I did it! It took most of the day and literally all night (from about 11am yesterday until sunrise this morning) and I feel like it almost killed me, but I've finally finished that *pick-your-own-harsh-expletive* literature review. Consequently, as soon as I recover from this ordeal, I'll be back to modding in no time.
Since the last release, I've redone the XML stats for [almost] all the units for both factions, created construction models for some of the buildings, and probably a few other things, but my brain is too overworked right now to remember what they are. Since my landlord is going out of state for a while (I'm giving him a ride to the airport in about an hour and a half) I should have the house to myself, which gives me free reign to record more voice sounds without raising any eyebrows, so expect a few of those in the next release as well. Although I've still got a couple school-related things to do before the end of the semester, I should be able to *maybe* get a release out by the end of the month.
Edit: I updated the change log and moved it to the following post so as to appropriately bump the thread.