Author Topic: Ardhon Factions  (Read 6747 times)


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Ardhon Factions
« on: 8 October 2008, 11:45:58 »
I've finished the Morgul Faction, here it is:


1 Captured Stronghold Stat. only upgrades remain (1)

101 Orc – Builds Buildings and collects resources.

2 Uruk Dead Grounds Stat. 1 and model (2)

102 Uruk Hai – promotes to 105 Berserker
103 Uruk Pike
104 Uruk Crossbow

203 Goblin Cross Breeding – Uruk train faster

3 Barracks Stat. 1

106 Axe Orc – orc with an axe
107 Warg Rider – orc on a warg
108 Hammer Orc

202 Cannibalism – Orcs HP Increased
206 Wolf Treaty – enables warg rider

Slavery:  Stat. 1

110 Snow Troll – can be promoted to 112
111 Cave Troll
112 Olog Hai
113 Slave – a worker who can collect resources and build buildings

205 Valar Mockery – enables trolls

5 Minas Morgul:    Stat. 12
Ds: Hero building

011 Suaron – Hero
012 Morgoth – Hero, can train Balrogs as pets
013 Witch King – Hero armed with a mace. – Rider King – Fell Beast King
114 Nazgul – Hero unit limited to 8 – Nazgul Black Rider – 117 Nazgul Fell Beast
115 Black Rider – Cavalry differs from Nazgul.
116 Flail Rider – Cavalry armed with a mace.
118 Fell Beast –

207 Corruption – all unit train faster

6 Armory: Done
Must Be Built By A Slave
Ds: Upgrade Building can add Furnace.

208 Troll Amour – enables Olog Hai
209 Goblin Forgery – generates experience faster
210 Bronze Waepons
211 Iron Weapons
212 Steel Weapons
213 Leather Amour
214 Bronze Amour
215 Iron Amour
216 Steel Amour


Dark Library: Stat. 1
Must be built by a Slave

 Ds: Upgrade Building.

217 Beast Corruption – Enables Beasts
218 Ungol Deceivers – Enable Spiderlings  
219 Knowledge of Morgoth –
220 Deceivment of the Numenoreans – Enable Minas Morgul

8Out Post: Stat. 1
Ds: Secondary Base Building can morph into Keep, has a high storage space and can train Orcs.

Keep: 1
Must be built by a Slave

Ds: Secondary Base Building can train Generals.

119 Generals – boosts unit attack within area.                          
014 Gothmog – Hero General Attack, HP and range increased within area.

10 Siege Works: Stat.1
Must be built by a Slave

120 Ram – good against buildings.
121 Catapult – “” – 122 Troll Catapult.
123 Ballista
015 Grond – Hero Ram.

221 Goblin Craft – enables Catapult and Ballista

11 Orthanc: 12
Must be built by a Slave

Hero Building

124 Petard
125 Grenadier
016 Dark Wizard

201 Industralize
222 Uruk Suicider – enables Petard
223 Gunpowder – enables Grenadier

12 Lurers: 1
Must be built by a Slave

126 Spiderlings
127 Werewolf
128 Vampire
130 Dragon – can train Drakes as pets.
017 Shelob

224 Dark Hunger – Lurers units attack increased

13 Orc Fortress: 12
Primary Base Building, can train orcs and slaves.
« Last Edit: 8 October 2008, 17:16:04 by gameboy »


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Re: Ardhon Factions
« Reply #1 on: 8 October 2008, 11:51:40 »
Okay here's the Dwarf Faction.

1 Mine
Status: xml’ed

100 Supply Wagon – worker can carry more

214 Dwarven Warfare

2 Engineer’s Workshop
R: 205
Status: modeled and xml’ed

101 Flame Thrower
102 Covered Ram
103 Ballista
104 War Wagon
105 Dwarven Slinger
106 Automaton

208 Clockwork
209 Ballistics
210 Pump Action
212 Gun Powder
213 Petroleum Oil

3 Specialized Trainers

R: 215
S: modeled and xml’ed

107 Crossbow
108 Pony Rider

211 Horse Breakers

4 Mithril Mine

D: Age Advancement Building
R: 1,  14,  9, 214
S: xml’ed

5 Rune Library
S: modeled and xmled

109  Runemaster

200 Rune Writing
201 Moon Letters
204 Dwarven Architecture
216 Expert Architects
205 Ancient Engineering
206 History Study
207 Automatiove Runes

6 Long House
R: Dwarven Warfare
S: modeled

110 Axe Thrower
111 Baruk
112 Hammerer
113 Mattock Warrior

215 Advanced Warfare
225 Training Scool

7 Dwarven Traps

D: Defense Building kills instantly
R: 216
S: modeled

8 Defense Ballista
D: Ranged Defense Building

9 Dwarrowdelf

D: Hero Building
R: 214

114 Dwarven Guards
10 Gimli
11  Dain

217 Disciplined Dwarfs – enable guards
218 Cross-country Training –
228 Kingly Right – hero HP increased

10 Bunker
D: Primary Defense Building
R: 215
S: modeled

115 Avenger - promotes to Slayer or Mithril Warrior
12 Thorin Oakensheild


11 Foundry

S: modeled

202 Rune Inscirptions
203 Metal Works – Foundry upgrades to Smelter
221 Stone Weapons
219 Bronze Weapons
229 Leather Armor
221 Chain Mail

12 Treasure Horde

D: Age Advancement Building

Ring of Power -  Pay gold to get more Gold ( not sure how to do this)

13 Dwarven Academy
R: 4, 225
S: modeled

116 Phalanx
117 Broad Sword

226 Long Sword
227 Bracelet Sword

14 Smelter
D: An upgrade of the foundry

202 Rune Inscirptions
221 Stone Weapons
219 Bronze Weapons
220 Iron Weapons
224 Mithril Weapons
221 Chain Mail
222 Scale Mail
223 Mithril Mail

15 Traders
D: A place where you can exchange resources and buy food


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Re: Ardhon Factions
« Reply #2 on: 8 October 2008, 20:32:14 »
Quote from: "gameboy"
I've finished the Morgul Faction

When you say you've finished the faction do you actually mean that you've finished thinking about what units you are going to put in it.
Check out my new Goblin faction -


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Re: Ardhon Factions
« Reply #3 on: 9 October 2008, 00:10:26 »
I have a counter-proposal for the Orcs faction:
Note: I have images of units that back up the units in this tech tree.  For example, the fortress is in the backround of this image:

And this is an image of a trone, who is holding a hammer that can be used for a hammer warrior (don't worry; I have a special design for the weapon of the trone):[attachment=0:2wqt75oj]trone%20orc.jpg[/attachment:2wqt75oj]

I found these images on Google.
I like some of your ideas as well.  Maybe we could combine and put some of your units on my tech tree?


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Re: Ardhon Factions
« Reply #4 on: 9 October 2008, 02:25:21 »
Quote from: "wciow"
When you say you've finished the faction do you actually mean that you've finished thinking about what units you are going to put in it.
i meant typing it down. ;D
Modman, i think you should have more buildings, i mean those units are just to much to train at the Training Grounds, make something like a Cage or somthing for the Oilphants, Warg and Troll or like i did a Slavery.


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Re: Ardhon Factions
« Reply #5 on: 9 October 2008, 02:46:51 »
Oh, something i forgot, you can rename the shaman to Thrall Master and he can be trained from the Thralldom Hut or maybe Fort. I don't like the idea of a sanctuary to un-orc type you should call it House of Destruction or Elitist House of Destruction.
BTW Whats a Trone and how do you make those images of the tech trees?
The Slave should generate food or flesh, you get an option its like this, kill slave for flesh or keep your slave as workers, that way you can give the player a choice to choose his own strategy.
did i happen to mention my mod's for GAE.


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Re: Ardhon Factions
« Reply #6 on: 9 October 2008, 04:37:30 »
Quote from: "gameboy"
The Slave should generate food or flesh, you get an option its like this, kill slave for flesh or keep your slave as workers, that way you can give the player a choice to choose his own strategy.
In Warlords:Battlecry3, you can sacrifice your slaves to summon demons.  That could be kinda cool, or you could make slaves into a resource.  Your slavery building would produce slaves the same way a cow produces food, and certain technologies and units (Balrog) would require slave sacrifices.  You can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs, right?


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Re: Ardhon Factions
« Reply #7 on: 9 October 2008, 04:55:11 »
did you'll guys read the whole faction i posted?


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Re: Ardhon Factions
« Reply #8 on: 9 October 2008, 05:33:12 »
For the "pay gold to get more gold" improvement, all I can think of is to make a unit that has no size, model, or texture, but that produces gold like a farm produces food.  You'd never see it or even know it was there, but it would make more gold for you.  I have no idea if this idea would actually work, by the way.


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Re: Ardhon Factions
« Reply #9 on: 9 October 2008, 05:49:53 »
Quote from: "johndh"
all I can think of is to make a unit that has no size, model, or texture, but that produces gold like a farm produces food.
that works, but i can't put a positive gold value and a negative gold value at the same time.... can i?


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Re: Ardhon Factions
« Reply #10 on: 9 October 2008, 06:00:22 »
Quote from: "gameboy"
Quote from: "johndh"
all I can think of is to make a unit that has no size, model, or texture, but that produces gold like a farm produces food.
that works, but i can't put a positive gold value and a negative gold value at the same time.... can i?
I'm definitely not the right person to ask about that.


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Re: Ardhon Factions
« Reply #11 on: 10 October 2008, 00:21:54 »
It's been done!  Dark Magic.  That's all I'm going to say.


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Re: Ardhon Factions
« Reply #12 on: 10 October 2008, 14:55:17 »
What the hell are you talking about ?
Note to text: if that was offensive then i apologize.
BTW did you finish the icons, modman? just curious, take you time this mod won't be out for a long time.


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Re: Ardhon Factions
« Reply #13 on: 10 October 2008, 20:52:37 »
5_energy, 10_energy, and 20_energy if you downloaded my faction...


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Re: Ardhon Factions
« Reply #14 on: 7 November 2008, 08:56:46 »
The Men Tech tree:
Guide: all Two digt numbers are buildings, Three digit numbers starting with 1 are units, Three digit numbers starting with 2 are upgrades and the three digit numbers starting with 0 Heroes.

Details: Units 132, Upgrades 231, Buildings 17.
New concept: Banner Holder – increase HP within the area, Supply Wagon In creases Attack rate.
Resources: Stone, Gold, Wood, Food, and Fame

Starting Hero Elendil – Hero, Can Train 130 Last Alliance Elves.
     1 Town Hall:
R: None
D: Start of Civ
Status:  done
101 Pheasant – Worker unit

2 The White Tree:

R: Elendil
D: Age advancement tree, must be planted by Elendil. Advances o the Second Age
S: 0
002 Aragon – Hero, can train 128 Undead Soldiers which are limited to 20
102 The Dunadain – Hero unit, limited to ten
201 Numenorean Blood – all units HP increased
220 Numenorean Vows – Enable Citadel Guard

3 Barracks:

R: The White tree
D: Trains infantry and infantry upgrades
S: Done
103 Swordsman – Basic infantry unit, Good Against (GA): Balanced, Promotes to either of the Below Units
    124 Champion – a two handed swordsman deals high damage
    125 Fanatic – a unit wielding a unique Bracelet Swords for Quick attack and high defense
104 Pikeman – Anti cavalry unit, GA: Cavalry and Buildings BA: Cavalry – 132 Tower Guard a power Pikeman
105 Archer – Anti Infantry unit, ranged, GA: Infantry BA: Cavalry
117 Losnarch Axeman – Heavy Infantry with High attack GA: Buildings and Siege Units
208 Tracking – infantry speed increased
209 Art of Archery – Archer now gets an instant kill attack
210 Veteran Trainers – infantry train faster
211 Numenorean Valor – infantry attack increased

4 Farm:

R: N/A
D: Trains Cows and Pigs
S: Done
Cows – Food Source
Pig – “”
202 Horse Breakers – Enables Stables ; )
219 Stockyards – Cows and Pigs Train Faster and yield more food

5 Blacksmith:

R: N/A
D: Improves Weapons and Armor
S: Done
106 Supply Wagon – increases unit attack rate.

212 Bronze Weapons
213 Iron Weapons
214 Steel Weapons
215 Leather Armor
216 Bronze Armor
217 Steel Armor

6 Settlement:

R: Town Hall
D: Secondary Base Building
S: nothing
107 Settler – Worker Unit stronger and faster than Pheasant but slow at gathering resources
 203 Commerce – Enables Market
231 Masons – buildings build faster

7 Market:
R: Commerce
D: The Place to exchange resources and upgrade gathering rates.
S: xml
232 Deforestation - Gathers wood faster
233 Mining Camps - Gathers stone and gold faster

8 Numenorean Library:
        D: improvements and unlockabilties.
       206 Numenorean Architecture – Enable a few buildings and increases all building HP
       207 Lost Lore – Advances to Third age
       230 Strength of Numenor – military units attack, HP, and speed increased.

9 Citadel:
D: Hero Building, Advances to Fourth age.
108 Longbowman – Long ranged anti infantry and anti air unit, – 127 Ranger – fast moving, quick attacking low armored unit.
109 Citadel Guard – Guards  the Citadel
003 The White Rider – Gandalf the White, can call 126 Eagles
004 Faramir – Hero Ranger, has a ranged attack with a instant kill specialty, GA: Cavalry
008 Boromir – hero, has the ability to blow the horn of Gondor which increases allied unit attack in a given area.
Banner Holder – common unit increases unit HP in specific area.
221 Royal School – enables Faramir and Boromir

10 Stable:
R: Horse Breakers and Age 2
D: Trains Cavalry
110 Wain – Heavy Chariot with heavy armour GA: Cavalry and Infantry
111 Lancer – Anti Infantry Cavalry – 113 Meras Lancer
112 Horse Archer – Counter Cavalry, Cavalry – 114 Meras Archer


204 Taming of the Meras – Enable Meras riders
205 Husbandry – Cavalry train faster

11 Medusaled:
R: Age 3 and Stable
D: Hero Building
113 Kings Royal Guard – Protects Heroes all heroes can train them
114 Shield Maiden – Female Swords person GA: Heroes and Myth Units
005 Theoden – Mounted hero, has aura of inspiration GA: Myth Units
006 Eomer – Mounted Hero GA: Myth Units and Infantry
007 Eowyn – Hero Shield Maiden, spreads a aura of fear among enemies
222 Might of the Kings – hero attack increased

12 House of Healing:
R: Age 2
D: Hero Building which heals
131 Healer – Heals units

228 Healing Study – Healer heal faster
229 Royal Healers – your heroes can now heal

13 Siege Workshop:
R: Age 3
D: Trains or Builds Siege units
115 Mangonel – Ranged Siege unit GA: Buildings and Air units
116 Ram – Siege Units, has a Strong armour GA: Buildings
118 Trebuchet – Long Ranged Siege Unit, Has a weak armour GA: Buildings
223 Engineering School – Siege units train faster

14 Castle:
R: Age 2
D: Primary Defense Building
S: modeled
119 Guard - Guards you Buildings GA: almost everything – 121 Imperial Guard
120 Knight – Heavy Cavalry GA: Infantry and Siege units - 122 Catraphact
123 Rohirim – Best Cavalry in the Game, Can throw Spears and has a Melee attack GA: Infantry Cavalry and Siege.
129 Marshal – Increases move speed of all allied units within a given radius
224 Field Instructor – Enable Marshal
225 Mustering of the Rohirim – Enable the Rohirim
226 Battle Tactics – Enables Secondary attacks

15 Tower:
D: Secondary Defense Building
227 Town Watch – Building LOS increased

16 Roads:
R: Commerce
D: Units move faster within the a specified radius

17 Monument:
R: N/A
D: Source of Fame, which is a resource, also gives an inspiration aura.


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Re: Ardhon Factions
« Reply #15 on: 8 November 2008, 02:17:42 »
Great Job!

Since Tech was already done, I knew I would infronge on some of the units from it, so I avoided it.  But you took it on and did it well, I think.

Question: will Endor have a larger tech tree (more steps involved until end) or a smaller one than Magitech?  Or about the same?
Also, are you going to use my Orcs tech tree diagram?  I personally think you should get rid of Morguls all together and just use Orcs instead.


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Re: Ardhon Factions
« Reply #16 on: 8 November 2008, 04:36:06 »
How many times, the Orcs are to small for the tech tree,i chose Morgul becuase it can huge amounts of unit and because its the bad guys in LOTR.
The tech tree is Huge(comparitivly).
And I'm going to use GAE, becuase without it this mod won't be possible.


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Re: Ardhon Factions
« Reply #17 on: 8 November 2008, 19:32:24 »
Did you see the tech tree diagram I made?
OK, you probably did.  I wasn't sure how long to make the tech tree, so I made it Magitech sized.  I can make it bigger easily.

I'll post it up, but please tell me if you want me to, or else I won't even bother.
But I have TONS of ideas for Orcs.


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Re: Ardhon Factions
« Reply #18 on: 9 November 2008, 07:02:36 »
I think you have Elves, right?
Are you using this?


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Re: Ardhon Factions
« Reply #19 on: 9 November 2008, 17:40:52 »
yep, thats the one i can't get around to updating it yet after i finish then you'll see it here.
About the orc please don't bother, i made the Morgul so that its very flexible so its very powerful when used properly, i'll maybe make the orc tech tree for Magitech after i finish the Morgul, right now i'm on the elves after the dwarfs and the morgul.


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Re: Ardhon Factions
« Reply #20 on: 10 November 2008, 05:30:04 »
Yes, the one I made was designed to be compatible with Magitech in several ways:
*It has no air units, yet can build anti-air  from the start, so it is not vulnerable in that area
*The more powerful units are about 4 to five levels up
*It has about the right amount of upgrades
*It has a quick-moving unit (The witch king)
*It has no more than 6 levels
*Has about the right amount of buildings
*And also approximately the right amount of mobiles
*It also has an advanced melee unit
*You could probably consider the Master Trainer to be an advanced ranged unit, too (but if you're looking for Archmage strength, you'll be dissapointed!)

I would be honored if you would make my twch tree diagram a reality.


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Re: Ardhon Factions
« Reply #21 on: 10 November 2008, 05:53:57 »
it's a good faction, although there are some mistakes, a quick moving unit for cannot be the witch king, cause the witch king's a wraith, change it to Gothmog, he's the Orc commander the one with the puffed face and hand, you can make him him riding a warg, and the Master Trainer, i suggest another name, Thrall Master.
BTW if you do the xml's (i'll make all the models), you don't have to make it any good or any thing just see that it works then i'll do the editing, that is if you don't want to do it. Also a Suggestion for Dark Magic, Wraith.


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Re: Ardhon Factions
« Reply #22 on: 12 November 2008, 04:56:44 »
               glest mod – Elves
Resources: Tree, Gold, Stone, Song, Grace
Units: 24, Heroes: 6, Buildings: 16, Upgrades: 36
Starting Hero: 001 Feanor – unit speed and attack increased aura, can train his sons as pets.

1 Tree of Life:
Needs to be planted
Description: The center of a clan
HP 9000
At 20-80
Ar Organic
LOS 16
Req N/A

101 Elf – Worker

2 Academy:
Description: Trains military units
HP 5500
LOS 10
Req N/A

204 Stealth – Increase in LOS for all Military units and in range for all ranged units

102 Glad Archer – Wood Archer
103 Du Peng Archer – Night Archer
120 Magor Herdir  â€“ an Elven Sword master - 104 Ediad Magol - An elven swordsman, weilding two swords.
121 Thela Elf – an elven pikeman

3 Grove:
Needs to be summoned
Description: Magical Upgrades
HP 6000
LOS 10
Req: 201, 202, 1, 223

205 Star Calendar - All units move faster by night and enables 208, 209, 211, 212
AD 207 Force Field – All building armor increased by 30%
AD 208 Sky Walk – Enables Sky Archer and Sky Walker
200 Hunting – Enables Beast Taming
201 Elf Lore – Enables buildings  4, 5, 6, 10 and 206, Age 2

4 Tree of Enlightment:
Needs to be planted
Description: Advanced Upgrade here
HP 8000
LOS 15
Req: 201, 212, 222

209 Quenya(ADU) – Enables Advanced Upgrades, age 4
210 Explosive Spells – Enables Explosive Spells
AD 216 Vision Sharpening – All units and buildings LOS increased
203 Learned Elf – Elf Worker trains and builds faster

5 Wood Guard:
Needs to be planted
D: A defense Unit
HP 9000
At 20 – 90 energy
Ar Organic
LOS 17
Req N/A

6 Elders Library:

HP 5000
Ar Stone
LOS 12
Req 222

Description: A kind of library

212 Nature Wise – enables Tree of Enlightment
213 Faraug Taming – Enables the Faraug in the Coral
214 Nature Call - Enables Natural element units
215 Healing Study – Enables Healing for elves

7 Tree of Power:
Description: A well armored tower which attacks
HP 7000
At 20-60
Ar Stone
LOS 18
Req 205, 206, 223

002 Sons Of Feanor – Sons of Feanor (7)
113 Noldor Warrior – these swordsmen are the most skilled in the game, having high speed attacks with high damage. (20)

AD 217 The Silmarili – Noldor Warriors are now even stronger
236  Elven Grace – Units now attack faster
237 Girdle of Melian - buildings HP greatly increased

8 Tree Circle:
Needs to be planted
HP 5000
Ar Organic
LOS 10

218 Ent Water – Enables the HEAL Ability for the Ent
219 Wood Defenses – Enables Wood Guard

9 Coral:

Description: trains beasts
HP 6000
Ar Stone
Req 200
220 Beast Taming – Enables some creatures in the Coral

106 Drake Rider
107 Gryphon – A sky based beast
110 Faraug – An elf mythical creature

10 Lore House:
Needs to be summoned
HP 7000
Ar Stone

221 Mystical Forest – Enables the Wise Elf to plant
222 Ancient Books – Enables Elders Library
223 Ancient Architecture – Enables Advanced Buildings
232 Lover of Arda
AD 211 Lembas – All Military energy and speed increased

111 Wise Elf – A elf that can attack AND HEAL

11 Wood Hall:

Description: A building that provides unit upgrades
HP 7000
Ar Stone
Req N\A

AD 227 Training Halls – -30% training speed to all elven military
AD 228 Beast Bonding – 30% to speed, production, HP and attack to all creatures
232 Elven Metal Crafting – Enables Elven Forge.
112 Elf Minstrel – a unit that can summon other units, Minstrel Summoned Units:
123 Forest Militia
124 Ent

12 Tree
Needs to be planted

D: a resource which after built can morph into an Ent
HP 1000
Ar Wood
Req n\a

13 Palace

D: A Hero Building, Advanced to Age 4
R: 228
229 Discipline – units train faster
230 Battle Tactics – Enables Boern’s Beast Rider
231 Elven Fighting Skills – All Beasts train faster

114 Elf Prince
115 Baner Holder
116 Sentry
003 Elrond – Hero with high HP
004 Gil-galad – Hero armed with a spear
005 Arwen – Female Elf good against heroes

14 Elven Forge:

D: A building that provides armour and weapon upgrades.

224 Chain Mail – 10% armor to all plate armor types
234 Elven Leaf Plate Armor
226 Arrow Crafting – 20% to all archers
233 – Silverthorne Arrows

15 Elven Sanctuary:
D: a place for Grace
Meditate for Grace – gives you Grace

006 Galadriel – Female Elf, can heal at high speed, has a low attack, provides light.

16 Stable:
D:a place that trains horses.

235 Husbandry – horses train faster.

109 Silver Helm – A heavily armored horse rider
121 Reaver – An elven horse archer.
122 Elven Rach – an elven chariot.


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Re: Ardhon Factions
« Reply #23 on: 13 December 2008, 03:39:09 »
I know I'm bumping ;D , but I really wanted to answer this question:
Modman how do you make your tech tree images?

I use a couple programs actually.  Those are Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and  First I make shapes for all units, buildings or upgrades.  Units are one color, buildings are another, and so on with upgrades.  I write in the names of the units, upgrades or buildings.  I assemble a techtree and give everything bevels and gradient fills and outlines.  I create a background gradient filled shape and put it behind the other shapes.  Then I make text box showing what faction it is and another signing me out as modman.  Then, having mostly completed my PowerPoint process, I put the slide in Presentation mode and take a printscreen.  Then I open  I paste the image into a new canvas and crop it to perfection.  I then save the image and Upload it.


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Re: Ardhon Factions
« Reply #24 on: 13 December 2008, 04:20:59 »
cool, i used the gimp and bump mapping, overlay and text for my elf faction tech tree