Author Topic: Camelot faction BETA 1 release!  (Read 19851 times)


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Camelot faction BETA 1 release!
« on: 10 October 2008, 00:35:38 »
after a lot of pressure from modman I have come up with a brand new faction, and am calling it Camelot. It is possibly the biggest tech tree so far, with a ton of upgrades, a fair amount of buildings, and a large hand full of units. Those units will include king arthur, robinhood, merlin, and several knights of the round table. Below is a picture of my tech tree. please post your comments. And if anyone is intreasted in helping with the modles that would be cool if you could make a few for me.

[attachment=0:swxum81u]Camelot tech tree.jpg[/attachment:swxum81u]

Thanks, your imput is greatly appreciated

Camelot BETA 1 = ... b9a8902bda
« Last Edit: 24 December 2008, 21:35:59 by tripsahoy »


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Re: Camelot
« Reply #1 on: 10 October 2008, 00:40:24 »
Dude you could get it up tonight.  Just take a screenshot of the tech tree and go into paint and go edit--> paste.  Then save as a jpg file.  Then upload it.


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Re: Camelot
« Reply #2 on: 10 October 2008, 09:30:53 »
Quote from: "tripsahoy"
It is possibly the biggest tech tree so far, with a ton of upgrades, a fair amount of buildings, and a large hand full of units.
How many? i don't think it's the biggest so far 'cause you see i'm making a tech tree and it got four factions each with aprox. 25-30 units, 30-35 upgrades and 15-18 buildings.
you can check them out at Ardhon Factions.
note: ardhon is just the working name.http://


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Re: Camelot
« Reply #3 on: 10 October 2008, 11:17:09 »
well right now i only have one faction but if you have a faction with...
Quote from: "gameboy"
25-30 units, 30-35 upgrades and 15-18 buildings.
then yours is defently bigger(but not by much),we will se though.


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Re: Camelot faction
« Reply #4 on: 20 October 2008, 22:03:26 »
So far i have most of the xmls done and am working on the images.
just to let you know i will not be reteaxturing a few modles because it wouldn't make sence to

Any way i would really aprecheate it if some one could make a few new modles for my faction all in need is...
merlins hut
round table
sword in the stone
king arthur
robin hood
and maby a knight of the round table that i can reteaxture to make others.
Thanks a lot for your help

PS. i will soon post a discription of all my units
PSS. i haven't been on in a while because my new computer which i got 2 sundays ago had a fatile crashed on friday and we just got the new one hooked up today monday the 20th


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Re: Camelot faction
« Reply #5 on: 22 October 2008, 22:49:11 »
so i will soon have discripitons of my units up for you guys, hopefully before monday.

But i really could your imput on my faction

also if anyone is intrested in making a few modles for me that would be really great.

another also. does any one have any abjection to me using some of the same units from tech and magic in my faction without them even being retextured?


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Re: Camelot faction
« Reply #6 on: 22 October 2008, 23:28:16 »
new revised tech tree up


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Re: Camelot faction
« Reply #7 on: 24 October 2008, 00:04:02 »
here is my concept art for some of my models that if some one could make, that would be really helpful

kning arthur

[attachment=0:20zhatrp]king_arthur_concept art2.jpg[/attachment:20zhatrp]

[attachment=1:20zhatrp]king arthur concept art.jpg[/attachment:20zhatrp]

[attachment deleted by admin]
« Last Edit: 1 January 2009, 19:51:32 by tripsahoy »


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Re: Camelot faction
« Reply #8 on: 24 October 2008, 00:06:00 »
Sword in the stone

« Last Edit: 1 January 2009, 19:58:52 by tripsahoy »


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Re: Camelot faction
« Reply #9 on: 24 October 2008, 00:06:59 »

[attachment=0:1h8251rf]range cocept.jpg[/attachment:1h8251rf]

[attachment deleted by admin]
« Last Edit: 1 January 2009, 20:00:55 by tripsahoy »


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Re: Camelot faction
« Reply #10 on: 24 October 2008, 00:08:27 »

[attachment=1:3a2plzx5]merlin concept 2.jpg[/attachment:3a2plzx5]

[attachment=0:3a2plzx5]merlin concept 1.gif[/attachment:3a2plzx5]

[attachment deleted by admin]
« Last Edit: 1 January 2009, 20:04:35 by tripsahoy »


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Re: Camelot faction
« Reply #11 on: 24 October 2008, 00:18:57 »
Apprentice NOTE: no staff in final modle, and less detail on robe

[attachment=0:t2q8dzea]apprentice concept 2_edited-1.jpg[/attachment:t2q8dzea]

[attachment deleted by admin]
« Last Edit: 1 January 2009, 20:15:22 by tripsahoy »


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Re: Camelot faction !please post what you think about it!
« Reply #12 on: 24 October 2008, 17:40:48 »
That sword in the stone concept is all wrong. That "stone" is an ANVIL. And the Made should be a lot simpler. And you shouldn't make the clothes so elaborate.


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Re: Camelot faction !please post what you think about it!
« Reply #13 on: 24 October 2008, 21:05:50 »
Quote from: "ZaggyDad"
That sword in the stone concept is all wrong. That "stone" is an ANVIL.
actually in the king arthur legend the sword is in an anvil which is on top of a stone.

Quote from: "ZaggyDad"
And the Made should be a lot simpler. And you shouldn't make the clothes so elaborate.
yes you are right the mage (which is the apprentice) shouldn't be as elaborite

maby more like this... but with less detail in the dark blue part of the robe
[attachment=0:fa58sz6s]apprentice concept 2_edited-1.jpg[/attachment:fa58sz6s]


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Re: Camelot faction !please post what you think about it!
« Reply #14 on: 24 October 2008, 21:37:25 »
Apprentice has been taken.  I'd give you some slack if it were some unit like "archer", but you can think of something besides "apprencice".  Call it a Mage.


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Re: Camelot faction !please post what you think about it!
« Reply #15 on: 24 October 2008, 21:41:22 »
An "archer" isn't a magic thingy. That wouldn't work. And anyway, there's nothing wrong with having the name of a unit the same as another in a completely different faction (and for that matter, tech tree).


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Re: Camelot faction !please post what you think about it!
« Reply #16 on: 24 October 2008, 23:39:23 »
I wasn't referring to it being a magic-type unit.  I was refering to the fact that archer is a common unit, used by many tech-type factions.  "Apprentice" is not.


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Re: Camelot faction !please post what you think about it!
« Reply #17 on: 25 October 2008, 20:28:53 »
who already has apprentice

and mage is what it morphs into

also i really like the name apprentice. In the faction it is conjured by merlin so its his apprentice. so unless i think of something totally better im probobly not going to change it

Quote from: "ZaggyDad"
An "archer" isn't a magic thingy. That wouldn't work. And anyway, there's nothing wrong with having the name of a unit the same as another in a completely different faction (and for that matter, tech tree).

ya modman, ZaggyDad is right who cares if the units have the same name, honestly.
also its not like i intentionaly stole the name i didn't know it was already in use


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Re: Camelot faction !please post what you think about it!
« Reply #18 on: 26 October 2008, 13:37:20 »
i will get unit discriptions up hopfully by wednesday
and a new edited tech tree up soon too

NOTE to self:
am using ZaggyDad's pikeman and crossbowmen unit


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Re: Camelot faction !please post what you think about it!
« Reply #19 on: 26 October 2008, 23:53:03 »
Hmm, is it possible that it was in Dark Magic even before you thought of making Camelot?

(And don't say you thought of it first because there's a tech tree posted September 27, and that's with the board crash.  This is proof that I thought of it first.)

Also, Camelot shouldn't even have any magic stuff except for Merlin.


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Re: Camelot faction !please post what you think about it!
« Reply #20 on: 27 October 2008, 00:26:42 »
Quote from: "modman"
Hmm, is it possible that it was in Dark Magic even before you thought of making Camelot?

(And don't say you thought of it first because there's a tech tree posted September 27, and that's with the board crash. This is proof that I thought of it first.)

First, of all sorry, but is it that much of a problem to you?

Quote from: "modman"
Also, Camelot shouldn't even have any magic stuff except for Merlin.

And secound, why shouldn't Camelot have magic stuff in it?

 Also, why is it such a big deal that one unit in my faction has the same name as one in yours.

(i hope you dont take any of this personally)


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Re: Camelot faction !please post what you think about it!
« Reply #21 on: 27 October 2008, 02:52:47 »
It wouldn't be a problem, but it's the fact that it's part of your Magic in Camelot.  I would be fine if the Apprentice upgraded to some kind of tradesman or something, but for magic things, there are other names than "Apprentice".

And no, I do not take it personally.  I don't even take Glest personally.  It's just a hobby, just a game.


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Re: Camelot faction !please post what you think about it!
« Reply #22 on: 27 October 2008, 16:17:32 »
There's nothing wrong with that. As long as he doesn't copy your unit completely, there's no reason whatsoever not to make him called that. ::)


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Re: Camelot faction !please post what you think about it!
« Reply #23 on: 27 October 2008, 18:49:16 »
How about we just call him an Acolyte instead?  Then everybody's happy.


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Re: Camelot faction !please post what you think about it!
« Reply #24 on: 27 October 2008, 21:28:12 »
Quote from: "ZaggyDad"
There's nothing wrong with that. As long as he doesn't copy your unit completely, there's no reason whatsoever not to make him called that. ::)

and im not
but we settled this at school today and its all cool now

