Your help in translating MegaGlest is much appreciated.
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?><projectile-particle-system> <texture value="true" path="images/ag_particle1.bmp" luminance="true"/> <model value="false"/> <primitive value="quad"/> <offset x="0" y="-0.5" z="1.5"/> <color red="0.0000000001" green="0.0000000009" blue="0.9999999999" alpha="1.0" /> <color-no-energy red="0.0" green="0.1" blue="0.5" alpha="0.5" /> <size value="0.7" /> <size-no-energy value="0.06" /> <speed value="10.0" /> <gravity value="0.02"/> <emission-rate value="30" /> <energy-max value="60" /> <energy-var value="20" /> <trajectory type="parabolic"> <speed value="10"/> <scale value="1000"/> </trajectory></projectile-particle-system>
It has no splash, yet there are what, four buildings on fire?
Anyway, whats the xml for the NEW one then?
What biuldings are these superweapons coming from? I think the tech one should be dropped from an airship and a magic one could be shot from the tower of souls.
Where the hell did you get this pics ?! ^^ WOW.Your idea is nice, but this had to be a really huge cannon. And I still need models for it.
1800's? I think that's a bit late. The cutoff point for Tech is more like in the 1400's or late 1500's. Yea, there was gunpowder at the time, but it couldn't shhot very well until they learned how to leave little air pockets in the gunpowder, AKA artillary. I still think it's more likely that an airship would drop it.
[img][/img]From: [url=][/url]
First: You all know you have to post the copyright of the images here.
I thought about a Railway gun:
Wouldn't you have to bring railroads into the game then? That sounds like a LOT of trouble.
"Great DataLoss of September"