Well well. Since borderlands has been made, each map I make just keeps getting better and better. Everything in Borderlands has been good but I noticed that I put alot of resources as a block and not much elevation looking it I rushed it.
http://www.mediafire.com/?jxjjmrevrwxI made a new map that still has the good things of previous maps:
Layout of players and base designs
Variety of custom objects
And now the cons of Borderlands:
Not much elevation
Looks un natural in the center
But this map is way better than the previous map I made so yeah:
Grassland & Conifer terriories
Now Domination Isles has much more elevation making it more real and having more look and time into this. Unlike border lands and my previous maps took me hours of effort. This only took me 1 hour and looks like a profensional map.
I plan on editing player 4 but we'll just see how this goes..