Not a bad idea. Perhaps we should freeze features on 0.2.x and try to get it nice and stable? Then we could defer all new features to the 0.3.x branch. How does that sound to everybody? I'm still screwing with 0.2.8, I want to work out at least one more kink before I release it (most of my changes are checked in now) and I also want to get all our progress on FPM updated and released with it.
Both Glest & GAE are incompatible with xerces-c 3.0, but I'm not aiming to address that in 0.2.8, although I do want to get it fixed in 0.2.x. When last updating my distro (Gentoo with ~amd64 keyword), it has upgraded xerces-c, so I've had to setup a separate installation of xerces-c 2.8 for GAE development.