Well, ya know, it's one of those styles things. You basically have to decide how much you want to illustrate and how much you're just going to leave to the imagination of the player. Also, it's how technical you want to get and, *most importantly*, how you are going to work all of those technicalities into the game balance.
I personally don't mind the way they are building at the moment, it appears as though they are getting to work, etc. Also, resource allocation is an important part of all of that. If we want to them to go back and forth to get resources, they can only carry so many resources at once. So now they are taking more time to build the buildings. Also, what if you want to build a building way off in the distance, all of the sudden, it takes years and your builders keep getting whacked by sneaky predators who think they're yummy -- the entire game balance is thrown off. As I said in the thread about unit production & experience, right now we have a lot of moving parts that aren't nailed down yet and I think we need to focus on putting those things together before we venture too far into breaking things again.
(I haven't even un-broken multiplayer play yet!!)