Author Topic: Labyrinth -- RELEASED  (Read 18130 times)


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Labyrinth -- RELEASED
« on: 1 December 2008, 04:11:26 »
I've done it (or to quote properly, still doing it).
I've created the ultimate mod/scenario. The Labyrinth is a maze with a back up story-line of its own. It features two short unplayable factions specifically for use in the scenario (unplayable due to the lack of buildings, upgrades and resources). You control a party of four players ripped off right from Final Fantasy: a swordsman, a white mage, a black mage, and a ranger. Controlling these four party members, RPG style, you must navigate the monster filled Labyrinth, which is basically a giant maze.
The AI's pathfinding troubles are used to ensure that the foes are random.

The Characters
  • Swordsman -- This swordsman boasts a large amount of health, with defense to boot. He is capable of saving up EP for his flare blade, which deals heavy damage!
  • Ranger -- The ranger is basically a powerful archer. He has less health than the swordsman, and is not as powerful, but is fast and lethal. His assassins arrow is an instant kill to all it hits.
  • Black Mage -- Taking his job class and spells from Final Fantasy, the black mage can cast three spells of varying damage: Fire, Fira, and Firaga. Each uses different EP amounts, has different power, and has different splash. The black mage has low defense and HP.
  • White Mage -- Also coming from Final Fantasy, the White Mage heals at high speeds. If you lose your white mage, you're as good as dead. He can also attack with a powerful Holy spell which deals HEAVY damage to a wide splash. This is actually the most important and powerful character.

The main enemy in this game is the Minotaur. Powerful enough to take out the entire party, you must be careful, for once you defeat him, you must work your way back through the maze to reach the Omega Mark. Once you destroy the Omega Mark and 'save' the world, you have won!

Pictures soon to come. Projected release date: within December (uncertain date)

Please post ideas, comments, etc;
« Last Edit: 17 December 2008, 15:37:27 by omega »
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Re: Labyrinth
« Reply #1 on: 1 December 2008, 05:24:45 »
Quote from: "omega"
The AI's pathfinding troubles are used to ensure that the foes are random.
Sounds fun, but it could get kind of boring quickly.  Maybe there should be more creatures to fight with!  Like the Golem and the Drake Rider you could use and the Dragon too.  Also a Behemoth as a Minotaur!


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Re: Labyrinth
« Reply #2 on: 1 December 2008, 17:24:12 »
Hmm, wouldn't it be better in the Maps, tilesets and scenarios forum? I'm not sure if it is a mod or a scenario actually...


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Re: Labyrinth
« Reply #3 on: 1 December 2008, 18:52:50 »
It does have an own tech tree.
But the tech tree is just 4 units, so maybe it should be in the scenarios.


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Re: Labyrinth
« Reply #4 on: 1 December 2008, 22:40:50 »
Actually, I plan on improving it to be a couple of scenarios. You'd play them in order to tell a story. I'm done the first level, and I'm thinking of more ideas using these characters. With each level, the characters change, so there's probably going to be quite a few!
Please keep this in mods, since it is a mod/scenario. (and the scenarios, maps, and tilesets board is pretty barren)
I also plan on having the white mage upgrade to a summoner in later levels who can call espers such as odin or atomos.

There will also be more enemies, and I hope this will be well recieved! I need some sounds though. Maybe I'll link the sounds so that it uses magitech's sounds without needing to copy and paste (the same way the FPM uses media from magitech).
 8)  8)
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Re: Labyrinth
« Reply #5 on: 3 December 2008, 09:30:34 »
heres an idea, unlockable attacks and attributes.


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Re: Labyrinth
« Reply #6 on: 4 December 2008, 08:33:36 »
How would attacks and attributes be unlocked?
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Re: Labyrinth
« Reply #7 on: 4 December 2008, 09:00:39 »
basically, give a unit 1000 ep and let it regen at 1.
the unit has a few choices in the start and each costs a specific amount of energy a stronger morph costs more example:
White Mage:
Basic attack
normal health and armor
Wizardry - better attacks
Blast - mild attack, attacks at a range of 2 has a area effect, higher levels get high damage.( by level i mean morphs, if a unit morphs to blast once, the morphed unit will get another morph that increase the damage of the attack.)
Lightening - Finish off an enemy instantly, use some energy points.

Elemental - force field, faster move speed and attack rate
Force Field - Higher Armor, increases with each level
Speed of The Snake - Higher attack Speed, increase with each level
Strength of the Tiger - Higher move speed, increase with each level

Sorcery - better health, healing and re-gen
Call of the Souls - Higher health, increases with each level
Exorcism - Faster healing,  increases with each level
Spiritual Knowledge - faster regen of both HP and EP.
« Last Edit: 4 December 2008, 09:31:43 by gameboy »


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Re: Labyrinth
« Reply #8 on: 4 December 2008, 09:23:16 »
I think the next stage after that would be to have a choice of upgrade (window with two or more); maybe even a path like FPM.
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Re: Labyrinth
« Reply #9 on: 4 December 2008, 15:28:17 »
Thelvl up every stage with more stats and abilities.
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Re: Labyrinth
« Reply #10 on: 6 December 2008, 02:58:13 »
Sounds pretty cool.  It reminds me of one of the special scenarios in Warcraft 3 where each player controls a single hero and they go through a dungeon adventure sorta like what you're talking about.  I think it's called War Chaser or something like that.  This mod has a lot of potential, I think.  You could maybe even (thinking way far ahead, here) make a tactical adventure RPG sort of game out of this, but probably without any dialog, just dungeon-crawling hack-and-slash.  In any case, I'd like to see how this turns out.


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Re: Labyrinth
« Reply #11 on: 7 December 2008, 19:32:59 »
Progress is going good all units are finished. Counting each lvl as a seperate unit, there is 12 enemies and 21 heroes. (nine different types of heroes, nine different types of enemies)
Like I said before, the enemies and heroes have units.

The Heroes:
  • Swordsman: On lvl 1, he can only do a normal attack. On lvl 2, he learns flare blade. On lvl 3, he upgrades to a Paladin and learns cure. On lvl 4, he learnsholy blade. On lvl 5, he learns excalibur.
  • Ranger: On lvl 1, he can only do a normal attack. On lvl 2, he learns bomb arrow. On lvl 3, he upgrades to a Sniper and learns power arrow. On lvl 4, he learns fire arrow. On lvl 5, he learns assassins arrow.
  • Black Mage: On lvl 1, he can only cast fire. On lvl 2, he learns fira. On lvl 3, he upgrades to a Black Wizard and learns Firaga. On lvl 4, he learns Firaja. On lvl 5, he learns Hellfire.
  • White Mage: On lvl 1, he can use a very weak holy and cure. On lvl 2, his holy becomes slightly more powerful. On lvl 3, he upgrades to a White Wizard, learns Hand of God, and his holy spell maxes out. On lvl 4, he learns Breath of God. On lvl 5, he learns Almighty.
  • Castle: Sole purpose if protecting in stage 4.

The Enemy:
  • Angel of Death: Boss of stage 3. A shadowy angel of dark powers whom attacks with a bloody sword.
  • Demon: Common, weak enemy from hell. Attacks barehanded and is easily picked off.
  • Mark of Omega: The mark of Stage 2. The life force of the Angel of Death. Destroying it made the angel of death mortal.
  • General: Boss of stage 4. Leads an atack on your country.
  • Golem: Normal enemy made of stone.
  • Mark of Worth: Sole purpose is in stage 3 for promoting units into stronger counter-parts.
  • Minotaur: The boss, whom you defeat in stage 2. But defeated doesn't mean dead for good...
  • Minotaur Reborn: The final boss, whom you challenge in stage 5. The source of all this trouble.
  • Zuu: A bird avelon of great strength. Genetic morphing has given it the ability to breath balls of fire.

The Stages
  • Stage 1 - A Quest to Save the World: The first mission starts off with a brief introduction on what has happened so far. A beast known as the Minotaur has been attacking villages and causing destruction everywhere. Your country has chosen its four best warriors to lead the battle against this beast. You control this party of four, attacking enemy senetry posts through the forest before coming to the entrance of the Labyrinth.
  • Stage 2 - Through the Maze: This stage is the Labyrinth. You must head through the monster filled maze to the center, where you find the Minotaur. After defeating it, the mark of Omega, the power source of the Angel of Death, who apparently created the Minotaur, appears. Upon its destruction, the Angel of Death becomes mortal.
  • Stage 3 - The Chosen: The party, having pleased the Gods, now stand before four marks of worth. One by one, they touch the marks and are transformed into more powerful job classes. At this point, they are rushed by a swarm of demons, and reunited to face the Angel of Death in battle.
  • Stage 4 - Beware of the Foe: Once you return to your countries capital, expecting to find it peaceful, you are surprised to find that it is actually in ruckus, being attacked by a large scale army of enemies. You are tasked to protect the kingdom at all costs. After surviving the army, you must defeat the powerful General, who will stop at nothing to destroy the world.
  • Stage 5- Farewell to a Legend: The final stage answers many questions about what happened. The Minotaur was revived by the Angel of Death, expected to be his servant. But to the Angel of Death's surprise, the Minotaur turned against him, and become devastatingly powerful. Now overcome by darkness, the Minotaur is in the Labyrinth, surrounded by the strongest foes ever! The maze is different from the second stage, and the foes are far more powerful. Once at the center of the maze, the Minotaur Reborn attacks the party. After a difficult battle, the party (hopefully) has defeated the Minotaur. The credits roll and the game ends.

    I could use a hand on the credits. Here's what I got so far...
  • Omega - Lua Scripting, re-texturing, models, xmls, ideas
  • Titi - Texture for Zuu (from the Indian's thunderbird, but darkened)
  • Glest Team - Models from Magitech, creating the game
I'm missing whoever made the modified archer with the sword. Who was that again?
Did I miss anyone else?

I still have to do the scripts, add sounds, and I'd like to improve icons. But aside from that, there isn't much else to do. I don't think there'll be any major assignments in school until January, when the finals begin (except for a large Ancient Civilization essay, which I got plenty of class time to do). I guess things will be going pretty fast. Of course, there's Underworld and Military to slow things down, but don't worry. I should hopefully have this up and complete before the holidays. (if not, I'll finish it during the holidays and upload it at my grandmas. They have high speed internet. I'm kinda crossing my fingers that my parents will get satellite for Christmas, since I did hint that a lot...)

Quote from: "johndh"
You could maybe even (thinking way far ahead, here) make a tactical adventure RPG sort of game out of this, but probably without any dialog, just dungeon-crawling hack-and-slash.  In any case, I'd like to see how this turns out.
Actually, I really want a great storyline. I'm a sucker for those. (think Final Fantasy)
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Re: Labyrinth
« Reply #12 on: 8 December 2008, 03:52:52 »
well I see one problem (at least in my opinion) there are going to be 4 units which will have several attacks and the healer has to be commanded to heal (unless in GAE which I can't figure out how to use it : (    )  the unselect glitch and that are going to make this a massive pain at times.


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Re: Labyrinth
« Reply #13 on: 8 December 2008, 15:49:48 »
I know that the healer has trouble, which is why I made sure they didn't depend on him too much. However, later in the game, you can have your paladin stand back while the blackmage uses a very powerful firaga to whipe the foes. Note that four or so firaga will kill your paladin.

Paladin can heal as well. And I don't think GAE has lau yet though.

And lvl 3 has now had to be split into 2 parts in order to get it to work properly.
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Re: Labyrinth
« Reply #14 on: 9 December 2008, 16:27:47 »
Quote from: "omega"
I'm missing whoever made the modified archer with the sword. Who was that again?
i think that as ayrin greenflag


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Re: Labyrinth
« Reply #15 on: 10 December 2008, 03:55:25 »
Yeah, I think it is. Is there anyone else who knows I probably used something of theirs and didn't yet credit?
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Re: Labyrinth
« Reply #16 on: 16 December 2008, 15:49:27 »
WOO! I am now done the models, the units, the techtree that goes with it, the maps, and I have written all the scenarios.

I have now tested stage1, and after spending 3 hours shaping it up, it is official declared with the status of AWESOME

It is great, since it is unlike most glest mods. If any of your characters die, it can leave you drastically weakened, and in the first level, it is important to keep your white mage alive. In fact, when I beat it for the first time, I only had my white mage and black mage alive. Ouch. It involves a lot of strategy, because you can't just stand back and make a bigger army. There is no army. This is no longer about brute force, but is now about strategy.

In one word, this is great. No denying that I can just tell that everyone will love this wether opr not they are RPG fans. I'm going to test stage2 tonight, and maybe even stage3. I also changed the ending to make it more climatic, and I think that everyone will love that. I won't spoil it for now, so you'lkl just have to wait until I release it.

In other words, I have now added two videos. Glest does not currently support video, and it does not support reseting maps and stuff, so the mod/scenario is made of five different scenarios and 2 different videos. The videos are options and contain no storyline elements to ensure that if you cannot play them, you won't miss anything. I don't have a very good AVI codec, so the videos have to be in wmv for now for size issues. If anyone knows a good converter that can make something along the lines of 1mb/minute (or is that too much to ask? I really like wmv's high compression, but AVI can easily end up being 1GB/minute.

Anyway, enjoy! If I finish this before thursday, I can upload before christmas. Otherwise, I MIGHT be able to upload at home, but with my internet, there is no promises. I go to my grandmas on the 27 of december, so that's a good date, since they have high speed internet.
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Re: Labyrinth -- RELEASED
« Reply #17 on: 17 December 2008, 15:42:14 »
I've finally finished the labyrinth, while I tested every stage except the very end of the fifth stage. My laptop overheated (gotta buy a fan) and I never finished it. Since stage five is the longest stage, I didn't want to do it again, or I wouldn't be able to release this soon. If there is any problems, please contact me. The read me tells you how to set everything up, and everything should work great. Please comment it, and note that it is split into parts that can take as little as ten minutes or as much as 1 hour to win.

Your strategies will have to vary from normal glest, since this is RPG style and totally different. I think you all will enjoy it. Oh, and tell me what you think of stage 3, since it took me forever to think of how to do it!

Download it here!

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Re: Labyrinth -- RELEASED
« Reply #18 on: 17 December 2008, 16:41:34 »
Gonna test this and give some feedback  :shock:  :D

Things that were great:
Really good scripting.
Excellent ideas and missions.
Nice balance between your heroes.
Well made maps.

Things to improve:
Proper models instead of recycled Magitech ones.
More enemy mobs. Most of the time is walking not fighting.  
A system of XP rather than auto levelling for each scenario. (lua really needs a command for read/write to a file)
White mages attacks need less splash damage. He probably caused more damage to my other units than the enemy!!
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Re: Labyrinth -- RELEASED
« Reply #19 on: 17 December 2008, 19:47:48 »
Quote from: "wciow"
This mod is AMAZING :D
Thanks. :-[

Quote from: "wciow"
Proper models instead of recycled Magitech ones.
Plan on making some soon, but I wanted the main thing out before christmas.
Quote from: "wciow"
More enemy mobs. Most of the time is walking not fighting.
I know, but that is because lau cannot currently put units wherever, and is limited to player starting points. I'll keep pestering Martino about it and maybe he'll impliment a method of placing units along a grid (x,y)
Quote from: "wciow"
A system of XP rather than auto levelling for each scenario. (lua really needs a command for read/write to a file)
My goal would be this if I could. My goal is that some time in the future, I'll make my own game that can do that. Currently I'm not that good though. All I need is a really good programmer and leave the plot and graphics to me (one word: video)!
Quote from: "wciow"
White mages attacks need less splash damage. He probably caused more damage to my other units than the enemy!!
This is the downside for using your white mage. I wanted to have it so that white mages could not hurt you, but the damage-all section of the XMLs doesn't work...

Any more comments? What's your opinions on stage3?
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Re: Labyrinth -- RELEASED
« Reply #20 on: 17 December 2008, 20:08:40 »
With regards to the white mage's splash damage, couldn't you give your heroes an armour type which isn't affected by the damage caused from the white mage?

Or is this too simple (it's been a while since I played around with Glest)


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Re: Labyrinth -- RELEASED
« Reply #21 on: 18 December 2008, 15:50:38 »
Maybe I could, but wouldn't that ruin some of the strategy? I think about it in v.1.0 (current version is 0.9)
Check out the website: http:// And yes, you must use that exact link. I used the same domain as the glest guide, but the two are not related and do not link to each other.
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Re: Labyrinth -- RELEASED
« Reply #22 on: 19 December 2008, 11:09:48 »
Anybody else getting errors?


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Re: Labyrinth -- RELEASED
« Reply #23 on: 19 December 2008, 13:46:14 »
Yup I got that as well just change the name to 'fire.bmp' instead of 'archer_fire.bmp'
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Download doesn't work!!
« Reply #24 on: 19 December 2008, 20:06:23 »
Where can I download it ? The download doesn't work any more.
( I like these free webspace hosters ....  >:( )
Try Megaglest! Improved Engine / New factions / New tilesets / New maps / New scenarios

