This is just a list of Resources I compiled that will help you get started in modding and Glest programming. Hope it helps.
If you are a complete noob, the first thing you need to know is what XML is. XML stands for "eXtensible Markup Language" and is a complex arrangement of user created "tags". For an XML tutorial, goto:
ONLY READ THE FIRST CHAPTER unless you want to explore XML for web design.
I'll Elaborate Later..
2) Learning C++
The Core language and foundation of Glest is C++, a powerful and popular programming language. If you want to edit or modify the core features of Glest itself, you'll have to learn this language. Be warned that you cannot learn c++ in a day like you can XML. If you intend on becoming an expert at C++, a LOT of dedication and effort will be required. If you are up for the task, here are some of the best online resources.
First Read these: are complete tutorials: NOTE: If you are a beginner to C++, I recommend you download this c++ editor:
3) OpenGL (REQUIRES C++)
If you've read the tutorials above and successfully learned c++, then one of the questions on your mind is "How the heck do I make Graphics and 3d stuff?" The answer is openGL or "Open Graphic Library". While there are few tutorials on the web about openGL, here are the ones I managed to find. (MUST READ!!)
NOTE: As stated above, OpenGl requires that you know c++.
4) 3D Modeling
All of the battle units in Glest are loaded into the game from a G3D (Glest 3D File). In the event you would like to create a new faction (ex. Tech/Magic), you would have to create the units using 3d modeling software. Here is a list of 3d modeling software that will get you started.
-3DS Max (Really expensive)
google 3DS Max (I'll provide a link later)
-Blender (The most commonly used 3D software for Glest) (My favorite editor, but not neccesarily the best)
google GMax (I'll provide a link later)
more later....-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This will be edited for accuracy and information VERY SOON. If you have any concerns or questions, please reply.