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Author Topic: List of Online Resources for Modding  (Read 4255 times)


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List of Online Resources for Modding
« on: 10 April 2008, 20:09:53 »
This is just a list of Resources I compiled that will help you get started in modding and Glest programming. Hope it helps.


If you are a complete noob, the first thing you need to know is what XML is. XML stands for "eXtensible Markup Language" and is a complex arrangement of user created "tags". For an XML tutorial, goto:

Code: [Select]
ONLY READ THE FIRST CHAPTER unless you want to explore XML for web design.

I'll Elaborate Later..


2) Learning C++

The Core language and foundation of Glest is C++, a powerful and popular programming language. If you want to edit or modify the core features of Glest itself, you'll have to learn this language. Be warned that you cannot learn c++ in a day like you can XML. If you intend on becoming an expert at C++, a LOT of dedication and effort will be required. If you are up for the task, here are some of the best online resources.

First Read these:


Here are complete tutorials:


IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are a beginner to C++, I recommend you download this c++ editor:

Code: [Select]

3) OpenGL (REQUIRES C++)

If you've read the tutorials above and successfully learned c++, then one of the questions on your mind is "How the heck do I make Graphics and 3d stuff?" The answer is openGL or "Open Graphic Library". While there are few tutorials on the web about openGL, here are the ones I managed to find.

http://www.glprogramming.com/red/ (MUST READ!!)
Code: [Select]
NOTE: As stated above, OpenGl requires that you know c++.
4) 3D Modeling

All of the battle units in Glest are loaded into the game from a G3D (Glest 3D File). In the event you would like to create a new faction (ex. Tech/Magic), you would have to create the units using 3d modeling software. Here is a list of 3d modeling software that will get you started.

-3DS Max (Really expensive)
    google 3DS Max (I'll provide a link later)

-Blender (The most commonly used 3D software for Glest)

-GMax (My favorite editor, but not neccesarily the best)
    google GMax (I'll provide a link later)

more later....
This will be edited for accuracy and information VERY SOON. If you have any concerns or questions, please reply.
« Last Edit: 9 April 2016, 13:37:18 by filux »


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« Reply #1 on: 11 April 2008, 14:49:46 »
Good List orion.

Back in my earlier days of learning C++ I used Dev-C++ but now that I use Linux most of the time I've looked at others. After trying several IDEs I found NetBeans has been my favourite. Make sure you download the one with c++ support if your going to use it for c++.

NeHe is a great source for information.

For networking check out Beej's Guide to Network Programming

Lazy Foo's SDL tutorials is a good introduction to game programming.

http://www.learncpp.com/ is another site covering the c++ language

GameDev.net , FlipCode and Gamasutra.com have interesting game development articles.
« Last Edit: 9 April 2016, 13:37:38 by filux »
Glest Advanced Engine - Admin/Programmer


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« Reply #2 on: 12 April 2008, 20:30:28 »
Thanks for contributing to the list, Hailstone. I started this topic so those that are new to Glest can be informed as to how to create mods.

Netbeans is my favorite java IDE, but I'm currently having trouble using it for c++ development in windows. I would recommend it to anyone using linux, but if you're using windows, it's a little bit of a hassle.

PS: How do you "Sticky" a topic?
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by orion »


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« Reply #3 on: 16 April 2008, 19:02:27 »
You could also add a Blender tutorial to this topic.
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by @kukac@ »


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« Reply #4 on: 18 April 2008, 00:10:15 »
I'm not really a "modeling person" as in I'm not a 3d expert, but I will provide links to modeling tutorials.
Thanks for the sticky
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by orion »


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« Reply #5 on: 18 April 2008, 15:54:16 »
These are some references that I frequentEDIT: BTW, I'm using Kdevelop.  It has a lot of nice features, but leaves a lot to be desired in some other areas, specifically debugging with stl & polymorphic types (i.e., can't see data sometimes when pointer or reference is type of a base class of the actual object type) .  If you try to enter a watch expression that's invalid or unsupported, the debugger will sometimes exit, which is especially annoying, especially so when you finally caught an odd, difficult to reproduce bug in the debugger.  But the class browser works very nicely, although I wish I could hide the enum values.

EDIT 2: grammatical errors & clarifications
« Last Edit: 9 April 2016, 13:38:16 by filux »


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« Reply #6 on: 18 April 2008, 18:05:29 »
this is a very popular Blender tutorial:
« Last Edit: 9 April 2016, 13:38:40 by filux »


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« Reply #7 on: 27 June 2008, 13:27:10 »
Might be slightly off-topic, but www.tutorialized.com has a HUGE amount of tutorials. Mainly for 3ds max and photoshop though, but still, worth a look when you're in need of information.
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by erandur »


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« Reply #8 on: 28 June 2008, 01:49:25 »
Here are some free xml editors I found:
Code: [Select]
[url=http://www.freexmleditor.com/]http://www.freexmleditor.com/[/url]http://www.liquid-technologies.com/Prod ... tudio.aspx
« Last Edit: 9 April 2016, 13:36:18 by filux »
Glest Advanced Engine - Admin/Programmer


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« Reply #9 on: 30 June 2008, 03:23:27 »
It's 'eXtensible Markup Langue'  :)

PS: Dang, and I was going to use my new VB skills to make an XML editor  :)
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by Jamesgamer »


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« Reply #10 on: 30 June 2008, 15:56:50 »
woops. I put "extensive". :D
Thanks Jamesgamer. I'll fix it.
« Last Edit: 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 by orion »