Author Topic: Apocalyptic Dawn (formerly known as Military)  (Read 276349 times)


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Re: Military Tech Tree --
« Reply #150 on: 1 March 2009, 10:46:08 »
Alpha??? I don't have an alpha released. At least not of Military 2. THe original military is totally different and abandoned.

This version has far better models, plot, everything... No known release date for it.
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Re: Military Tech Tree --
« Reply #151 on: 23 March 2009, 23:06:54 »
so when are you going to do this ::)
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Re: Military Tech Tree --
« Reply #152 on: 25 March 2009, 13:00:08 »
dude have you got a beta of millatry 2 for me to try cause it sounds cool

please :'( throw this dog a bone


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Re: Military Tech Tree --
« Reply #153 on: 26 March 2009, 15:46:59 »
I regret forgetting to say this, but the military project is on hold until may 12 2009. On that day, I will start production again. I appolgize for this delay. I expect a beta with about half of the units around may 24.

Sorry. But rest assured, I won't let it die.
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Re: Military Tech Tree --
« Reply #154 on: 26 March 2009, 16:27:24 »
thanks dude (aka omega)


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Re: Military Tech Tree --
« Reply #155 on: 26 March 2009, 22:49:52 »
good :)
cause i like this faction! ;D
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Re: Military Tech Tree --
« Reply #156 on: 29 March 2009, 09:39:25 »
Glad that you don't mind the wait. I got some other things to do, including finishing the elves web page for gAMeboy, updating the glest guide (, and a few 'behind the scenes' products.

Now add that with school and learning (I learn programming languages at speeds faster than humanly possible, spanning to advanced HTML and CSS, intermidiate JavaScript, basic C++, and more!). Now just for fun, lets add sports (I actually play every school sport, and I'm on the SRC), friends, family, and leisure. The result? So much to do... So few hours in the day. It's almost time to start making 26 hour days! ;D

Anyway, look back here in May!
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Re: Military Tech Tree --
« Reply #157 on: 7 May 2009, 15:44:47 »

Firstly, the new date for starting this will be May 21 (right after the big track meet). I don't have enough spare time before then. Anyway, I have made a few changes:

  • The field doctor has been thrown, and there will be just the medic, which is now the same as the field doctor.
  • Small changes to current XMLs, including resources and upgrades
  • Need icons (have the standard move, attack, etc; but lots to go, wasn't someone going to lend a hand?)
  • Automaton thrown, and now the hangar and AA-launcher are to be built from the medic (who is sort of like tech's technician, with healing and building abilities, though his attack is a handgun [barretta w/ 3 shot burst for gun enthusiasts])
  • Survelience upgrade will no longer give super sight to see the whole map, but rather increase the sight of the outpost to a whopping 25! Sure is nice to be able to see the foe long before they can even reach you!
  • Since the automaton is gone, so is the artificial intelegence upgrade, which was meant to get that unit
  • Because of usage troubles, I am forced to take out the IED. If anyone finds a good way to get them to work with all these ranged units, give me a shout and I'll bring back this sucker (kinda hate losing it, as I always imagined having a base with plenty of IEDs, the opponent comes to attack, and BOOM, big explosion! Oh well...)

I am longing to get back to production, and as usual, anyone is welcome to give a hand, which can speed things up, but isn't needed. I look forward to doing the headquarters and the nuclear attack right away (super attack). BTW, I am wondering if anyone has any good tips or ideas to making a sort of 'burned' texture, such as how paper blacken when burned. Basically, some units like the tank and humvee scorch nicely when destroyed, so they need a burned/charred texture. Think of an explosive impact in a video game on the ground (ie: throw a grenade and the ground becomes charred). I may be able to simulate this with GIMP's burn tool, but it doesn't seem to look as good as I wish. My best bet might be to use the 'coffee stain' plug-in and edit the stain to look like a burn... Anyway, I'm just rambling there.

Back to business, as I have stated, I need the icons for many things. Look up in previous posts for the icon list. I already have some great move/attack/stop/etc icons made (once again, look up for link), so all icons should fit with this design OR should have totally new design. I would prefer you to use the icon background supplied with my list of icons, if not too much to ask. I CAN always do the icons myself, but some of these guys on the board are just so good with 2D things, and I'm only so so (improving fast), though I don't do good with making new things. Almost every texture is made of real life images or stock images.

~~~ Unit list in next post ~~~
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Re: Military Tech Tree --
« Reply #158 on: 7 May 2009, 15:45:09 »
~~~ UNIT LIST ~~~
This list is not only meant as a documentation of the layout, but is also an advanced list of the units for anyone who wants to give me a hand, and most importantly, it is a memo to myself!

AA Launcher:
Type: Defense
Info: Attacks air units only with a blast of six missles. Very simple unmanned machine that looks exacts like the movies. It deals very heavy damage to air with a splash, and is capible of taking out an air unit in just a few attacks. However, its attacks are slow.
Animations: Still, attack, die, construct

Baton Soldier:
Type: Unit
Info: A strong melee unit that has an electrified baton as a weapon. He is muscular and strong, far more powerful than any other infantry unit, although limited by the melee attack. He has higher defense, high attack, and plenty of health to help him survive until he reaches the foe.
Animations: Still, attack, move, die

Type: Building
Info: A modern looking facility meant for large scale production of products. Can produce the tank and humvee.
Animations: Still, construct, die, construct tank, construct humvee

Type: Unit
Info: The most powerful short range unit in the game, it has a brutal flamethrower which deals an intense splash damage to foes in range, causing heavy damage at a high pace. The flamethrower unit resembles the baton soldier, but with a large flamethrower, slower, but slightly more HP. The weapon can damage himself, so use with care. A secondary attack, liquid flame, can attack even air units with a bigger splash and more power.
Animations: Still, attack, die, move, hold position

Type: Unit
Info: A marine with a grenade launcher, capible of dealing heavier splash damage over a short range. Slightly more vulnerable than the marine, and slower too.
Animations: Still, attack, move, die, hold position

Type: Building
Info: A building with control tower and landing platform, meant to be used for producing stealth bombers. It is very similar to something one might find in an airport.
Animations: Still, construct, die, construct stealth bomber

Type: Building
Info: The main building for military, it is a standard command center which has a panel on the top. After numerous upgrades and after getting enough EP, it will unleash a powerful, long ranged nuke to any location on the map. This nuke requires 480 seconds to charge up (8 minutes). It deals damage only to units, and not buildings (otherwise the entire base could be destroyed). It has high splash, high power, and devastating effects, as well as it looks plain cool! Of course, the fact that this building also produces the private makes this the most important (and most fun) building in the game. In order to prevent the computer from unleashing this automatically, as well as to ensure that this attack is only unleashed when you want it to be, there is also a short range machine gun attack (4 range).
Animations: Still, construct, die, nuke, machine gun

Type: Defense
Info: A computer manned howitzer cannon that shoots small explosive shells long distances (10 range). The splash and power for shells are only modernate, and the howitzer uses EP to reload the ammunation, limiting the shots. It is also the weakest defense unit in terms of HP. It also has a mortar attack for even longer range, which is capible of dealing more damage, but at a slower rate of fire.
Animations: Still, attack, mortar, construct, die

Type: Vehicle
Info: A very fast land vehicle capible of traversing enemy terrain quickly. While it is not very powerful, with a simple 4.55mm mounted machine gun, it has fairly strong armor, and plenty of HP. It explodes upon death (wheels fly out to the sides and main carcass is scorched). For a visual example, google Mercenaries 2's Raven vehicle. It is similar, but different colors and in humvee form.
Animations: Still, attack, move, die

Type: Unit
Info: A simple infantry unit armed with a basic rifle. They are cheap, weak, and disposible, but effective in large numbers. They are the primary starting unit, and some of the simplest units to produce. They can morph into the marine.
Animations: Still, attack, move, die, hold position

Machine Gun Turret:
Type: Defense
Info: Morphs from a private (it 'builds' the turret, then mans it), it is a simple turreted machine gun not unlike the halo's machine gun turrets. It has a cover though, and fairly good defense. It's health is quite low for a defensive unit though.
Animations: Still, attack, morph, die

Type: Unit
Info: A step up from the infantry, this marine has more power, speed, and HP. It is basically a jacked up infantry with a MP-40 machine gun. You must already have at least one Infantry in order to produce this.
Animations: Still, attack, move, die, hold position

Ops Facility:
Type: Building
Info: An important building, producing some higher end units such as the special op, medic, and flamethrower. The explosives upgrade allows for use of new units. Basically a tall, black, glassy, sleek tower which would be veiled in secrecy.
Animations: Still, construct, die

Type: Defense
Info: The main defense building, equivilant to tech's defense tower, it fires 7.95mm sniper rifle shells from its watch post, and can be used as a lookout with amazing sight (25!) after upgrading the surveillance. It is a wooden structure made to ward off attackers with high HP while picking them off slowly with guns.
Animations: Still, attack, surveillance, construct, die

Type: Unit
Info: It doesn't look like it, but this is the most important unit in the game. It can't attack, but harvest's every resource, builds most buildings, constructs most defenses, repairs any building, and is your economical core. It can mine gold and steel, as well as harvest wood. It can build the Rations Center, Headquarters, Reactor, Recruitment Station, Ops Facility, and Factory. It can repair every building, and make the Outpost, Machine Gun Turret, and Howitzer defenses. It can also do basic first aid on some units to heal, but this ability is limited.
Animations: Still, mine, harvest, move, walk loaded mine, walk loaded harvest, walk harvest, walk mine, idle mine, idle harvest, build, first aid

Rations Center:
Type: Building
Info: Home of all food, this stores food, as well as produces it. Food is produced 15 at a time, and does not take up any space on the map, as it is produced directly, rather than by animals like in tech. It is a standard first aid like building that is covered in camoflauge netting.
Animations: Still, construct, die

Type: Building
Info: A radio active power source, meant to provide upgrades, being the equivilant of tech's blacksmith and magic's library. It can initiate the Plutonium Extraction and Titanium Refining upgrades.
Animations: Still, construct, die

Recruitement Station:
Type: Building
Info: The main unit production supercenter, it is basically a large camoflauge netted building which recruites new units into your army. It can recruit the Infantry, Baton soldier, or Marine
Animations: Still, construct, die

RPG Trooper:
Type: Unit
Info: A powerful unit with an RPG launcher. It is roughly outfitted, not in a completely military outfit. The RPG attack does some impressive damage with a nice splash, but is nothing compared to the bittersweet destruction caused by the Fuel Air RPG, which basically ignites the air aflame, almost like a flamethrower with range. Truely powerful, but EP restrictions restrict its attacks, especially the Fuel Air attacks. It got plenty of HP, but weak, vulnerable armor.
Animations: Still, attack, move, die, fuel air RPG

Special Op:
Type: Unit
Info: A powerful unit clothed in black. It is basically an assassin, a black op. Modelled with Sam Fisher in mind (without the night vision goggles, as cool as they may be, they don't function to well in bright sunlight). They attack with an electrical arc beam taser, a new weapon which sends out a bolt of electricity, charged at extremely high voltage, enough to fry an opponent alive. A secondary sniping attack allows for one hit kills, but at huge EP costs.
Animations: Still, attack, move, die, snipe

Stealth Bomber:
Type: Vehicle
Info: A powerful new series of Stealth Fighters, it can fly very low, far beneith enemy radar, and is capible of bombing foes with twin missles. A secondary attack has it drop a 1000 kiloton bomb vertically onto anything below it. Equipped with VTOL (Verticle Take Off and Landing) features, it can fly motionlessly in the air like a heli, though its speed while moving puts all helis to shame!
Animations: Still, attack, move, die

Type: Vehicle
Info: A powerful tank which, while slow moving, has powerful explosive shells to burst through anything. It has the best armor in the game, and can be boosted even more with the Titanium Refining upgrade. Its powerful shells allow explosive splashes for high damage in an area. The tank is a quick favorite, resembling a standard modernish tank with desert storm camoflauge.
Animations: Still, attack, surveillance

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Re: Military Tech Tree --
« Reply #159 on: 7 May 2009, 15:45:27 »
This is the list of all upgrades in Military.

Description: Allows the stealth fighter to be produced. Requires stealth research. Slightly increases the armor and sight of the hanger as well.

Description: Allows production of the RPG Trooper and Grenader.

Plutonium Extraction
Description: Allows the use of the Nuclear Bomb attack from the headquarters, as well as gives the Headquarters a big boost.

Stealth Research
Description: The first upgrade for the Stealth Bomber, allowing the Aerodymics upgrade to be commenced.

Description: Grants a massive boost in sight for the outpost, bringing the sight up to 25, enough to see foes long before they reach you, making the outpost truly live up to its name, and making it very suitable for building on paths to your base.

Titanium Refining
Description: Gives a sweet boost in the armor of the Tank, Humvee, and Stealth Bomber. But not for cheap...

That's all the units and upgrades. I've been playing so many war games (Halo 3 [everybody knows this], Mercenaries 2 [a great game despite its glinches], Call of Duty 4 [another WW game, but eh...], and the Splinter Cells). I am basically briming with unit ideas, and after I release the final v1 with the above units, I may decide to add new ones in.
Brainstormin', possible future units:
-Gunship (heli)
-Another, more powerful tank
-AA tank with heavy machine gun and AA missles
-Bunkers (contain resources, ultra durable defenses)
-Bunker Busters (weapons meant for pentrating bunkers)
-Elephant like tank (from Halo 3, its basically a moving fortress, its so powerful)
-Death Star (JK)
-Etc; Etc;

Of course, lets not get ahead of myself. I got work to do. If anyone wants to give a hand, please, feel free.

** No known release date, but most likely in the summer (after schools finally done) **

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Re: Military Tech Tree --
« Reply #160 on: 7 May 2009, 20:00:26 »

~~over and out~~
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Re: Military Tech Tree --
« Reply #161 on: 8 May 2009, 00:15:11 »
How are you planing to do the Airplane units?
I mean, they can't stay floating on the air.


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Re: Military Tech Tree --
« Reply #162 on: 9 May 2009, 02:14:27 »
maybe the stop model could be the plane facing itself straight up and using afterburner (jk  :P)
you could have it fly around in loops for a stop model
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Re: Military Tech Tree --
« Reply #163 on: 13 May 2009, 15:55:09 »
VTOL, great thing, works here too!
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Re: Military Tech Tree --
« Reply #164 on: 13 May 2009, 21:13:55 »
VTOL, great thing, works here too!
In layman's terms, what he means is that some planes (like the Harrier jet for example) are capable of taking off vertically and hovering in place.  However, it burns a lot of fuel to do that.

As far as I know, there aren't any stealth jets that can do that, but last time I checked (a couple years ago), the up-and-coming F-35 Lightning Joint Strike Fighter was supposed to have VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Landing) capabilities and also be at least somewhat stealthy.


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Re: Military Tech Tree --
« Reply #165 on: 14 May 2009, 19:41:37 »
Welcome to the future. To prevent arguing, this mod now takes place in 2050. I dare anyone to try to predict what the heck people will use then!
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Re: Military Tech Tree --
« Reply #166 on: 14 May 2009, 20:42:56 »
Considering we've been using the M16 relatively unchanged since the 1960s...


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Re: Military Tech Tree --
« Reply #167 on: 14 May 2009, 23:33:44 »
Welcome to the future. To prevent arguing, this mod now takes place in 2050. I dare anyone to try to predict what the heck people will use then!

Make the Death Star then lol

And by the way, since loads of modern war machinery are now controled by remote control, in 2050 I think they would use some robotic stuff, you could do some, it would be pretty cool.
« Last Edit: 14 May 2009, 23:39:09 by MadElf »


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Re: Military Tech Tree --
« Reply #168 on: 15 May 2009, 00:39:56 »
Yeah, I think something like the Predator UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) would be good, since you only have one air unit so far.  It could have a big sight radius and some kind of light air-to-ground attack.


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Re: Military Tech Tree --
« Reply #169 on: 15 May 2009, 07:49:01 »
I like it since we only have 1 air unit.

and take a look here:

As you can see robots are used in wars since 1940, I didn't know that. :o


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Re: Military Tech Tree --
« Reply #170 on: 15 May 2009, 14:16:27 »
Actually, the 1940's tanks were remote-controlled, not robots.  A robot is a machine which works without human input once it's been deployed.  ;D


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Re: Military Tech Tree --
« Reply #171 on: 15 May 2009, 19:30:42 »
Only technically speaking. Although I must say, the robot idea is tempting, but I'm sticking with the current units for now. In the future, I want to add a lot of new units, and hope this can grow into a very large lifelike faction. I am only done select units, but I already made all the XMLs, and tested it with placeholders (large blocks with the units name on them). All that's left is images(!), models, and sounds (got them all, but I won't add them until last).

I have some great particle splash/proj's, especially the nuke (no mushroom cloud, but looks great). The best animation ever is the Special Op's shock gun, which looks pure fantastic! Of course, I still have a placeholder for that, since I haven't animated it yet.

In other news, the AI is perfect, and managed to beat me 2/6 times (though not anymore, in the beginning, I was still learning).
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Re: Military Tech Tree --
« Reply #172 on: 15 May 2009, 23:00:23 »
hey i have good plane models from a game called gl-117
if you want them please let me know :)
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Re: Military Tech Tree --
« Reply #173 on: 17 May 2009, 09:36:38 »
Well, you need to check the liscence for this gl-117 first to make sure that the models can be used for this, then I'll need the name of the author for crediting purposes. If it all works out, I'll be happy to add the planes in!

*Reminder to all that I am open to all and any models.

-I also was wondering if someone could texture this factory for me. I made it with blender, and it is pretty basic, but was unwrapped very good for easy texturing. It is made to fit a 3x3 square (glest building can't be too big), and has very loose instructions, though leaves alot of room for personalization. I could texture this myself, but want to see how anyone else can do, oh, and I'm feeling REAL lazy!
<Will upload soon, tried mediafire, but its being a bit of a pain on dial-up, ugh. Any volunteers though?>
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Re: Military Tech Tree --
« Reply #174 on: 17 May 2009, 09:53:19 »
I could if you want to, but you wiould need to upload it somewhere else that not MediaFire, I can't use it...