Ok, so I'm totally new to glest, and I wanted to know a few things...
1) how do I create new scenario in glest?
2) where can I get mods for glest?
3) how do I modify the values for a unit in glest? If I need to modify the xml file to do so, how do I modify it?
4) Does re-skinning an existing unit in glest work well?
5) If I wanted to add a skill to a unit when the skil already exists (say I wanted to add the ability to summon to the dragon, for example, how can I do so ?)
6) How do i add an entire unit in glest? (for example. If I wanted to create a unit using an existing model, but by reskinning it, changing what it does and how it spawns, do I just add the folder in the units folder?)
7) where can I post mods for glest?
8)how do I create maps for glest?
9) is there a simple way to make an existing unit bigger or smaller?