I'll upload the version I got so far. It has all the sounds, improvised textures, and both factions. I'll try to upload it at school son, probably monday to wednesday. As for the credits, I will have an HTML read me in the pack that has tips, credits, and stuff.
As for models for DM, Modman, have no fear. I'm pretty busy with the Underworld faction, so I can't do anything drastic there, but I am about to do the 'Rage of the Tiki' or whatever it's called very soon. Here's more good news: I have the Lucifer unit from the Underworld faction. It is a dark angel. I just finished texturing and animating it yesterday. It is poorly textured, and the animation is a bit sloppy, but in glest that's not very noticable. It is an air unit with the following animations: attack, still, move, die, and special (spell). If you'd like to use it, tell me, and I'll upload it for you to use in DM. Of course, you'd have to give me credit, but it might fit with DM. Tell me what you think!
And I need more description. I have to retype this part because my internet crashed AGAIN when I tried to submit it... (gotta copy before I hit submit, and maybe not update adobe reader at the same time...) So I will have a 'blinking' still animation, were it blinks it's eyes. I will also have an attack animation were it come up just a little bit to let off it's magical spurt. Next, I will have it 'die' which I think it should 'crumble' and sink into a void that will open beneath it. Please tell me what you want, so I can make it the way you meant it to be!