was possible... interesting...

anyways having a unit morphing into a building isnt a very smooth solution but ill think on it... might be able to pull it off if the presentation is right... hmmm. my mod wont be having big golems lumbering about though...
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by Botjer »


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« Reply #55 on: 28 April 2008, 16:56:11 »
Ok it seems I got something slightly wrong. I thought the range atribute was a general one, but it seems it is limited to the attack command.
So it might be that building over range is not implemented.

so you could check if a building is able to build directly next to it.
If that is the case a building could build a piece of street, which in turn could build another piece of street.

one of these streets would then build the next building.

still not quite what you intended but interesting none the less.
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by Duke »


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« Reply #56 on: 28 April 2008, 17:44:20 »
hehe interesting choices :P
but as you said... not what im looking for...
i might be forced to use some kind of builder. sigh i hate that...

I either use a worker... which i dont like. or i use a morphing unit... but then... would it be possible to have a menu with difference choices to morph into? or do i need one morphing unit per building...
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by Botjer »


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« Reply #57 on: 28 April 2008, 19:15:05 »
Code: [Select]
<type value= "build"/>
<name value="build_basic"/>
<image path="images/worker_build_basic.bmp"/>
<move-skill value="move_skill"/>
<build-skill value="build_skill"/>
                                <building name="farm"/>
<building name="barracks"/>
<building name="blacksmith"/>
<building name="castle"/>
<start-sound enabled="false"/>
<built-sound enabled="true">
<sound-file path="sounds/worker_work_end1.wav"/>
<sound-file path="sounds/worker_work_end2.wav"/>
<sound-file path="sounds/worker_work_end3.wav"/>

Well, this is the pure form of building, it could be remade like this:

Code: [Select]
<type value= "Morph"/>
<name value="build_basic"/>
<image path="images/worker_build_basic.bmp"/>
<move-skill value="move_skill"/>
<build-skill value="morph"/>

!!!{Note that you need to define a morph skill (copy it from the battlemage :P)}!!!

                                <building name="farm"/>
<building name="barracks"/>
<building name="blacksmith"/>
<building name="castle"/>
<start-sound enabled="false"/>
<built-sound enabled="true">
<sound-file path="sounds/worker_work_end1.wav"/>
<sound-file path="sounds/worker_work_end2.wav"/>
<sound-file path="sounds/worker_work_end3.wav"/>
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by @kukac@ »


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« Reply #58 on: 28 April 2008, 20:52:36 »
so... as morphing animation i set being built animation.
and when it gets done its a building... ill have to work around peoples joy in building thing in strange places :P
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by Botjer »


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« Reply #59 on: 28 April 2008, 20:53:17 »
wouldn't that make the new building replace the castle?
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by Duke »


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« Reply #60 on: 28 April 2008, 21:08:13 »
oh sorry i was thinking of having some kind of worker to morph...
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by Botjer »


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« Reply #61 on: 28 April 2008, 22:03:24 »
sorry too, missed your post before that, so yeah it would work.
« Last Edit: 28 April 2008, 22:10:00 by Duke »


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« Reply #62 on: 28 April 2008, 22:07:23 »
question is... would it look good and would people really build more castles? why should they... if they can place any buildings anywhere...
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by Botjer »


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« Reply #63 on: 28 April 2008, 22:10:14 »
You could make a builder that uses enrgy to move, but doesn't regenerate that energy, so he can only reach a certain distance.
when he is at the destination he morphes into the building.

only problem left: when he is too close to an obstacle he can't moprh into anything larger. And if he used up his energy he can't move away.
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by Duke »


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« Reply #64 on: 29 April 2008, 06:36:13 »
an you cant show how far they can move, feedback is important...
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by Botjer »


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« Reply #65 on: 29 April 2008, 13:57:24 »
You need to test this:

Code: [Select]
<max-ep value="1000" regeneration="0"/>


<type value="move"/>
<name value="move_skill"/>
<ep-cost value="100"/>
<speed value="50"/>
<anim-speed value="20"/>
<animation path="models/golem_walking.g3d"/>
<sound enabled="true" start-time="0">
<sound-file path="sounds/golem_walk1.wav"/>
<sound-file path="sounds/golem_walk2.wav"/>

Need to define a distance, (using more/less max energy/ increase/decrease the ep cost value.)

Also, it can happen (as Duke said) that an obstacle will block it, but I have an idea for that:

Code: [Select]
<size value="10"/>

« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by @kukac@ »


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« Reply #66 on: 29 April 2008, 18:36:01 »
I could do this myself dont get me wrong, but is anyone interested in helping out so i can focus on models and concept?
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by Botjer »


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« Reply #67 on: 30 April 2008, 16:08:52 »
I might have some time (however, I start working tomorrow...), I will help you out as I can.
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by @kukac@ »


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« Reply #68 on: 1 May 2008, 11:50:51 »
thanks, i believe GAE is the better choice for the mod. add my msn [Removed by @kukac@]
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by Botjer »


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« Reply #69 on: 1 May 2008, 16:49:56 »
If you want to create a mod on a more epic scale (as the topic suggests) then  the GAE will better suited to your needs. However remember that it is not completed yet (currently V0.2.7) and most of the features have not been fully tested. Also It isn't optimized at the moment.

I would advise you to test out some ideas in standard Glest (3.1.2) before diving in at the deep end with GAE. Most of the new XML functions are very barely documented and haven't been used by anyone but Daniel himself, who wrote the C++ for them!!

I'm not trying to discourage you and your mod sounds great. Possibily I will be able to offer some help in the future but I'm busy with various stuff ATM.
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by wciow »
Check out my new Goblin faction -


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« Reply #70 on: 3 May 2008, 08:07:39 »
Its ok, ive been on alot more difficult mods before, like battlefield 40k.
thanks for the heads up though :)

I'd like to add a skill, that activates automatically every time a unit attacks.
For five seconds their damage is increased dramatically. The skill will only recharge if the unit does not attack another unit for ten seconds.

is it possible?
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by Botjer »


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« Reply #71 on: 6 July 2008, 12:17:44 »
I just got 2 pictures from Botjer, and I will share them with you:

This is the castle, the base of everything. You don't really have other buildings, as the barracks, and the other building are just "upgrades", which will allow you to build more units/more upgrades.

And here is the Builders Hall. With the help of this, you can build buildings outside the castle too (towers, walls, and anything else what Botjer will found out).
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by @kukac@ »


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« Reply #72 on: 6 July 2008, 21:09:33 »
Wow, looks great! Can't wait to see it textured! Are those units able to go throught the gate into the courtyard, though?
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by MrBlack »


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« Reply #73 on: 7 July 2008, 03:27:13 »
Quote from: "Botjer"
More questions: is it possible to have different attack animations that are randomly played?

I actually have the same question I ended up using Blender to make another attack ani for the swordsman but I'm not to sure how to implement it.
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by Dasaki »


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« Reply #74 on: 9 July 2008, 09:19:08 »
hello everyone im back.
i havnt set up the castle so it blocks the path correctly yet if anyone wants to help me with that they are welcome to do so.

Also, a texturer would be nice, i really hate that part, i generally like modelling, but im crap at unwrapping and texturing, even though i know how...

on another note, the castle is actually meant to be larger, but there seems to be som kind of limit to the size of structures in the game...
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by Botjer »