I have some questions...
What is "two animations at the same time"?
Are there two swordman then?
No, there is an animation for the swordman dying, but he isn't holding his weapons. Then, there is a separate animation for the swordman's weapons as the swordsman is dying. It's a little screwy, I admit, but there are also static models for the swordsman's shield and weapon, so we can sometimes toss them about using physics, and at other times let him die while holding them. So when the death animation is split up like that, you need to play more than one animation at once. Either way, this is also important when you need to be able to play a regular animation sequence and also have objects toss around using physics.
I'm planning on allowing particle effects somewhere in here as well and I finally figured out how to tie them cleanly to the animations: for both particle systems and tossable objects, you can tie it to a specific vertex or polygon in the model
I'm not sure how you glean this information from Blender, but we can figure that part out later. Essentially, you can have somebody holding a torch and we take some polygon at the top of the torch model, with an optional offset and use that as the origination point for the particle system and/or tossable. That way, as the animation is moving around and being morphed, it continues to line up (I'm thinking of a torch that has fire (particle system 1) and sparks (particle system 2) and also throws out little candies as well that end up lying on the ground for a while -- it's a stupid example, but it's the kind of effects system we need to make cool stuff). There may even be a better way to keep stuff aligned, but it's one thought for now.
We will have playback once and loop what does that mean exactly, I didn't get it yet.?
Yea, walking, attacking, harvesting, those are all examples of animations that play in a loop (I think attack is a loop, not 100% sure on that, actually, it may just play once each time the attack is performed) and the death sequence is an example of an animation that's played once.
Ok, the torch was a really bad example, let me try a few more:
- A unit with a flaming sword
- A nasty zombie that drops little pieces parts as they wonder around, yuck!
- A druid that has leaves floating off of them every now and again
- A modern-day soldier who's machine gun throws shell casing everywhere
You get the point