Author Topic: New Faction: Dark Magic Version 3.1 released!!!  (Read 73888 times)


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Re: New Faction: Dark Magic
« Reply #50 on: 25 October 2008, 08:31:10 »
when i asked if the earth serpent could move i meant if he could move from place to place if he can, how? that things sticking out of the ground.


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Re: New Faction: Dark Magic
« Reply #51 on: 25 October 2008, 16:05:12 »
Quote from: "gameboy"
when i asked if the earth serpent could move i meant if he could move from place to place if he can, how? that things sticking out of the ground.

well if it can i suggest having rocks around the bottom of it when its standing still and when its moving have a little trail of rock behind it (they are connected to him not stay left into the ground permanently)


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Re: New Faction: Dark Magic
« Reply #52 on: 25 October 2008, 19:31:46 »
No, no. The Earth Serpent does not move.  He's like a Defense Tower.

I like your idea of having rocks around him Verarticus.  But the Earth Serpent does not have a move skill, so the rocks could be positioned around the Earth Serpent permanently because it is always stationary.

Also, I really like the name Dark Mage (thanks Tripsahoy), and it's going to stay that way.  It would be a sorcerer or a warlock if it could conjure something, but it's purely a militaristic unit.


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Re: New Faction: Dark Magic
« Reply #53 on: 25 October 2008, 20:27:37 »
Quote from: "modman"
This is appropriate since he morphs into a reaper, sort of an undead thing.

i think the reaper should morph in to the dark mage because i always thaught the dark mage would be faster and stronger than the reaper


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Re: New Faction: Dark Magic
« Reply #54 on: 25 October 2008, 20:42:55 »
If you wanted, you could have the Earth Serpent morph into a "Mobile Earth Serpent" or something like that.  It would come up out of the ground and be able to slither very slowly, but would have little to no attack capabilities, then when you positioned it where you wanted it, it could burrow its tail into the ground and morph back into the stationary Earth Serpent.  Then it would be like somewhere between the Defense Tower and the Golem.  Just an idea.


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Re: New Faction: Dark Magic
« Reply #55 on: 26 October 2008, 08:15:35 »
Quote from: "johndh"
If you wanted, you could have the Earth Serpent morph into a "Mobile Earth Serpent" or something like that. It would come up out of the ground and be able to slither very slowly, but would have little to no attack capabilities, then when you positioned it where you wanted it, it could burrow its tail into the ground and morph back into the stationary Earth Serpent. Then it would be like somewhere between the Defense Tower and the Golem. Just an idea.
Do you know how complex the animation would be?


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Re: New Faction: Dark Magic
« Reply #56 on: 26 October 2008, 19:45:52 »
Quote from: "gameboy"
Quote from: "johndh"
If you wanted, you could have the Earth Serpent morph into a "Mobile Earth Serpent" or something like that. It would come up out of the ground and be able to slither very slowly, but would have little to no attack capabilities, then when you positioned it where you wanted it, it could burrow its tail into the ground and morph back into the stationary Earth Serpent. Then it would be like somewhere between the Defense Tower and the Golem. Just an idea.
Do you know how complex the animation would be?
No.  Are you actually asking me or is that a rhetorical question?


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Re: New Faction: Dark Magic
« Reply #57 on: 26 October 2008, 23:44:02 »
Its a rhetorical question, judging from the fact that he is responsible for the animations.  The Earth Serpent does not move anyways.

Question:  Do you guys think that Dark Magic and Tech II should be in their own seperate tech tree together?  I'm leaning towards no.  I think they should probably go in Magitech and be balanced there.


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Re: New Faction: Dark Magic
« Reply #58 on: 27 October 2008, 00:28:24 »
if they are that different from magic and tech than shoure


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Re: New Faction: Dark Magic
« Reply #59 on: 27 October 2008, 15:55:06 »
No, they should be tuned for Magitech. =)


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Re: New Faction: Dark Magic
« Reply #60 on: 29 October 2008, 20:52:35 »
Hey Gameboy, when do you think you'll have the Earth Serpent done?  It will go in beta 3.0, so I'm kind of waiting for it.


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Re: New Faction: Dark Magic
« Reply #61 on: 30 October 2008, 05:31:45 »
I'm just working on the ground texture, maybe some time today.


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Re: New Faction: Dark Magic
« Reply #62 on: 30 October 2008, 06:05:39 »
Here it is.
you can re map or edit the texture if you like. also in the materials you might want to rename the texture.


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Re: New Faction: Dark Magic
« Reply #63 on: 30 October 2008, 06:55:31 »
modman, I'm now working on the Sheol temple, please specify how you want it to look, 'cause the drawing looks pretty confusing.
here are some pics.


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Re: New Faction: Dark Magic
« Reply #64 on: 30 October 2008, 19:13:29 »
Please do not make the Sheol Temple yet!

Sorry for the confusion and for the work you've done that I see in the pictures, but I'll upload the new Sheol Temple as soon as I can get it scanned (probably tomorrow).

In the meantime, you could work on the Morlock.  I think I have a pretty good description of it here.

Again, really sorry for the (possibly, unless it goes in another tech tree) wasted work you did.


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Re: New Faction: Dark Magic
« Reply #65 on: 30 October 2008, 19:51:56 »
I think the Energy Fountain should look like this:
Any counter suggestions?  I'm not saying this is what it should be like, but I have no other ideas.  Help me!


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Re: New Faction: Dark Magic
« Reply #66 on: 31 October 2008, 03:19:46 »
no big deal, i love making building models.
you might want to specify the animation for the morlock and what weapon it uses.
BTW. the animation keys of earth serpent are: 1-24 Idle, 25-69 attack and 69-to when its lying on the ground.


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Re: New Faction: Dark Magic
« Reply #67 on: 31 October 2008, 06:49:10 »
The Morlock.


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Re: New Faction: Dark Magic
« Reply #68 on: 31 October 2008, 17:29:51 »
****The following is addressed to Gameboy****

First, about the Earth Serpent.  It looks really good, but when I turn it, I cannot see its spines on its back.

About the Morlock: It holds a pipe to attack with.  But keep in mind that this is a super-weak melee unit.  (It costs only 35 gold to conjure!)  It is also super hairy, kind of like a four-foot Yeti.

Soon I'll have an image of a Tower of Wisdom up.  It's a really cool unit, but please don't try to make it until I post an image of it, or I know you'll do it wrong.

Also I should have animation instructions for the Fury of the Tiki up.  Maybe you want to take another stab at it, or maybe Omega does.  But Omega does what Omega does, so I can't make either one of you do the Fury of the Tiki.

Oh yea.  You're getting tons of credit for the Earth Serpent you did.  Thanks!


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Re: New Faction: Dark Magic (version 2.1) and Poll
« Reply #69 on: 31 October 2008, 23:06:59 »
maybe a branch intead of a pipe would be more authentic. or some kind of blunt weapon like a club.


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Re: New Faction: Dark Magic (version 2.1) and Poll
« Reply #70 on: 1 November 2008, 00:28:03 »
It fights with a pipe, and a pipe is blunt.


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Re: New Faction: Dark Magic (version 2.1) and Poll
« Reply #71 on: 1 November 2008, 00:38:00 »
ok but a pipe dosent seem right...i guess if it dosent look too much like a pipe tho it would seem more realistic to me, but its you mod.


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Re: New Faction: Dark Magic (version 2.1) and Poll
« Reply #72 on: 1 November 2008, 01:03:57 »
I read the book, and I figured "what would it attack me with if I was there?" and since there were tons of machines there, I thought a pipe would do.
Also, Gameboy, I downloaded and converted the Earth Serpent file, but there are still three things wrong.  Two are big, one is less so.

First thing: The file does not run in Glest!  The crash message has something to do with Glest not being able to find the TGA.  I'm not exactly sure what's wrong, but I can guess that it has to do with when you referenced the TGA to the G3D.  Try putting the TGA in the same directory as where you save the G3D and it might work then.

Second: There is only one model!  This is the serpent attacking, I believe.  I only need two more, the standing and the dying.  Could you please make these?

Third and least important (but still important): The spines on the Earth Serpent's back are only visible from one side of it.  Maybe you know how to fix this.

Other than that, looks great.


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Re: New Faction: Dark Magic (version 2.1) and Poll
« Reply #73 on: 2 November 2008, 12:52:38 »
your suppose to export it. ::)
but anyways i already did it. ... e86d10bed4


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Re: New Faction: Dark Magic (version 2.1) and Poll
« Reply #74 on: 2 November 2008, 21:52:13 »
Sorry, I was away for a bit and it was unbelievable. Did you know their is no Wifi in some of these small towns? Blah...

I found the error with the Fury of the Tiki. When I zipped it, it somehow corrupted, so I'll try again and I'll test it this time. Expect it sometime this week. (Sorry, you know how this internet is)

I have the animations done quite well, but once you check it out, tell me if you want any changes, because I still have the blend files, but I won't upload them because they take a lot of extra room.

Also, concerning the earth serpent, the reason you cannot see the spikes right is because they are single sided. Unless the creator is using transparency there, they should be DOUBLE sided.

I might help with the morlock if you'd like. And don't look at that picture. While it looks fairly well, it is just a recoloured Daemon, and you should aim for original models. (Like with your pipe, though I agree that it should be a branch or something. Pipes just don't seem realistic with the DM faction's era of existence.

Lastly, I can make the energy fountain for you. I need you to tell me this:
1) Is that how you'd like it to be? I think it looks great that way and I can easily model that.
2) Should the colour of the energy inside the fountain change with the different amounts of energy being created? (ie: blue would be 10 energy, green 20 energy, etc;)
3) Animations: Still (normal), build, die, and produce energy (might be different produce energy animations for the different amounts, see above)

PS: I don't think the morlock should be only 35 gold, since the Daemon is extremely weak and it is only 50 gold. Going weaker is no good. Maybe having it slightly weaker than the daemon, and slightly cheaper, but slower to conjure?
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