You should really use the GAE code, because original glests authors have problems with code of other people and I think they will not include it into their svn.
Thats the reason why GAE project exists.
This is the homepage of GAE are several branches and so on, so you better contact daniel before you start implementing this in GAE
(daniels email is on the last line of this the homepage)
If you want more access ask daniel too, he is the boss
AI updates every 50 seconds?
Why 50? I think its a good idea to make this time settable!
If you play another map, YOUR AI is probabaly too strong. So is it also possible for the AI to get more and more bad if this happens?
Please, don't add too much features at once. I think the settable cpu is enough for a first step. The autolearning cpu is the second step( for my opinion ).
for this settable AI you have to add:
- xml-files with embedded ai script
- 6? default ai setups
- changed game setup menu
- changed scenario structure
- changed multiplayer setup/start
and probabaly I forgot something else.
I think this change is really big enough for a first step! Try to get it stable and usable even for noobs and then go for the next step.
( GAE has no lua support yet, so this is something that has to be done before )