Author Topic: 0.2.10b  (Read 1720 times)


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« on: 27 November 2008, 02:52:11 »
Just a note, I that I could use some multi-player testing.  If you compile it on your own, please don't strip it. :roll:



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Re: 0.2.10b
« Reply #1 on: 30 November 2008, 18:30:22 »
Now we tested it. Sorry that it took so long, but I had no time to play with my son.
( Damn, is there nobody else here in the forum who can test it? )

Sorry that I must say that, but the current version is very very buggy. But we played a full game and had no crash!
Bugs we found:
- my son(server) gives a harvest command to his workers but they only move on his computer.After about 10 seconds this is suddenly corrected and the workers are harvesting on the client too.
- meetingpoints still don't work
- if you create a building the floor is flatened a bit to fit with the building. If my son(server) builds a building on the server its only flatened on the server but not on the client .
- I gave a command(client command "mine stone" ) but the units only start to move and mine only on the server but not on the client. ( But I'm not really shure here, the whole games was completly fucked up when this happens.

But the only positive thing was that we had no crash!
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Re: 0.2.10b
« Reply #2 on: 1 December 2008, 23:01:11 »
This is wonderful news!! Thanks to both of you! :)  The bugs you mentioned are all either things I'm aware of or are easy to fix.  The issue I've been spending most of my time working on is stability.  In actuality, when the worker was working on the server but not the client, that would fix its self automatically within 30 seconds or so, but I also know what causes the problem, so it's not a big problem in my mind.  The big problem has been crashes, which I'm starting to suspect has been addressed.


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Re: 0.2.10b
« Reply #3 on: 2 December 2008, 01:45:19 »
Ok, I've fixed the glitch with the "set meeting point" button and also the ground flattening on the client.  I'm still working on the wierd stuff with units not responding on the client and then suddenly poping up where you told them to go later (attacking, harvesting, walking, etc.).  I played another full length game and have also not had any crashes except for one that was restored from a game previously saved by the client, that bug is fixed now (i.e., if you save a network game on the client and then restore that one as the server).


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Re: 0.2.10b
« Reply #4 on: 2 December 2008, 08:10:51 »
Just an idea about the updates:
If the server provides an update about a unit (position and so on), this update should be send and executed by all cients and the server too.
By this everyone really has the same position for the unit at the given frame!
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