Author Topic: New Faction:Tech II  (Read 11605 times)


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Re: New Faction:Tech II
« Reply #25 on: 19 October 2008, 20:31:07 »
Treebeard is a name of an Ent, not a type of a human tree.


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Re: New Faction:Tech II
« Reply #26 on: 20 October 2008, 22:20:19 »
just wandering
How much do you actually have done on this faction?
also you should have like a tank/train unit in your faction like the thing in wild wild west
you dont have to but i was thinking that that was pritty techy so you might want to think about it


this is the only picture i could find its not very good though

ps. i know that the wild wild west doesn't take place in the same time period as tech but this would be really cool to have in your faction


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Re: New Faction:Tech II
« Reply #27 on: 20 October 2008, 22:23:03 »
So what name do you think it should be?  Should I stay with Tree Walker?


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Re: New Faction:Tech II
« Reply #28 on: 20 October 2008, 23:10:58 »
now that you menchin it you should get rid of the tree walker because it just seems like it should be in dark magic and replace it with the train/tank which could be called the "steam tank"


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Re: New Faction:Tech II
« Reply #29 on: 21 October 2008, 01:05:22 »
Maybe it could be the battle cart unit?


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Re: New Faction:Tech II
« Reply #30 on: 21 October 2008, 05:02:40 »
i got another idea, this unit is a unit i wanted to put in my Glest expansion but you could use it, the concept is a robot which works on clockwork i'll get some concept art up soon, it also has the ability to transform into a mobile vehicle that can move at high speeds, the name Machanon.


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Re: New Faction:Tech II
« Reply #31 on: 21 October 2008, 21:50:07 »
Maybe he could be like a unit that builds buildings faster...I'll only do it though if someone gives me the models; It's obviously not a nessessary implementation.


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Re: New Faction:Tech II
« Reply #32 on: 23 October 2008, 10:10:09 »
Here's the concept art i made a model for it, it's somewhere on the comp i don't even know what i named it it was the first model i ever made in blender.
oh well i'll just make another :'(]
[attachment=0:2e874x86]The Mechanon.jpg[/attachment:2e874x86]


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Re: New Faction:Tech II
« Reply #33 on: 23 October 2008, 23:37:22 »
Looks a bit too powerful. =\ Though that's just my opinion.


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Re: New Faction:Tech II
« Reply #34 on: 24 October 2008, 10:47:17 »
Don't judge a book by it's look!

It may be weaker than the Worker  :O All depends on it numeric stats.

I couldn't get its name. Sorry, but I don't know this letter type (Gameboy type?)


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Re: New Faction:Tech II
« Reply #35 on: 24 October 2008, 14:53:56 »
The Name: Mechanon
BTW I drew the letters


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Re: New Faction:Tech II
« Reply #36 on: 24 October 2008, 17:46:02 »
But it couldn't possibly be weak, the way it looks. It's metal! And even the addition of a weak cannon would make it powerful.


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Re: New Faction:Tech II
« Reply #37 on: 24 October 2008, 21:33:35 »
What's the difference between the Mechanon and the Battle Machine?  They seem too similar...

One difference I see is that it is not controlled by a person, but is completely mechanical.


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Re: New Faction:Tech II
« Reply #38 on: 24 October 2008, 21:44:38 »
True, having two humanoid robots is a bit weird.


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Re: New Faction:Tech II
« Reply #39 on: 25 October 2008, 01:57:24 »
Maybe the Mechanon could be allowed after researching the (already existing) "mechanics" upgrade.  Then he could promote to a "War_Mechanon".  The regular mechanon would just build things, while we can all figure out what the war_mechanon does.


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Re: New Faction:Tech II
« Reply #40 on: 25 October 2008, 06:21:48 »
We could have the Mechanon build really advanced buildings, have a strong but short ranged attack, it can transform into a mobile vehicle that can move at high speed but can't attack because it otherwise moves very slowly it can be either a morph from the Battle Machine or be a independent unit that can only be trained after researching Automated Mechanics.


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Re: New Faction:Tech II
« Reply #41 on: 25 October 2008, 07:40:55 »
One of them is good against building, while the other one is good against units? You know, they could be simply part of the rock-paper-scissors game.  ::)


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Re: New Faction:Tech II
« Reply #42 on: 25 October 2008, 19:40:18 »
I also don't have that many open slots for TechII.  I already have at least 23 units and buildings, and the more you have, the more work it is and is harder to control, especially for a CPU.  And with my new and improved tech tree diagram that I'll show you soon, CPUs are going to have a tough time already.  It is a very complicated one.

So I'm saying, I only have room for 1, maybe 2 Mechanons.  I think the two I suggested above will suffice.


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Re: New Faction:Tech II
« Reply #43 on: 26 October 2008, 08:07:39 »
The CPU can be improved, and the players doesn't think about such a things. Expect, when there is 132876487234278648236482634872634872638746 million units, and they won't know, which of these can heal :D But you can remember the stats and requirements of 2x units (at least I remember every (SC) terran unit's properties and requirements).

This is like "Is the difference, if one unit damages 10-15, and the other has 30 hp, or when the unit damages 100-150 and the enemy has 300 HP?" If you look at the first time they might be the same, but if in the first condition you damage 12,5 (=13), and in the second you damage 125, the difference becomes clear.

These little things can effect the gameplay more than how many units you have.


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Re: New Faction:Tech II
« Reply #44 on: 28 October 2008, 02:08:44 »


Peasant: The Peasant is produced by the Castle, and can gather all resources.
Laborer: The Laborer is produced by the Castle.  It builds all buildings except the Quintain and can promote to a Squire.
Squire: The Squire is promoted from a Laborer.  It can build a Quintain and can heal several units such as the Sentry, Longbowman, Crossbowman, and Knight.  The Squire can promote to a Knight.
Knight: The Knight is promoted from a Squire.  It requires the upgrades “steel” and “chivalry” as well as a Forge.  The Knight is quite fast and attacks with a lance.
Swordsman: The Swordsman is produced by the Barracks.  It wields a heavy one-handed sword, yet still has an average move speed.
Archer: The Archer is produced by the Barracks.  It is a basic ranged unit.
Maceman: The Maceman is produced by the Barracks.  It is heavily armored, yet is slower than a Swordsman.
Sentry: The Sentry is promoted from the Swordsman.  It uses its halberd to keep foes away from ranged units.
Longbowman: The Longbowman is promoted from an Archer.  It is slower to train than an Archer, but has greater range and attack damage.
Crossbowman: The Crossbowman is promoted from the Archer.  It is quicker to train than an Archer and has more attack damage than a Longbowman, but it has less range and has a slower move speed.
Craftsman: The Craftsman is produced by the Workshop.  It can build a Trebuchet and morph into a Mechanon and a Tree Smash.
Helicopter: The Helicopter is produced by the Workshop.  The Helicopter requires the “flight” upgrade.  It is a slow-moving air unit that can fire flaming bolts from its crossbow.
Trebuchet: The Trebuchet is built by the Craftsman.  It requires the “mechanics” upgrade.  It has a long range and fires rocks at its targets.
Caravan: The Caravan is morphed from the Trebuchet.  It can morph back into the Trebuchet at any time, except for the fact that it takes some time to do so.  It's only function is to move the Trebuchet from one place to another.
Mechanon: The Mechanon is morphed from a Craftsman.  The Mechanon requires the upgrade “advanced mechanics”.  It is so tall that it uses its buzz saw against air units and rockets against land units.
Tree Smash: The Tree Smash is morphed from a Craftsman.  This unit requires the upgrade “mechanics”.  It has a very powerful melee attack that is quite effective as a defensive unit against land melee units.

Castle: The Castle is built by the Laborer.  It can produce Peasants and Laborers and can use a “Greek Fire” attack with the upgrade “chivalry”.
Farm: The Farm is built by the Laborer.  It can make food by harvesting Maize (+5 food), Barley (+10 food) and Wheat (+15 food).  The Farm can also research “crop rotation” which harvests this food faster.
Barracks: The Barracks is built by the Laborer.  It can produce the Swordsman, the Archer, and the Maceman.
Forge: The Forge is built by the Laborer.  It researches “arrow”, “blade” and “steel” upgrades.
Quintain: The Quintain is built by the Squire.  It researches the “chivalry” upgrade.
Workshop: The Workshop is built by the Laborer.  It requires the Quintain to be built.  It produces the Craftsman and the Helicopter.   It also researches the upgrades “flight”, “mechanics”, and “advanced mechanics”.


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Re: New Faction:Tech II
« Reply #45 on: 9 November 2008, 07:07:42 »
I could really use a model (two, actually) right now:

This is the Peasent.  It does all the resource gathering.  I need animations for chopping wood, mining, standing, walking, walking to get wood, walking to get stone gold and iron, walking with wood, walking with stone gold and iron, dying, and anything else I forgot about.

So could someone please make this model for me please.

I also need a model for the new resource iron.  Use your imagination, but please don't just retexture! =] =]


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Re: New Faction:Tech II
« Reply #46 on: 1 December 2008, 03:00:34 »
cont. from the FPM topic:
Yep, i'm gonna do it, but after the elf faction models, so you'll have to wait, not very long though.


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Re: New Faction:Tech II
« Reply #47 on: 11 December 2008, 03:27:13 »
I got Tech 2 to run without crashing yesterday.  Now I have to fix the content bugs.


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Re: New Faction:Tech II
« Reply #48 on: 11 December 2008, 04:03:17 »
how many crashes?


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Re: New Faction:Tech II
« Reply #49 on: 13 December 2008, 03:22:42 »
It was approximately 45 crashes.