I'm changing mine. Here's a more recent profile:
C++: Novice (Classes, OOP, Templates, STD, Namespaces, Data Management, Arrays, Variables, Types, and More, but still haven't properly progressed to the Windows API (learning, but its a big leap).
HTML: Pro (all tags, attributes, HTML 4 + some 5, WC3 standards, XHTML capable)
CSS: Advanced (only thing keeping me from being a pro there is the fact that I can't do all these IE hacks... And don't want to!)
Javascript: Intermediate (Basic and Intermediate functions, but haven't bothered with Ajax yet and no knowledge of IE hacks)
PHP: Intermediate (Classes, OOP, Templates, Namespaces, most PHP 5 built in functions, though little experience with many extensions, especially ones that aren't core extensions)
Lua: Intermediate (Everything one could need for glest Lua, but little of the deeper elements, etc; Would learn, but don't see the point)